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A United Muslim Central Asia

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Good for all the Pakistanis who had hindu ancestors that left the jahil state. Hinduism is a lame duck cult that only makes excuses for itself and most hindus dont even know what they believe whereas some say one God another is worshipping a fcking cow whereas a third is woshippin apparently millions of Gods lol. The only reason this "religion"has lasted as long as it has is because of generosity from those who subjugated them and high birthrates. Which is why it is always funny when hindus want to talk about Muslim birthrates when their whole survival was based around breeding considering the none existant conversion rate for hinduism. :rolleyes:
Anyway Pakistan does not have to do anything, Indian Muslims will eventually out number hindus and then the fun will start. Oh yeah and then India will be allowed into oic as per pritis wishes so just wait a bit darling. ;)

Dont know what to say to someone who thinks like this & writes such things.

Get well soon...maybe ?

You are completely mistaken about this.

Like Genghis and Halaku killed millions of Muslims and carried out rapine and massive slavery in Islamic lands.

There are still Muslims today because the Mongols wanted to rule and exploit them, not because they were kind.
Ok for the sake of the argument....lets agree they did that....It still doesnt answer WHY YOU PEOPLE keep crying Muslims murdered SOO MANY AND FORCED CONVERTED soo many?! If any such thing happened, forced people can happily become Hindu as there is no Islamic regime now instead of crying for sympathy!

At least we can hear you deny they didnt go around murdering people coz they wanted to rule over them...so 1 more crap about MUSLIMS KILLING, RULED BY THE SWORD, and we will know what a hypocrite living in denial you are

The kid can choose their own religion?

Or reject every religion if they want to?
Sure..then why cry when called Kafir? Kafir is Arabic word for rejecting! SIMPLE!

Har haal mein rohna dhona....Call them Muslim rona dhona forced conversion, no choice crap...Say jaa bachay and call them kaffir phir rona dhona rejecter bula diyea! :blink:
Good for all the Pakistanis who had hindu ancestors that left the jahil state. Hinduism is a lame duck cult that only makes excuses for itself and most hindus dont even know what they believe whereas some say one God another is worshipping a fcking cow whereas a third is woshippin apparently millions of Gods lol. The only reason this "religion"has lasted as long as it has is because of generosity from those who subjugated them and high birthrates. Which is why it is always funny when hindus want to talk about Muslim birthrates when their whole survival was based around breeding considering the none existant conversion rate for hinduism. :rolleyes:
Anyway Pakistan does not have to do anything, Indian Muslims will eventually out number hindus and then the fun will start. Oh yeah and then India will be allowed into oic as per pritis wishes so just wait a bit darling. ;)

We think of yours as a cult.

A very bad one. ;)

I will get into details at some time.

Or I can just refer you to that Iranian's site. He has done a great job explaining your cult and the cultists.

Those debates and your comments are quite funny.

And informative. ;)

Unlike halaku khan ... no such genocide ever happened in the subcontinent...

Hahaha,.... i know its bloody embarassing for your hindu ego..

Several of them.

Bin Qasim was the first barbarian. He killed all males above 18 in several areas he raided.

And packed the girls back to be raped. The princesses to be raped by that barbaric Caliph.
We think of yours as a cult.

A very bad one. ;)

I will get into details at some time.

Or I can just refer you to that Iranian's site. He has done a great job explaining your cult and the cultists.

Those debates and your comments are quite funny.

And informative. ;)

After I eat your gai mata and break your idols will I become your God as well?
:rofl: :rofl:

I can understand your fustration the Muslims came along and made your brahmins our dalits and your women our harem girls. You should check your ancestry your great grandmother probably gave the Mughals fine lap dances which is why you talk about revenge on pdf. :rofl:
you are wrong, musims did try to wipe out hindus by the sword, but could not because of the huge numbers and the cast area of india. at some point they realised that it better to rule the land by forming alliances with hindu rulers.
yes they came in your dream and told you this...Have you forgotten, when you call someone rule by the sword, blood thirsty and what not, they dont care about he numbers....1st stop your delusion thinking

maybe reading some books may help:
The Islamic Threat : Myth or Reality?: Myth or Reality? - and Founding Director of the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding Georgetown University John L. Esposito Professor of Religion and International Affairs - Google

Crescent - November 2009 - Monthly Crescent - Google Books

read baburnama and timurs sack of delhi. also read temples that were destroyed by muslims and aurangzebs attempt to islmise india by the sword.
in recent years look at the way hindus in pakistan have their numbers reduced by kidnapping of their girls. the attmept has always been made, but not very successful. why do you think parsis came to gujarat from iran. look at the state of iran today 100% muslims.
I wont comment on history, because like I said before winners write history, currently crying Hindus are a majority and love to prove they were oppressed!
Iran is not 100% Muslim ...Who told YOU that! Shows how many anti Islamic sites you visit! :blink:
BTW, just answered to @Vinod2070 the same thing...please do some homework, read other people's post too...
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LEave Rest of US muslims Alone
Several of them.

Bin Qasim was the first barbarian. He killed all males above 18 in several areas he raided.

And packed the girls back to be raped. The princesses to be raped by that barbaric Caliph.

Not really he came after some hindu king turd kidnapped muslims including women ... and there is no source of him taken women with him back to arabia... bar some fuked up hindu extremist blogs.
Good for all the Pakistanis who had hindu ancestors that left the jahil state. Hinduism is a lame duck cult that only makes excuses for itself and most hindus dont even know what they believe whereas some say one God another is worshipping a fcking cow whereas a third is woshippin apparently millions of Gods lol. The only reason this "religion"has lasted as long as it has is because of generosity from those who subjugated them and high birthrates. Which is why it is always funny when hindus want to talk about Muslim birthrates when their whole survival was based around breeding considering the none existant conversion rate for hinduism. :rolleyes:
Anyway Pakistan does not have to do anything, Indian Muslims will eventually out number hindus and then the fun will start. Oh yeah and then India will be allowed into oic as per pritis wishes so just wait a bit darling. ;)
never tell me not to troll now..
Dont know what to say to someone who thinks like this & writes such things.

Get well soon...maybe ?


I have tolerated you baniyas long enough. You dont see your ilk.

Priti talking about respect, those who have respect for themselves dont have burning assholes. :rolleyes:
yes they came in your dream and told you this...Have you forgotten, when you call someone rule by the sword, blood thirsty and what not, they dont care about he numbers....1st stop your delusion thinking

maybe reading some books may help:
The Islamic Threat : Myth or Reality?: Myth or Reality? - and Founding Director of the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding Georgetown University John L. Esposito Professor of Religion and International Affairs - Google

Crescent - November 2009 - Monthly Crescent - Google Books

I wont comment on history, because like I said before winners write history, currently crying Hindus are a majority and love to prove they were oppressed! Iran is not 100% Muslim ...Who told YOU that! Shows how many anti Islamic sites you visit! :blink:
BTW, just answered to @Vinod2070 the same thing...please do some homework, read other people's post too...
baburnama was written by vitorious babr.
iran , pak etc are mostly muslim. thats what i mean to say. pak is 97%, iran some 98-99%. so please read in context.

and you are quoting - monthly crescent and saudi princes' study? nice.
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Ok for the sake of the argument....lets agree they did that....It still doesnt answer WHY YOU PEOPLE keep crying Muslims murdered SOO MANY AND FORCED CONVERTED soo many?!

380 millions is the number of people directly killed by Muslims.

Hundreds of millions other died because of Muslim practices like castration of slaves that left no trace of them.

Do some research on this.

Several genocides in India and current Pakistan and Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Timur killed more than 20 million people. Nadir Shah, Gaznavi and many more.

Absolute uncivilized barbarians.

If any such thing happened, forced people can happily become Hindu as there is no Islamic regime now instead of crying for sympathy!

Thats not how it works. After a time, the converts next generations lose their identity and sense of history.

Like Rinkie Kumari's kids will do and perpetuate what happened to her.

Have South Americans left Christianity? Read up on what Spaniards did there.

At least we can hear you deny they didnt go around murdering people coz they wanted to rule over them...so 1 more crap about MUSLIMS KILLING, RULED BY THE SWORD, and we will know what a hypocrite living in denial you are

Read history. No different from Mongols killing Muslims and ruling over them.

Sure..then why cry when called Kafir? Kafir is Arabic word for rejecting! SIMPLE!

Then why does Quran say this?

To Allah, there are no animals viler than those who do not believe and remain unbelievers" (Sura 8:55).

Har haal mein rohna dhona....Call them Muslim rona dhona forced conversion, no choice crap...Say jaa bachay and call them kaffir phir rona dhona rejecter bula diyea! :blink:

Makes no sense.
I have tolerated you baniyas long enough. You dont see your ilk.

Priti talking about respect, those who have respect for themselves dont have burning assholes. :rolleyes:

Get well soon.
Indians are very insecure about their religion, and thus log on this site every day to make themselves feel better.

If Pakistanis converted to Hindus we would be treated as mega brahmins that make bhartee brahmins look like homeless beggar peasants.

But we remain Muslim because we think all humans are born equal.
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