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the ladie recomended them to... i was hesitant so she gave me 2 for free andit was way to sweet and full of some liquid. does everyone in pakitan have diabetes? and carry insulin injection everywhere?
If you do not like sweet then how did the lady's charm work on you:azn:...when you got the free stuff..

Btw There are some made sugar free next time try those....

We have heard that Pakistani Army Chief is in Germany any news regarding getting EFT in UK?

Guys thread is about aircrafts....
Sir you started it by posting the very first :offtopic: picture.:devil:
count the number they have, the number coming in from bone yard, and the number being upgraded. Closed we think?
F-15 is a great fighter but what is the point of buying it if we can't even integrate our weapons or weapons of our choice on it and it is sanction prone.
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count the number they have, the number coming in from bone yard, and the number being upgraded. Closed we think?

1) Bone yard is out...Congress Approval is required.
2) Foreign aircraft sale is out...Congress approval is required as PAF is not an operator.

The case of F-16 is different.
1) Bone yard is out ... Congress Approval is required
2) Foreign aircraft sale...YES provided President approves.
Thanks. We should start taking suggestions from across the border now.

Sir, that is not a suggestion just a response to you question. I watched one program on Pakistani TV on youtube, and there was one lady, as the defence expert -- and she said lot of option is available for Pakistan, the anchor asked which one -- She said like SU-35, J-10, EF-2000, and Tu Tupolov from Russia. The last was funny though, but she might have some thought, like you who is suggesting F-15 E. Just one question -- Sir for which role for this high end fighter jet for PAF.
Air Defence/ Air Superiority or Deep Strike Air Strike, Naval Strike, Multirole ?
Typhoon with the Captor aesa radar would rule the skies of south asia....should definitely go for it...it would checkmate anything our adversary already has or would have
Secondly the Typhoon story gets a little bit of credibility from the fact that it was recently flown from Lincolnshire by our very own ACM Aman

If you do not like sweet then how did the lady's charm work on you:azn:...when you got the free stuff..

Btw There are some made sugar free next time try those....

We have heard that Pakistani Army Chief is in Germany any news regarding getting EFT in UK?
the lady was 50 odd and she just packd them up and up them in the bag and told me to try them.
as for you acm in germany the usual congrats for fighting thw wot and will talk about afganistan not every talk is about buying weapons
waise SAAB se yaad aaya since Pakistan have better express way netwrok than india i guess grippen E makes perfect sense from them
India is getting F-18's not Grepen... NOT F-16's...

no sirji rafales are a done deal as for super hornet or F16 im not very sure Grippen is immpossible to be part of IAF for sure as under new FDI for defnce plan GOI has agreed to give 100% FDI in defence and aerospace under MII scheme

because you knows the pros and cons of Mig-29
so what you do have better trained pilots than us dont ya :azn:
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