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A woman got into an argument with a cashier. Then she saw an axe on display. The result: inexplicable violence.

Was the shopkeeper unhurt?

Should have kept a shotgun and a baseball bat behind the counter.

This is Russia..you can tell from the hat. Also the door she grabs swings in but in the US firecodes mandate retail doors swing out so people don't pileup in doorways during an emergency when the person in the front can't pull the door in due to a crush of people behind...this is why doors swing out.

Why are you suddenly spamming the Americas forum with Russian and European stories?
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Wo sab chor yeh dekh.. first reply on the tweet... Real life WWE... Murica .. Fck yeah...LOL

1:00, that guy laying into the cop was unexpected to say the least. No $50 good Samaritan reward for him, I guess?

Reference for losers who didn't play GTA: Vice City. If you beat up someone who the cops are chasing, you get a 50USD bonus.

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