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AA Naval Attack Kills 2 Tatmadaw Fighters

Mighty Tarzan Army is the force of mighty Tarzan warriors. AA isn't any match to them!!!

Tarzan Navy is the best! Rag tag AA rocket can do jack shit to them!!

1200 Tarzan warriors died at the hands of AA? Tarzan Army still got experience in Jungle War!!

what !! firing a defend-less small tugboat with rocket is nothing proud.
Why would China give them weapon to destabilize Arakan when they are investing large sum of money in Arakan?
Because they like to keep Burmese on their knees..And there is no large sum of money in Arakan except their gas and oil pipeline which are heavily guarded by Burmes military and paid by China..
Because they like to keep Burmese on their knees..And there is no large sum of money in Arakan except their gas and oil pipeline which are heavily guarded by Burmes military and paid by China..

Ok. But your theory seems a bit far fetched to me,
Who is giving them weapon?

Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported that the FBR, a group founded by a former U.S. Army special forces officer, plans to assist displaced persons in Rakhine State. The group describes itself as a humanitarian assistance organization but the Myanmar military (or Tatmadaw) accuses it of providing military training to ethnic armed groups.

Brig-Gen. Zaw Min Tun said the FBR previously entered Karen State on the pretext of providing assistance to refugees, but in reality provided military training to the Karen National Union (KNU).

“We have seen posts on Arakanese [social media] pages that call for support for [the FBR]. It is risky. Their arrival would not improve the situation. It would only worsen it. And the government would not allow it. Also, the group is not an official INGO,” he said, meaning an international non-governmental organization...

Perhaps this explains the recent bonhomie between Bangladesh and US. @TopCat
lol that one is just a big-month. sitting in the north and talking shit like a fool. last time a journalist ask him how many death on their side and he answered not more than 10 but they can kill more than thousands. wtf.. !! Army seized their hidden camps and numbers of bodies. Already cleared in press release with photo evidences but they never admitted the loss from their side. may be 100. but 1200 is just a propaganda. :P
They do not admit their losses and you do not admit your losses. But each one of you claim heavy losses for the opponents. So we can conclude that both sides suffered heavy losses. :P
They do not admit their losses and you do not admit your losses. But each one of you claim heavy losses for the opponents. So we can conclude that both sides suffered heavy losses. :P
AA mainly resort to ambush and cause heavy casualties on MM army. On the other hand it is very hard to kill insurgent when they are constantly changing position and remain low profile.


Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported that the FBR, a group founded by a former U.S. Army special forces officer, plans to assist displaced persons in Rakhine State. The group describes itself as a humanitarian assistance organization but the Myanmar military (or Tatmadaw) accuses it of providing military training to ethnic armed groups.

Brig-Gen. Zaw Min Tun said the FBR previously entered Karen State on the pretext of providing assistance to refugees, but in reality provided military training to the Karen National Union (KNU).

“We have seen posts on Arakanese [social media] pages that call for support for [the FBR]. It is risky. Their arrival would not improve the situation. It would only worsen it. And the government would not allow it. Also, the group is not an official INGO,” he said, meaning an international non-governmental organization...

Perhaps this explains the recent bonhomie between Bangladesh and US. @TopCat
FBR is mainly a NGO has connection with Christian church. They did have contacts with Karen insurgent but well tolerated by MM government. I dont think FBR has capability to provide Chinese arms to AA.
FBR is mainly a NGO has connection with Christian church. They did have contacts with Karen insurgent but well tolerated by MM government. I dont think FBR has capability to provide Chinese arms to AA.
MM says that FBR is helping the KNU with arms and tactics in the guise of a NGO, an association that has been proved many times over.

Chinese arms are inevitably involved amongst all insurgent groups starting from Kashmir to North East India to Myanmar, that doesn't necessarily indicate that China has a stake in all these conflicts. Business as usual for China, and it's only a matter of time before someone else joined the party.
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