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A threatening letter: Christians must leave Israel, if not; one hundred Christians will be killed


Jun 1, 2012
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Linga - A threatening letter: Christians must leave Israel, if not; one hundred Christians will be killed


The police forces in the city of Safad arrested a man in his forties, suspected of threatening Bishop Boulos Marcuzzo, Latin Patriarchal Vicar General in Israel. The spokesman for the Police forces in the North stated that a man (40 years old) got to the house of the bishop in the city of Nazareth and gave one of the workers a letter that contained statements that threaten the Christians in Israel. The Policemen then arrested the suspected person in the city of Safad.

The letter mentioned that the Bishop Boulos Marcuzzo has to pass it on to all the Christian Priests in Israel but not to the Anglican and Protestant churches. It also included that the clergy men including the Patriarch himself and also the other Christians citizens of Israel , who are members of the Christian denominations (except for the Protestant and Anglican churches) have to leave the country by the Fifth of May 2014 before sunset, or else 100 people from the Christians who are members of the targeted churches will be killed for every hour of delay.

It also said in the letter that the Christians are defiling the land of Israel by only breathing its holy air. They have defiled His name, and despised the Torah and chased the Jews. For this reason, they will be killed by a Heavenly Hand.

Damages Occurs in the church of Tabgha, North of Tiberius
In a different incident, damage occurred in a church in Tabgha North of Tiberius.

On Monday evening, a complaint was received from one of the priests of the church of Tabgha, after finding out the damage that had occured to some of the pews and one of the crosses in the outer court of the church. The police forces in Tiberius continue to investigate to find out the details of the incident.

The threatening letter in Hebrew is below.



Catholics Threatened: 'Leave Israel Or Face Divine Wrath'

Man arrested for sending threatening letter to Nazareth Catholic community, same day as mosque and church vandalized.

By Ari Yashar
First Publish: 4/29/2014, 5:52 PM


"Price tag" graffiti outside Jerusalem (file)
Flash 90

A set of vandalism incidents on a mosque and a church occurred on Tuesday, the same day an Israeli man was arrested on suspicion of sending a threatening letter to the Catholic community of Nazareth.

The man, who is in his 40s, was arrested after allegedly threatened the Roman Catholic Bishop Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo of Nazareth in a letter, demanding Catholics leave Israel or face G-d's wrath.

"A suspect arrived at (Marcuzzo's) house and delivered a threatening letter," police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told AFP, noting the suspect was arrested in nearby Tzfat (Safed).

The letter stated that all Christians, "except Protestants and Anglicans," should leave Israel by May 5, and that if Marcuzzo and his followers did not comply, they would all be "killed by the heavens."

Additionally, the letter, which was signed "the Messiah, Son of David," quoted Jewish sources ruling that Christianity is a form of idolatry and should be banned.

The suspect allegedly said the message must be passed through the Catholic community through the media by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, threatening that every hour of delay would "cost the lives of 100 Christian souls."

Vandalism on a mosque and a church

Two other vandalism incidents were reported on Tuesday.

Rosenfeld noted that vandals had written "close mosques and not yeshivas" on the outer wall of a mosque in Fureidis, an Arab-Israeli town near Haifa. He added that the tires of several nearby cars were found slashed.

The reference is likely to the seizure of the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva in Yitzhar, located in Samaria, which border police occupied after clashes in the town between a violent element of residents and the IDF. Residents noted that opposite the yeshiva is a mosque that has had an unfulfilled destruction order from the Supreme Court on it for many years, and demanded to know why authorities weren't similarly seizing other mosques which were used as platforms to encourage incitement against Jews and Israel.

A separate incident of vandalism at the Tabgha church on the shores of the Kinneret Sea was being investigated. Church officials claimed a group of Jewish teenagers had damaged crosses on the site and attacked clergy.

Livni - "they are not part of my people"

Rosenfeld condemned the vandalism, saying "crimes committed for nationalist motives are extremely serious."

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni added her criticism of the incidents, writing on Facebook "whoever did these deeds is not part of my people." She promised to "catch and punish" those responsible.

A representative of the Catholic church, Wadie Abu Nassar, criticized the attacks as being "very dangerous," and went on to attack Israel for its supposed "lack of will" to stop the vandalism, saying "the security establishment is not acting sufficiently."

Despite the widespread attention to "price tag" vandalism by Israeli nationalists, an Arutz Sheva report in January revealed that in at least some of the cases, anti-Arab "price tags" were being systematically staged by Arab activists.

There have also been numerous incidents of Arab "price tagging," such as the scrawling of Arabic graffiti praising terrorism in February on the Tomb of Elazar Hacohen, the son of Moses's brother Aaron from the Torah, as well as numerous incidents of desecration of Jewish graves on the Mount of Olives. Such cases have received remarkably less public and police attention.
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