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A Sputnik Moment For The U.S. As China Forges Ahead In Tech Innovation


Nov 4, 2011
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A Sputnik Moment For The U.S. As China Forges Ahead In Tech Innovation

Rebecca Fannin
Sep 22, 2019, 03:10pm

An impactful report by the Council on Foreign Relations underscores that the U.S. risks losing its worldwide innovation leadership to China, unless the U.S responds urgently and comprehensively over the next five years.

The report argues that the U.S. needs to put a national security innovation strategy in place to make sure that America maintains its predominant power position in emerging technologies such as AI and data science, battery storage, semiconductors, genomics and synthetic biology, fifth-generation cellular networks (5G), quantum information systems, and robotics.

These are many of the same emerging sectors that China has designated in its state-led blueprint "Made in China 2025" to close the gap in technology and build its national companies into globally competitive tech champions.

A narrowing gap between the U.S. and China in technology innovation leadership is a trend that I write about in my new book, Tech Titans of China. My opening chapter cites a National Science Board indicator that pegs China's national R&D spending of $409 billion at a growth rate of 18 percent annually in recent years, second only to the U.S. at $497 billion, increasing by 4 percent yearly. If current trends continue, China could soon surpass the U.S. in R&D expenditures, I write, citing this board that governs the National Science Foundation, an independent federal agency that funds basic research and is an adviser to Congress and the President.

A strong case is made in the CFR report for increasing American investments in research to counter the China challenge. The U.S. is at one of its lowest levels of public funding for R&D since World War II. Although private sector investment has risen over the past three decades in the U.S., an independent task force for the CFR report concludes it's no substitute for federally funded R&D that addresses national strategic concerns, the type of investments in basic science that ignite discoveries and that are too big and risky for any one enterprise to take on.

Task force members from venture capital including Jim Breyer, academia, technology and management consulting have endorsed the findings, which gives the report additional credence.

This task force makes several recommendations for the U.S. to maintain its leadership: increase scholarships, change immigration policies to attract a tech-centric workforce, and partner with close countries on development of common technological standards.

This is indeed a Sputnik moment for the U.S., a wake-up call for the U.S. just as it was when the Soviet Union launched its first satellite, the Sputnik I, and beat the USA into space.

National R&D spending is just one significant element of China's rise that I document in my book, which demonstrates how China's tech sector is challenging the world by innovating faster, working harder and going global.


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