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A perfect time for China-Pakistan defence pact

1. My view is that China would prefer bringing in BD into such a pact. For the Chinese planners BD has been the focal point around which her SA strategy must revolve.

a. Bringing in BD will truly secure China's soft belly. BD commands the Bay of Bengal. BD sits at the center of a region whose population has always been pro-Chinese. S Tibet, NE freedom struggles, and Nepal and Bhutan seeking to end Indian imperialism are issues that are directly related to any Chinese interest here. And we must not forget the colonialist imposed McMahon Line.
b. Such a pact will nullify all expansionist designs of India in SA in a single stroke.
c. Pakistan will then be facing an arch enemy who has no secured flank.
d. BD will be able to breathe free and progress / prosper without the strangulation of India in all facets - economic, cultural, political or national security.
e. Peoples of Kerala, South India, SL, the Sikhs, the Kashmiris and the peoples of Central and Eastern India will also breathe free with the weakening of the Brahmonic power at Delhi that such a pact will result in.

2. For this to happen, BD needs a popular govt, a govt that truly represents the people - not one imposed by RAW. A BD-China-Pak alliance is in the heart of all patriotic people of BD who understand well that otherwise a Sikkimization is inevitable.
1. My view is that China would prefer bringing in BD into such a pact. For the Chinese planners BD has been the focal point around which her SA strategy must revolve.

a. Bringing in BD will truly secure China's soft belly. BD commands the Bay of Bengal. BD sits at the center of a region whose population has always been pro-Chinese. S Tibet, NE freedom struggles, and Nepal and Bhutan seeking to end Indian imperialism are issues that are directly related to any Chinese interest here. And we must not forget the colonialist imposed McMahon Line.
b. Such a pact will nullify all expansionist designs of India in SA in a single stroke.
c. Pakistan will then be facing an arch enemy who has no secured flank.
d. BD will be able to breathe free and progress / prosper without the strangulation of India in all facets - economic, cultural, political or national security.
e. Peoples of Kerala, South India, SL, the Sikhs, the Kashmiris and the peoples of Central and Eastern India will also breathe free with the weakening of the Brahmonic power at Delhi that such a pact will result in.

2. For this to happen, BD needs a popular govt, a govt that truly represents the people - not one imposed by RAW. A BD-China-Pak alliance is in the heart of all patriotic people of BD who understand well that otherwise a Sikkimization is inevitable.

Your idea of a patriotic Bangladeshi is that they be pro-Pakistani? :rofl: :crazy::omghaha:
alif is england or america. oh yh by the way best to go into survival prepper market. and buy old vehciles emp poof or mrap. horses too. underground nuclear bunker is must. water filter and stock up on water. i already bought tons of cree flashlights and monoculars, night vision, radios, pen knives, just need to get lifestraw filter and other things yet.
Yes it is true China will assist us during the WAR

Like how the US did in 71. Or the Ummah in all the other wars?

I thought you guys already had an unwritten defence pact?

Gwadar as you have mentioned has already been leased to China for 40 years. Their ultimate aim is to establish a PLAAN base there for dominating the Arabian Sea and the Strait of Hormuz. The CPEC as an 'economic corridor' is just a camouflage. It's main purpose is to provide logistics from China to their future naval base at Gwadar. Pakistan is just a bit player in China's grand design.

You have a higher view of CPEC than I do, it's just a stimulus loan package. Has anyone ever gotten a IMF or World Bank loan without the stringent economic austerity measures they demand for $46 billion?

Already you have sold so much to the Chinese. You even sold Kashmir land to China whose rights you advocate so loudly.

It's casual for nations to exchange land for peace. It turned out better for Pakistan than it did India didn't it?

China said enemy of Pakistan is enemy of China, Pakistan is our Israel. etc,

Israel is being held at a farther distance than ever before.

While this could be in Pakistan's interests, how is it in China's interest to have a defence pact with Pakistan? If such a defence pact does come into effect, the only country at which it is aimed is India.

China and India have much more to lose than India and Pakistan. We're talking about hundreds of billions in trade and investments compared to single digit billions Pakistan and China. China will keep Pakistan at a arms length, so much for being higher than the mountains sweet talk.

Pakistan and India can have a war. A limited one, which will end before Mumbai or Bangalore are targeted by Pakistani Shaheens. Count on that.
I don't think the Chinese will ever sign such a pact with Pakistan. Their diplomats know Pakistan's record with the U.S. on such things and that Pakistani leaders (nor citizens) have never apologized for them. Better to stick to outright gifts, goodwill, etc.
its been a tragedy that America has been wronged by every other country in the world including Pakistan.
the only two selfless and well meaning friends of America are Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Well, in case you did not know, people of BD are totally anti-Indian. We don't like India or Indians.

Are they? I've been to Bangladesh. I still have family there. Bangladeshis may not love India, but they don't hate India either. Don't know who this 'we' you are talking about?
its been a tragedy that America has been wronged by every other country in the world including Pakistan.
the only two selfless and well meaning friends of America are Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Pakistan's conduct is the result of Pakistan's decisions. Just read the FRUS South Asia 1965 account of the Indo-Pak conflict: Pakistan used mutual-defence pacts to empower it to launch a war of expansion, then squawked in protest when the U.S. failed to support its ambitions. Bhutto then marketed the U.S. refusal as damaging to Pakistan's national pride - the foundation of Pakistani anti-Americanism.

Few Pakistanis ever expressed anything but support for this conduct by their leaders, yes? So who wants to sign a pact with leaders - or a nation - that is so morally corrupt it lacks the honor necessary to uphold such a pact in good faith? With such people it's better to rely on gifts, hospitality, and mutual vague non-binding statements of principle as foundations of international investment and cooperation rather than treaties and pacts.

Thus China, unlike the U.S., is on the right course with Pakistan now: despite providing far less military, humanitarian, and economic aid than the U.S. it is China, not the U.S., that Pakistanis consider their friend, yes? A formal pact - either public or secret - would threaten all that.
I thought you guys already had an unwritten defence pact?

Their ultimate aim is to establish a PLAAN base there for dominating the Arabian Sea and the Strait of Hormuz. The CPEC as an 'economic corridor' is just a camouflage..

A bit correction is that China doesn't want to 'dominate' the Arabian Sea. Its just to create a balance of power against the US in the Indian Ocean. Since for US China has become a threat, China has to safeguard its economic interests somehow.
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My "nanaAbu" have many collections of Naimatullah Shah, he was the first man who introduced me about Naimatullah, according to him in 1947 we were desperately waiting 6 words 'G word' man to take his turn, but it wont happen in his life....but there is another man with word 'G' still exist today ....and arrangement of Events makes lot more sense in todays scenario

do you still have those those "ashars" transcript with in your reach can you please share .....
its been a tragedy that America has been wronged by every other country in the world including Pakistan.
the only two selfless and well meaning friends of America are Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Saudi Arabia is a well meaning friend of US? Mutual interests, yes. Other than that what do Saudi Arabia and US have in common?

A bit correction is that China doesn't want to 'dominate' the Arabian Sea. Its just to create a balance if power against the US in the Indian Ocean. Since For US China has become a threat, China has to safeguard its economic interests somehow.

Yes, only China is allowed to safeguard its interests. China has no hegemonic designs. Why does China always get a pass?
1. My view is that China would prefer bringing in BD into such a pact. For the Chinese planners BD has been the focal point around which her SA strategy must revolve.

a. Bringing in BD will truly secure China's soft belly. BD commands the Bay of Bengal. BD sits at the center of a region whose population has always been pro-Chinese. S Tibet, NE freedom struggles, and Nepal and Bhutan seeking to end Indian imperialism are issues that are directly related to any Chinese interest here. And we must not forget the colonialist imposed McMahon Line.
b. Such a pact will nullify all expansionist designs of India in SA in a single stroke.
c. Pakistan will then be facing an arch enemy who has no secured flank.
d. BD will be able to breathe free and progress / prosper without the strangulation of India in all facets - economic, cultural, political or national security.
e. Peoples of Kerala, South India, SL, the Sikhs, the Kashmiris and the peoples of Central and Eastern India will also breathe free with the weakening of the Brahmonic power at Delhi that such a pact will result in.

2. For this to happen, BD needs a popular govt, a govt that truly represents the people - not one imposed by RAW. A BD-China-Pak alliance is in the heart of all patriotic people of BD who understand well that otherwise a Sikkimization is inevitable.

Bohat deeeeer ki meharban atay atay ...... love to see my brothers clearing out smoke of propaganda and at least start thinking clearly ...... :-)
Bohat deeeeer ki meharban atay atay ...... love to see my brothers clearing out smoke of propaganda and at least start thinking clearly ...... :-)
Daeer hain, durast hain.

Are they? I've been to Bangladesh. I still have family there. Bangladeshis may not love India, but they don't hate India either. Don't know who this 'we' you are talking about?

Why don't you survey this forum and others? Actually globally India/Indians are disliked.
[QUOTE="cloud4000, post: 8212997, member:
Why does China always get a pass?[/QUOTE]
Maybe coz they are smarter than you.
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