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Stop posting threads with just images. post articles with links.
Stop posting threads with just images. post articles with links.
you should be seen carefully, bcoz it is an info graphics not a picture… this image have full information…. please try read this.. thanks
The PRISM fiasco is so grave that the Watergate Scandal, Iraq War Logs (WikiLeaks), Plame Affair, Climate-gate, Operation Mincemeat pale in comparison. Pakistan must strongly protest against the heinous act by U.S. There is a need to dump down the veil of the sluggish policies of our Foreign Office because if it continues then we will be another victim of what was revealed that the NSA runs a secretive unit called Tailored Access Operations (TAO) which hacks into foreigncomputers to conduct cyber-espionage because Edward Snowden is not some aberration. In-fact he is a harbinger to next NSA move.
So Pakistan has to be cautious because it is dealing with Iran and China on economic grounds by Gas Pipe Line and Gwadar Port respectively. Thus Pakistan needs to demand for a positive answer and record her objection on every legitimate and international forum regarding this scam. Most people involved in terrorist action already assume their phone calls are being tracked, so it’s not like this is going to change their tactics. As there is a famous saying that, “Some birds are not meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice.”
The US is running many covert operations under the cover of NSA, PRISM and Echelon were used to spy on the social activities all around the globe. NSA snooped into all communications, military, economic and political institutions that is a shameless act and violation of international norms and inalienable human rights of liberty. Pakistan need to be strict and sensible while formulating the national security policy to develop a Cyber policy in IT sector that can prevent the classified information from getting into foreign hands. Pakistan should protest against the NSA spying international community to assure the diplomatic ties remain intact.
Oh and excessive projects one being this gorgeous creature, to keep the American public distracted! # truestory LOL


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