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A Letter To The Indian Members

Originally posted by miroslav@Nov 26 2005, 04:42 PM
Having people like Musharraf and Shaukat Aziz is also in favour of India.
In terms of peace and moderate policies, yes they are in favour of India.

Problem is the Pakistani political parties.
As you may have noticed, they've been sidelined and islolated to some extent.
Specially concerning the EQ relief engagement and donors conference, the opposition has totally lost face. They've tried to make EQ a political issue rather than and humanitarian one and it has angered many Pakistanis.

If there is a democrotic election in Pakistan say in 2007, these parties will be coming in active politics after 7 years.
You have a point, but we've learnt from our history.
Thats why Aziz or Mushhy should atleast stay for another 8 to 10 yerars till Pakistan is well on track towards democratic reforms.

7 years of political draught will bring more curruption and beaurocracy since the parties and their leaders couldn't eat money for all this time and couldnt run the nation accordingly.
Imho, the financial mismanagement and corruption of PPP and ML under Bhutto/Zardari and Sharif that led Pakistan to almost defaultingshould ring a bell in islamabad and should not be allowed in future.
Strong leadership and diversity in political parties is the key.

I agree about the progress, but progress in countries like India and Pakistan will be always slow due to politics,curruption and the red file beaurocrats.
Again you're right, but like I said we're well on track!

Musharraf and Aziz both are leading Pakistan well but at the same time India is afraid of those selfish leaders who will spark the India-Pakistan relations. Not to forget their regime might also upset the foreign investors and Pakistani Economy might shatter again.


Commies in India remain a challenge and a big threat to economic stability and growth, but so does BJP!
India has experienced four successive years of GDP growth exceeding 7% and future looks bright with current policies.
As for Pakistan, we need to eccellerate privatisation and need to improve political stability to ensure more FDI.
We've recorded highest FDI last years and GoP targets to reach $3 billion in next year.
Once the Gwadar Seeport becomes operational next year, it will have a major impact on Pakistani economy in terms of foreign trade and investment.
So I ramain optimistic under current circumstances :PakistanFlag:
Originally posted by Neo@Nov 26 2005, 11:25 PM
Commies in India remain a challenge and a big threat to economic stability and growth, but so does BJP!
[post=3794]Quoted post[/post]​

Commies were never into the Power and never will be. Yes they have a outside support to the current Government and making some barriers into their policies, otherwise they have a stronghold in a state or two thats it.

I dont agree with BJP. The party only ruled India for 5+ years with support of 23 other parties.

Apart from Gujrat incedence that was the Golden Era for the Economic Growth and Defence sector Growth for India.

India has experienced four successive years of GDP growth exceeding 7% and future looks bright with current policies.

See BJP ruled Government made it posible.

As for Pakistan, we need to eccellerate privatisation and need to improve political stability to ensure more FDI

Beware of Indian firms. They are entering in Pakistan from back-door.

Tata's have take over Dawoo and now they are in the process of entering in Pakistan by the name of Dawoo Korea.

Once the Gwadar Seeport becomes operational next year, it will have a major impact on Pakistani economy in terms of foreign trade and investment.

Beware of UAE in this case. Though Pakistan have a good relationships with UAE but the Khalifa is from Abu Dhabi and so do Shaikh Zayed.

Dubai especially Jabel Ali will get a little bit disturbed coz of Gwadar.

Anyways nice reply. I really enjoyed talking to you and I hope to have some healthy debates with you in future.

I sometimes don't understand why Democracy is put forward as some sort of majic solution to all problems. It is not democracy that increases economic growth it is good economic policies. Whether a nation is democratic or not; its success ultimately depends on its policies.

All a democracy does is take power from established power structures and hand it over to swing voters in a society. While Yes, democracy can prevent very idiotic policies from being undertaken, it can also create a lot of inertia. For e.g. China in the Great Leap forward under Mao left a few million people dead of starvation. The same Communist leadership has increased economic growth with decisive policy changes that have ended absolute poverty in China.

In India which is held up as a model democracy which it is, has never had a few million people die because of starvation. It is also notable in not ever being able to adopt good economic policies decisively enough to lift her citizens out of poverty because Democracy prevents dramatic steps from being taken.

After Leaders like Saddam Hussein, tyrants have become a dirty word. Yet, there is no reason for absolute leaders to behave in such a visious manner. People also conveniently forget that the first to gas the Kurds was not the tyrant Saddam, but the Democratic British Empire. Democracy does not insure that a society will be any less brutal; it just so happens to be in the recent past.
Originally posted by miroslav@Dec 1 2005, 10:58 PM
Apart from Gujrat incedence that was the Golden Era for the Economic Growth and Defence sector Growth for India.
Buddy the Gujarat incident apart the BJP is ideologically communal and continues this policy in the states it rules, like Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. The lower rung in the party forgot that communal issues were just a way to power, they continue with their percecution of religious miniroties. Before you jump at me - the Rajasthan Govt (a BJP run state) has frozen the bank accounts of Emanual Mission (out of spite) which runs a number of orphanages, as a result they shildren are suffering from lack of food.

See BJP ruled Government made it posible.
The BJP only followed up on the reforms started by Narsimha Rao and the then Finance Minister - Manmohan Singh.
Since democracy and such stuff is being talked about....

Listen, a country needs a few institutions that are independent and impartial in nature to ensure that nothing untoward happens to the basic system of government enshrined in the constitution adopted by elected members.

In India, our Election Commission ensures free and fair elections.Its independent and therefore elections are VERY hard to rig.

The new phrase "judiciary activism" is getting popular in our country.Thanks to the Supreme and High Courts of the States taking tough stands on various critical issues that directly relate to the governance of the nation/state.

Then comes the Parliament.
I agree all they make is ruckus out there, but you simply cannot do something in India if there is significant opposition in the Parliament.

The Prime Minister HAS to answer the Parliament and if his answers are'nt convincing the media will have a field day and public support to the government will decrease at a rapid rate.

Then comes the President, the Speakers of two houses of Parliament, assembly elections once in a while ensure that central government is keen to sustain a large public 'support' and such.

No General in India can dream of by-passing so many safeguards.

Agreed, we may not have had the best Governments.But we sure are evolving and that is very important and encouraging.And where has this democratic evolution brought us ?

To a state where a scientist becomes the President and a man of great integrity and knowledge becomes the Prime Minister.

NOW, if I may ask, how many of these 'institutions' has Musharaff strengthened ?

I agree that he is the best bet today, but he must be doing more for democracy and Pakistan.He can stop undermining aka amending the Constitution for a start.
army+jamaat is the best way for pakistan and bangladesh while democracy is for india democracy is not suitble for everybody what works for india may not work for pakistan or bangladesh visversa
genmirajborgza786 said:
army+jamaat is the best way for pakistan and bangladesh while democracy is for india democracy is not suitble for everybody what works for india may not work for pakistan or bangladesh visversa
Democracy is working for Bangladesh, inspite of all their problems.

However, if you feel that the army+jamaat are the best of Pakistan then do start a new thread explaining the vertures of military dictatorship vs democracy.
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