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A new block going to emerge. US-India-Israel Versus China-Pakistan-Iran Axis

That's not for the U.S. or puppy India to decide, lol.

But how conveniently they left out Russia to appease their Indian audience that cant deal with the fact that Russia is a close ally of China. Not even one word.
I already mentioned this on thread Iran drops India from rail project that there will be a new nexus formed. We will have Russia, China, Pakistan and Iran on one side, US, India and Israel (because of Iran) on the other. Turkey may also join the China Pakistan nexus.
Turkey joining China-Russia side is a game changer.
Nop, Indian Banya is not fool he will never ally to US to protect their interests in region most likely scenario could be a settlement with China through Russia ,

Uncle Sam would just sit around and forgive best fraand India?
Lmao at the Pakistanis mention their country and Iran in the same breath. Matlab kuch bhi yaar..:rofl:
US/Trump declined to support India over China.

Same was done earlier by Russia too.

Today India has no allies. Even Hindu Nepal is supporting China.
Pakistan can't enter a bloc with iran because the saudis and emiratis will pull the plug on the pakistani economy both on pending loans as well as expelling all workers. Niazi will again be 'summoned'.
India has been kicked and humiliated by US, It was India that was claiming to be next superpower on behest of USA by stating that US is making an exception only for Indians because of Indian diplomacy, turns out it was feeding goose to fight china, but the goose chickened out and now is left alone and Nepal is slapping India like a bitch and so is Bhutan by shutting their water supply, all that false power bravado has gone to the toilet which Indian severely lack access to
I think China will expand relations with Iran, but not Pakistan.

Pakistan has antagonistic relationship with Iran on the issues of Afghanistan, Azerbaycan, and Turkey/Syria. Furthermore BLA and BLF in Iranian territory are a problem, finally Indian terror apparatus in Chabahar.

For Iran and Pakistan to be allies, a fundamental shift in Tehran is needed. Maybe the next government.

However expect terrorism to decrease from Iran and Indian ouster due to Chinese, and only Chinese, influence.
These are propositions - nothing concrete (or biting).

Do people even understand the consequences of such propositions?

And what happens after that? Will the members of a bloc become invincible or something? Will the members of a bloc suddenly have magic solutions for numerous problems afterwards? Problems with the Western hemisphere in particular?

USSR encompassed 16 Soviet Socialist Republics. Do not forget this.

American bloc-forming options are not just limited to India and Israel - many countries can join the bandwagon depending upon what they offer to some. These so-called observers are sleeping or something.

Recall Obama administration's Pivot-to-Asia proposition? It was a stuff-of-nightmares for China. Multiple countries were on board (even paperwork was almost complete), but Trump administration was not interested. However, Trump administration will not last forever.

Establish a bloc and then see the other side do something about it. This is what happens in a COLD WAR, and it becomes really ugly for numerous countries involved.

My take is that the world is becoming multi-polar again with the added caveat of several big players in the field this time. Some of the vulnerable countries have 'options' to consider now - to find an anchor for sustainability in one of the big players in the field for long-term basis.

If a bloc is to be formed, it should be from sustainability standpoint, and not to fight an unwinnable war which will bankrupt economies instead.


You overlooked following considerations:

1. Russia have bilateral relations with India.
2. China have bilateral relations with Israel.
3. Turkey is still in NATO.
Good analysis. I think most of Pakistani posters are being emotional here, not able to see real geopolitical scenario. Russia and Iran has deep strategic interests in India. It is not easy to ditch a long relationship just for so call "new alliance" which has unpredictable future.
Uncle Sam would just sit around and forgive best fraand India?
Can't do anything big against India except trapping and luring Pakistan again if India says bus Bhai bus zayada bat nahi cheif sab and rejecting f21 is a healthy sign, , for Pak you know some used f16 etc stuff , hope Pakistan is now wise enough,
Can't do anything big against India except trapping and luring Pakistan again if India says bus Bhai bus zayada bat nahi cheif sab and rejecting f21 is a healthy sign, , for Pak you know some used f16 etc stuff , hope Pakistan is now wise enough,

I disagree
India has been kicked and humiliated by US, It was India that was claiming to be next superpower on behest of USA by stating that US is making an exception only for Indians because of Indian diplomacy, turns out it was feeding goose to fight china, but the goose chickened out and now is left alone and Nepal is slapping India like a bitch and so is Bhutan by shutting their water supply, all that false power bravado has gone to the toilet which Indian severely lack access to
Sir, you just mention 5 fake news in just one post. Great.
Can I start with point 3, Turkey has been kicked out of F-35 project, France is regularly standing with Greece which is the opposing end of Turkey as is Germany, i am not sure how long Turkey would stay in NATO but chances are slimming down every day.
China has bilateral relations with Israel but that does not stop Israel from going against Iran. Russia has bilateral relations with Israel as well, did it stop Israel from hitting Syria and even destroying Russian assets?
Russia has bilateral relations with India but we have seen how India has firmly hedge its bets on US and the bear isnt happy about it. They have already showed their annoyance by warming up to Pakistan. Let me make a prediction right here and when it happens if anyone remembers can quote me, India will also get out of the S-400 deal just as it did with the FGFA project. India is getting firmly in US camp and it is only a matter of time. Remember there are no permanent friends but only permanent interests.

You are allowed to critic my viewpoint - no issue.

Turkey was booted from F-35 program due to Erdogan administration sourcing S-400 defense systems from Russia. USA was not comfortable with this development.

Please read this piece: https://ahvalnews.com/turkey-economy/turkish-business-group-calls-government-repair-ties-west

Perhaps Turkey and US will come to an understanding in the near future?

Turkey is not going to DROP its relations with the Western hemisphere and go straight into Russian lap. Turkish economy will take a significant hit and new challenges will surface for the country to cope with.

Remember this; there is always a PRICE to pay for a "paradigm shift." It may lead to prosperity or it may lead to ruin.

It is BEST PRACTICE to forge bilateral relations with [all] major powers of the world. In this manner, a lesser country has 'options' and can better navigate its way through the twists and turns of global developments.

Regional inter-connectivity is also WELCOME but it deliver results on the ground when 'external pressures' are not overbearing in relation.

Recent Iran-China dealing is expected to produce many effects (celebration time?). However, if people think that USA and Israel will just sit around and give no response to this development then they are living in a fools paradise. Middle East have problems of its own on top; GCC vs. Iran dynamic; increasingly assertive Turkey in the mix.

I suspect numerous worrisome developments in the next 3 years because there will be regional moves followed by counter-responses from distant powers.

My concern is all about Pakistan. I hope that Pakistani leaders can see things through. Pursue regional inter-connectivity but also strive for better relations with all major players in the field. Be a partner of any entity in PEACE only.

Cold War sound very exciting in the beginning but it is very damaging in the long-term. Just wait for new lines to be drawn, punches to be thrown around, and millions more perishing in the process. 5 - 10 years from now, many faces will be blank with more bickering and cussing in the mix. I told ya... I told ya...

Previous Cold War lasted 43 years straight and several countries suffered tremendously in the process. New Cold War will bring further death, destruction and misery with it. More countries will suffer tremendously in the process. Modern-age superpowers are like chess players - pit lesser countries against each other instead of exchanging blows directly.

It would be much better for Islamic countries to come together and create a fresh bloc for mutual benefits and defense in the long-term; OIC is useless and should be replaced. This would be a true game-changer for all Muslims in the world. This should be the long-term objective.

If the above sound confusing, then I offer a short explanation below.



- in the nutshell.
India is an irrelevant country, Pakistan is even more irrelevant.
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