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a small announcement


Jul 9, 2014
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hello pdfians, i have a computing project ( one component being the design of a microprocessor of a radical design ) which shamefully i have not furthered for months because my mind was significantly occupied with political wranglings on pdf which only served to not only sadden me on many occasions but also left me drained ( and this again shows why the simplest form of political system, the third universal theory, is needed :D ).

and then there is the political participation in my town that i had discontinued a few months ago because of me developing a partial face paralysis condition called "bell's palsy" which had left me for some time unable to properly speak, and socialist participation does need good amount of talking. :D

my small announcement is that henceforth on pdf i will try my utmost to not get involved in political discussions and threads and will login generally for non-political stuff.
If you want to continue in embedded or software field take that profession seriously and work on that. Those fields require hardwork and dedication.

Pdf is just time pass.

May God give you good health.
Microprocessors and embedded system design is very interesting and valuable field. A lot of hard work is required to deal with microprocessors, FPGA and circuit design.
Good luck.
If you want to continue in embedded or software field take that profession seriously and work on that. Those fields require hardwork and dedication.

Pdf is just time pass.

May God give you good health.

Microprocessors and embedded system design is very interesting and valuable field. A lot of hard work is required to deal with microprocessors, FPGA and circuit design.
Good luck.

this is really my interest and i am more a designer than engineer. :)

you are correct that it requires much work and since a fpga is costly ( at least 1.25 indian rupees ) i had decided upon writing a processor emulator ( on windows xp perhaps or maybe linux ) to emulate the environment of my processor design plus the portable computer it will be contained in... the idea is similar to how the bochs program emulates the x86/pc environment.

thanks for your wishes.

i am logging off now... be back in the evening.

Jamahir, computing project complete kar le.:lol: :lol: :lol:
henceforth on pdf i will try my utmost to not get involved in political discussions and threads and will login generally for non-political stuff.

hello pdfians, i have a computing project ( one component being the design of a microprocessor of a radical design ) which shamefully i have not furthered for months because my mind was significantly occupied with political wranglings on pdf which only served to not only sadden me on many occasions but also left me drained ( and this again shows why the simplest form of political system, the third universal theory, is needed :D ).
You are right.
Wranglings make no change(useless) and do harm to one's health.
May you do a good job.:cheers:
best of luck for your work, its nice if you can focus on that and do something that satisfies you. About the face paralysis, is it curable? how long does it need to be cured?
Dude forgive me , I seriously thought CIA is tracking you.:D

Let's forget all those .. Start afresh with positive side,.

Idiopathic bell palsy - mostly will get cured wit steroids & physiotherapy.

If there is any cause, correcting that is essential.
Jamahir, computing project complete kar le.:lol: :lol: :lol:

suggestion accepted, just that you should have sung a roosi or punjabi song and said it. :(

Wranglings make no change(useless) and do harm to one's health.


May you do a good job.:cheers:

thanks... i will do my best. :)

best of luck for your work, its nice if you can focus on that and do something that satisfies you.

yeah, i am now set in a direction where at least idea-wise i am able to do things that i like... it is another thing that materially there is much want. :D

About the face paralysis, is it curable? how long does it need to be cured?

first i must describe the effects of it... "bell's palsy" arrives suddenly and i found this one evening at home after returned from a tea-house meet with a friend... i went to the mirror to admire myself ( i get those urges sometimes ) and i found my luscious lips distorted... i then found that my left eye was wider than my right and the left side of the face drooping... and there was a pulsing headache in a small area somewhere behind my left ear... i also found that i couldn't form words properly... and there was a dull pain in the left eye and i wasn't able to close it completely.

immediately went to my regular doctor in the neighborhood and he told me that my face on the left side was paralyzed... it shocked me... he told me to visit a neurologist.

returned from the clinic and during dinner i found that the left side of the mouth had trouble chewing and in drinking water.

went to the hospital the next day and the lady neurologist examined me and one question was have i been to any cold place recently... i said no but days later i remembered that i had recently been to the cinema hall twice in a matter of two weeks or three weeks... she told me that it was "bell's palsy" and that generally it is curable but if treatment is not undertaken the condition may not worsen but some element of it may remain and there is no definite time of coming back to normal.

she said that there is one nerve for each side of the face and these two nerves control the muscles that actually control the face on a side and the nerve on my left face side has had a weakening and hence loss of control on that side and hence paralysis.

she prescribed five types of tablets ( a steroid, a vitamin, a digestion aid, two others i don't remember ) and a ten-day electrical therapy in which the left face nerve is electrically stimulated to strengthen it and this must be done by a physiotherapist... she also prescribed a eye patch for the left eye because that eye not able to close completely during sleep will make dust settle on the eye which could itself become serious.

so along with the medicines, i bought a airplane passenger eye mask which i wore only over the left eye for perhaps a month after that.

next day, went to the physiotherapist who also prescribed some facial exercises.

and these visits were some months ago... at present i am able to speak properly, there is no headache, no eye pain but still the left eye is slightly wider when open but i am able to close it properly.

on the internet too the descriptions about "bell's palsy" don't describe a duration by which the condition is completely cured.

This should make the day for many.


that is so.

And one more the speechless creature, often targeted by @jamahir but still not cleared by him that he spare that animal also.

yours is a political statement and hence out of scope of this thread. :enjoy:
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on a lighter note, i told Amit Shah the new BJP pres to contact Jamahir.. for a membership..BJP

But i would really want him in Arnab Show debates.. i am betting it would be a live wire..

if Arnab, Jamahir, @Parul and robinhood pandey is in panels, i am sure newshour would be a long long "intensive" debate
on a lighter note, i told Amit Shah the new BJP pres to contact Jamahir.. for a membership..BJP

am i to replace shahnawaz hussain as the muslim face of bjp?? :D

But i would really want him in Arnab Show debates.. i am betting it would be a live wire..

if Arnab, Jamahir, @Parul and robinhood pandey is in panels, i am sure newshour would be a long long "intensive" debate

oh, i can outshout arnab babu any day. :D
btw @jamahir Be strong and get well soon.. life is tough but its such challenges that you must conquer.. much later you will be very satisfied that you never gave up and you came out victorious.. May god bless you and you become healthy soon.
which shamefully i have not furthered for months because my mind was significantly occupied with political wranglings on pdf which only served to not only sadden me on many occasions but also left me drained
Get well soon!
I hope you've recovered already.

i had discontinued a few months ago because of me developing a partial face paralysis condition called "bell's palsy" which had left me for some time unable to properly speak, and socialist participation does need good amount of talking

Participation on PDF should not come at the cost of your professional life.

All the best. :tup:
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