IVC , latest Rakhigarhi test does not show any haplogroup of Basal R ( R1a or R1b), meaning the current populations of Eurasian , European, Northern India, Pakistani groups were unrelated to the IVC or only minimally related, I am not saying there are no remnants of the IVC haplogroups in the region, there would be, but overall its not an Indo European peoples. IVC would have had very strong connections to the Elamites, also the Sanauli Chariots found in UP had IVC script, that means the IVC group had war chariots and the Sanauli Chariots seems to point to the general areas as mentioned in the Mahabharata, meaning the IVC elite colonised the Indo Europeans in modern day Pakistan and India at some point in the distant past. The IVC seems to have an elamite extraction is said to have had a Dravidian source, but not in the sense of Dravidian(Tamil), but some sort of advanced Dravidian civilisation which had colonised the near east and Sumeria at some ancient age. Also, from the Rig Veda, Indra destroying the "forts" of Vrtra almost seems like the Indo Europeans attempting to finish off the IVC. This schism is further found in the counter narrative of Krishna defeating Indra and lifting Govardhan hill. This is very important, because Krishna's capital Dwaraka currently falls within the IVC regions. The Mahabharata war started because the IVC elite could not decide on which parts of the ancient India could be divided among the Kings of IVC. Also, the term Bharata, Brata, Fruit, Bridgetta etc seems to be a general usage for being fruitful and agriculture.
But there is noo doubt, the civilisation was over archingly of Indian Dravidian extraction, albeit not Indo European. That is why there is a presence of Pashupathi(Shiva) seals, Bharata( Man holding two tigers), Skanda ( 7 Sisters raised him and so the seals).
How an elite civilisation such as this rose while still being in contact with the greater Indo European and Dravidian masses is a big question. If you use your imagination, what would happen if all the Indians in Dubai and the rest of the middle east decide to leave the middle east (with the decline of Oil) and start a new gated community?. They would bring in advanced building techniques from the middle east(then Sumeria), will not be ruled by a King(like middle east society), but will be a democracy or in the least plutarchy, will be more advanced than the Arab world, due to the presence of greater technical skills and will be much more populous, yet it will still retain its Indic essence and religion, and it will be more or less heterogenous with 85% Dravidians and 15% Indo European mix.Its just a theory.