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A Female Student Denied Admission Due To Face Veil In GC University Lahore.

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why do you people suppose that when we say unveiled, we mean naked?
was Fatima Jinnah not unveiled? did she not look graceful and beautiful?
why is your pointer only movable in two places only?
isnt there something in between?
Burqa tou bahana hey, pointer tou naked per hi hota hey. Moulvi sey ziada bad nazar koi hota hi nhain hey. Mufti Mahmood, father of Fazal-the-hypocrite married to a 15 years old girl at the age of 65.
Why Arab countries other than Wahabi KSA not practice face covering? Does this ring some bell or not?
I'm not sure if they practice it as an official law but i have seen women wearing the veil in Arab countries in the same percentage Pakistani women wear veils in Pakistan (a small minority) and im sure our non-Saudi Arab friends on this forum would agree to that.
You are wrong majority of Muslims agree even those women who don't it know they should do it and above all it is clear cut order of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW agreed by all scholars till this date only slaves of west attack it
Cut it. An average Malaysian or Indonesian is far more practicing than a hardcore Pakistani or Saudi Mullah. Their mosques are full of people and they do not leave even a single nafli roza throughout the year. There is no such thing as covering face here. I think you know Indonesia is largest Muslim country with respect to its population.
Not Islamophobia.
I guess it's a case of some psychologically messed up individuals given that a lot of other students with face veil already study there ..

Its disrespectful towards the person sitting next to her.

I want to see the face of a person to whom I am talking to.
why do you people suppose that when we say unveiled, we mean naked?
was Fatima Jinnah not unveiled? did she not look graceful and beautiful?
why is your pointer only movable in two places only?
I never said unveiled=naked and i personally am not in favor of veils but now that doesn't mean i go to the nearest vield girl to me and tear her veil off.

I'm in favor of Pakistani culture and traditions. Fatima Jinnah dressed nothing like what our so called "liberals" desire for the women of our society to adopt.

isnt there something in between?
Pakistani traditional dresses, which i fully support as a Pakistani Nationalist.
and im sure our non-Saudi Arab friends on this forum would agree to that.

and you decided to question my commitment to socialism??
I never said i opposed National Socialism. I'm for Socialism in Pakistan and Pakistan only (a unique socialism conformed to Pakistani requirements). The rest of the world can decide what system they want, i'd rather focus on Socialism in one country (sounds familiar?).
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You are wrong majority of Muslims agree even those women who don't it know they should do it and above all it is clear cut order of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW agreed by all scholars till this date only slaves of west attack it

zarvan saheb, you should see that among the peoples of world, you are not presenting islam as a good thing.
@Jf Thunder

remember a pretty conservative (and uptight) female member called Talon here on PDF some time ago?

I'm getting a strong whiff of deja vu here. Don't know why, can't place my finger on it.
Don't quote me out of context please.

Here is what i said before you quoted me out of context:

"I'm not sure if they practice it as an official law but i have seen women wearing the veil in Arab countries in the same percentage Pakistani women wear veils in Pakistan (a small minority) and im sure our non-Saudi Arab friends on this forum would agree to that."

@jamahir could you prove to me that absolutely 100% no women in any non-Saudi Arab countries wears a face veil? I'm sure there is a small minority that does just as in Pakistan but you seem to be implying otherwise.

let me tell you a story... once i was in another area and asking someone people if a certain person lived around... one black-burqa'ed-without-veil female was outside her gate and near a scooter... she would have i am certain put on colored scarf around her face if she was going out... i though i ask her if she knew where that person lived... i said "excuse me" and she almost shouted "yes??".

why her hostility?? i am decent-looking and well-spoken.

those who don face-veil voluntarily have something wrong in them... some guilt or some arrogance or something else.
Unfortunately that is your personal experience. I have had similar experiences with all kinds of people and this really doesn't prove anything because people are diverse; some are easy going, others are outright impolite, some share, others are selfish, etc... You came across one veiled woman who was rude thus that means all of the vield women the world over are just like her? Can one use similar logic for certain indian stereotypes? That if one indian does a certain thing (whether good or bad) that means all 1.5 billion indians do it too?
talon is now akheilos. :D

Oh I did not know that.

These ID changes can get confusing.

On topic, personally I can think of few more regressive sights than a woman (or Baba Ramdev) covered head to toe in a billowing black cloud.

Like Harry Potter's dementors. Terrified to see what will be revealed.
Don't quote me out of context please.

how am i out of context??

@jamahir could you prove to me that absolutely 100% no women in any non-Saudi Arab countries wears a face veil? I'm sure there is a small minority that does just as in Pakistan but you seem to be implying otherwise.

i never said they don't... can you point to the post or posts where i said that??

Can one use similar logic for certain indian stereotypes? That if one indian does a certain thing (whether good or bad) that means all 1.5 billion indians do it too?

that is a different context.

Unfortunately that is your personal experience. I have had similar experiences with all kinds of people and this really doesn't prove anything because people are diverse; some are easy going, others are outright impolite, some share, others are selfish, etc... You came across one veiled woman who was rude thus that means all of the vield women the world over are just like her?

many are forced by family or social circumstance to wear face veils but i speak of the voluntary adopters.

below is a burqa brigade from indian kashmir... it is called "duktaraan e millat" whose leader is asiya andrabi... she's the one with the specs... this group had once threatened to throw acid on kashmiri ladies who don't cover up... note asiya's gloves too...

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