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A Conversation with White Nationalist Jared Taylor on Race in America

a) Intelligence is not fully measured by IQ

b) Climate differences produce a lot of variation in IQ, given warmer climates generally do not need the same level of food harvesting (for winter) and thus the same attitude development of sustained security/warfare etc.. However overall intelligence comes from a variety of adaptation responses, it is a very varied spectrum. The correlation of IQ to industrialisation certainly is high and makes much sense in theory (given the attributes are largely transferable... given that is what essentially drives humans to turn from tribes to civilisations).

I've actually had ongoing discussions/debates with primarily my Chinese co-workers about a link between high GDP countries and being in colder climates. Part of the theory is if you live in a hot environment your productivity will be negatively impacted by the weather (assuming you don't live in an air-conditioned environment). Also in colder climates people tend to be more studious as going outside at certain times during the year for recreation/farming is not much of an option. This is reflected in both the US and China where the northerners are considered the "more intelligent" people and the southerners are considered the more "crafty and resourceful" people.

The bottomline question being "Is a country located near the equator at a such a disadvantage that they will not have the ability to achieve a top 10 economy?" Of course I tossed Singapore into the fray.

Why is the fertility rate (TFR) among whites declining rapidly below replacement levels? Is it because the whites are feeling threatened by immigrants of color and not wanting to bring white children into the world?

The reason doesn't have anything to do with race. It has to do with perceived benefit (BTW replacement levels are not even in the equation). What purpose would it serve to have 10 kids? I don't have a farm. I don't need extra hands. What do I need a big family for? 2 or 3 kids is fine. I can stay sane with that. We can all have a really nice standard of living without monetary worry (well until college comes around).
I've actually had ongoing discussions/debates with primarily my Chinese co-workers about a link between high GDP countries and being in colder climates. Part of the theory is if you live in a hot environment your productivity will be negatively impacted by the weather (assuming you don't live in an air-conditioned environment). Also in colder climates people tend to be more studious as going outside at certain times during the year for recreation/farming is not much of an option. This is reflected in both the US and China where the northerners are considered the "more intelligent" people and the southerners are considered the more "crafty and resourceful" people.

The bottomline question being "Is a country located near the equator at a such a disadvantage that they will not have the ability to achieve a top 10 economy?" Of course I tossed Singapore into the fray.

Yes I have talked about this too with friends and associates. That there is a "sweet spot" as far as temperature for "civilisational" activity at various levels. There may be certain traits in the more tropical-temperate areas as to why the original hearth civilisations occured there (Nile, Crescent, Indus) given humans had already expanded to almost every corner of the globe...and then migrations from these influenced pure temperate major civilisations (which happened a lot later - Greco-Roman for Europe, China etc) whereas some stayed in the subtropic/tropic zone (Persia, India etc). However there was a definite lack in many areas like say North America where any native civilisational activity was really mostly in the equatorial region or close to it (Aztec, Maya, Inca, Olmec etc)...so to me this illustrates the importance of the "spark factor". There is no guarantee that cooler, moderate climates create civilisations (for a myriad of reasons). I mean North America had the Mississippi river, so the major river argument is also fullfilled....but the native people of the areas essentially remained hunter gatherers in temperate climate. Its probably because the "sparks" that happened just didnt catch into a fire at any point, there needs to be some lucky coincidences (just like how genetic mutations happen for evolution) at some point.

Compare this to Europe where river density by chance is a bit higher (thus bringing tribes into constant conflict and churning..allowing some base level of strife and chaos that helps to evolve certain thought processes that by coincidence help in industrialisation when there is more secure peace) than most of the world, temperate climate helps the gathering/security nature (which is balanced by a good, fertile growing season so you need to do cognitive math at some scale to grow) and there is enough variety in all of this at close proximity (given the meditteranean sea, many bays and inlets, which mean that southern europe becomes quite different from northern europe, compared to most other places of similar latitude)....these are all coincidences that formed a certain combination (just a few % difference from other civilisation hearths) that took a couple sparks at the right time. Its the same with the other civilisations regarding their peaks and primes (the many inventions and accomplishments of China....creation of the base 10 number system, zero and first global iron age in India etc).

However extreme climates (heat and cold) definitely take their toll in ability to create civilisation. Civilisation building essentially needs much free time for people that would otherwise be employed in sheer survival. Hence the stifling jungles of the tropics and cold polar tundra would make major civilisation almost impossible (and the evidence shows it). Everything else is just really a spectrum of possibility that is mostly overcome by the "spark" factor that I was talking about. In some cases a mere 1% or 2% change in some factor (and lining up with other factors) is enough to create massive differences downstream in time by 100, 500, 1000 years etc.

Combine migration patterns while all this is ongoing, and you get the situation like Singapore today (which is a migration based city in the tropics), or yesteryear's Chola empire (who's culture and outlook was a mix from concepts evolved in the area and also those that spread from elsewhere through migration and war) who were also in the "tropics". Just one example again.

I think no one should be particularly shamed or feel superiority from where their background/ancestry lies in relation to human history....because the differences rising from all these factors in history were not under their personal control and neither does it limit their own personal potential.

We are all the same base DNA, understanding what works for human progress (in whichever interpretation one chooses) and what doesn't work from the examples all across the world spanning 1000's of years of recorded history.... should not give a default position of detriment or the reverse through which tribe you may or may not belong to today. The mind does not naturally have stone walls, unless one puts them there for glorification and excuses.
In scientific terms, there is only one "human race", and the genetic differences between say, a black Somalian and a white Swedish person are basically nothing.
They're both caucasoid, that's like comparing two apples of different color and saying they're both apples. There may be a single human race now, but we are separating faster than we are intermixing.

Try comparing Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Congoids. You will get three distinct groups. It has nothing to do with skin color.
. . .
First off, Kudos to Mr @RiazHaq for initiating a dialogue across the table, only possible in a truly open society like America. I thought it was a reasonably fair back and forth until the very end where Mr Haq just couldn't conceal his frown any longer and got a bit emotional, and then there was that bit when the other guy was hand signalling to cut Taylor off because it had started to get a bit heated lol.

I do not agree with the ideology that drives this sort of ethno-nationalism but till just how long did US lawmakers think they could stretch it with playing identity politics and think that it won't effect the majority racial group ?

Trump is an organic course corrective redundancy measure that's kicked in to American society rather than a "whitelash", an angry response from a pitchfork wielding savage native population.

If they're already a 'minority' in some areas and are projected to be a national minority in a couple of decades, it's reasonable to expect more "white" interest groups to sprout up, labeling them as Nazis is not going to help.

@RiazHaq what if the Punjabi sunni numbers start declining in Pakistan and the Pashtoons were all set to replace them ?
a) Intelligence is not fully measured by IQ

d) The IQ tests/methodology of the source (Lynn, Vanhanen IQ and the wealth of nations) found in the OP has very flawed data collection methods. A read of " IQ and the Wealth of Nations. A Critique of Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen's Recent Book" by Thomas Volken will give you an idea of this if anyone is interested.

e) Thus several IQ tests done independently have shown different results:
Exactly its total nonsense to measure Intelligence, its a abstract quantity. Take for examples interview ppl will do better on some days and not so good on other days. If survival & procreation is taken as measure of success then ppl in subcontinent win hands down! They have adapted to the nature and ensured their progeny's survival which is the normal aim of every species.
Exactly its total nonsense to measure Intelligence, its a abstract quantity. Take for examples interview ppl will do better on some days and not so good on other days. If survival & procreation is taken as measure of success then ppl in subcontinent win hands down! They have adapted to the nature and ensured their progeny's survival which is the normal aim of every species.

Please remember to quote my post where needed. I have seen trolls running off their mouths about this IQ map on several threads all around this forum over a long period of time and asserting it as a complete truth etc.

Yes. Certain races have higher intelligent populations, in general.

Why is California with a population of 38 million has slightly bigger economy than France with its 68 million population?

Because, it does not.

Makes sense?

In the first place, the entire GDP of the United States is heavily exaggerated. Take a look here

Here’s an example, though, of how far from reality GDP has strayed. The reported number for 2003 was a GDP of $11 trillion, implying that $11 trillion of money-based, value-added economic transactions had occurred.

However, nothing of the sort happened.

First, that 11 trillion included $1.6 trillion of imputations, where it was assumed that economic value had been created but no actual transactions took place.

The largest of these imputations was the “value” that the owner of a house receives by not having to pay themselves rent. Get that? If you own your house free and clear, the government adds how much they think you should be paying yourself rent to live there and adds that amount to the GDP.

Another is the benefit you receive from the “free checking” provided by your bank, which is imputed to have a value, because if it weren’t free, then you’d have to pay for it. So that value is guesstimated and added to the GDP as well. Together, just these two imputations add up to over a trillion dollars of our reported GDP.

Next, the GDP has many elements that are hedonically adjusted. For instance, computers are hedonically adjusted to account for the idea that, because they are faster and more feature-rich than in past years, they must be more additive to our economic output.

So if a thousand dollar computer were sold, it would be recorded as contributing more than a thousand dollars to the GDP. Of course, that extra money is fictitious, in the sense that it never traded hands and doesn’t exist.

What’s interesting is that for the purposes of inflation measurements, hedonic adjustments are used to reduce the apparent price of computers, but for GDP calculations, hedonic adjustments are used to boost their apparent price. Hedonics, therefore, are used to maneuver prices higher or lower, depending on which outcome makes thing look more favorable.

So what were the total hedonic adjustments in 2003? An additional, whopping $2.3 trillion. Taken together, these mean that $3.9 trillion, or fully 35% of our reported GDP, was NOT BASED on transactions that you could witness, record, or touch. They were guessed at, modeled, or imputed, but they did not show up in any bank accounts, because no cash ever changed hands.

As an aside, when you hear people say things like “our debt to GDP is still quite low” or “income taxes as a percentage of GDP are historically low,” it’s important to remember that because GDP is artificially high, any ratio where GDP is the denominator will be artificially low.

Deduct 35% from US publicly stated GDP, you get its actual GDP. Assuming the same rate of imputation and hedonic adjustments for California, California had nominal GDP of "only" $1.599 trillion, nothing close to French level.

Even that level is exaggerated by the strong dollar. And that Americans take fewer vacations.

I've actually had ongoing discussions/debates with primarily my Chinese co-workers about a link between high GDP countries and being in colder climates. Part of the theory is if you live in a hot environment your productivity will be negatively impacted by the weather (assuming you don't live in an air-conditioned environment). Also in colder climates people tend to be more studious as going outside at certain times during the year for recreation/farming is not much of an option. This is reflected in both the US and China where the northerners are considered the "more intelligent" people and the southerners are considered the more "crafty and resourceful" people.

The bottomline question being "Is a country located near the equator at a such a disadvantage that they will not have the ability to achieve a top 10 economy?" Of course I tossed Singapore into the fray.

The reason doesn't have anything to do with race. It has to do with perceived benefit (BTW replacement levels are not even in the equation). What purpose would it serve to have 10 kids? I don't have a farm. I don't need extra hands. What do I need a big family for? 2 or 3 kids is fine. I can stay sane with that. We can all have a really nice standard of living without monetary worry (well until college comes around).

Singapore is populated by mostly Chinese who are more intelligent on average for some unknown reason than the Chinese in China proper. They are not the natives of Singapore. The native Malays of Singapore perform better than Malays probably anywhere else but they are still not as high performing as natives of cold weather regions. And nowadays, Singapore is in decline with many Singaporeans trying to escape and blaming their government for importing too many low quality foreigners into country and changing demographics.

Income ≠ intelligence.

Oil kingdoms enjoy high rentier incomes. It's little to do with intelligence. They dont even know how to explore and produce their own oil and gas fields to sell abroad.

Similarly you have the US which inflates GDP numbers with imputations and hedonics and the Brits who work like mad dogs with very little vacations. For example, the French have a productivity that is at least 25 percent greater than the Brits'. If both peoples worked equally as long, the French would earn 25 percent more.

But the French know how to enjoy life, partake in culture activities, there is no place quite like Monaco on Earth as the playground of the rich and from the riviera to the Alps, you have everything you need to enjoy life.

China is still very primitive, they have zero domestic origin aircraft carriers operational after all these years. For a country of 1300 million, that is primitiveness defined. Spain and Italy both have had their conventional powered aircraft carriers operational for very long now.

The bottom line is that IQ tests are only particularly useful in measuring how good people are at doing IQ tests.

It's not really a comprehensive measure of intelligence, and it never really claimed to be.


Just like GDP, inflation, unemployment rate, GNP, GNI, GDI, FDI, ODI, forex reserves - none of which are comprehensive measures of financial or economic well being or strengths but still useful indicators. And you need to know where and how exactly that data could have been manipulated to make any sense of it.

Same goes for IQ tests, they have their validity moreso if you talk about population groups. Hindus are apples of American eyes yet not a single Hindou majority country anywhere on the planet is successful, is technologically and scientifically advanced, orderly and organized, prosperous and law abiding, with high life expectancies and low mortality rates and low crime and low levels of dirt and pollution.

Its true for Africans, for Arabs, for Kurds, Iranians, Turks, others from Central America to South East Asia. China is not much better but just like North Korea you have just terrible leadership and governance structure at play. Actually, North Korea is a bit unlucky because of its leadership's row with the Americans. IF that is sorted out, I believe they can quickly surpass South Korea to be a mini powerhouse in that region.
China is still very primitive, they have zero domestic origin aircraft carriers operational after all these years. For a country of 1300 million, that is primitiveness defined. Spain and Italy both have had their conventional powered aircraft carriers operational for very long now.

No thanks, I would rather have the CV-16 than those European toys that painted as the aircraft carriers.

BTW, we have the quantum network, the fastest supercomputer with the indigenous CPU, also this. What you guys have in comparison?

No thanks, I would rather have the CV-16 than those European toys that painted as the aircraft carriers.

BTW, we have the quantum network, the fastest supercomputer with the indigenous CPU, also this. What you guys have in comparison?

View attachment 377208

Don't bother. This guy hasn't even analysed how the IQ data was collected and collated in the study being quoted in this thread (and in many other places of the forum) and the serious flaws behind it (exposed in other IQ studies since). You will find him to be a deaf wall on everything.
White nationalist shoots #India national Srinivas Kuchibhotla dead . #Hatecrime #Trump The Kansas City Star

An Olathe man who reportedly told two strangers — Garmin engineers originally from India — to “get out of my country” before he shot them in an Olathe bar was charged Thursday with first-degree murder in the death of one of the victims.

Adam W. Purinton, 51, allegedly shot Srinivas Kuchibhotla, 32; Alok Madasani, 32, of Overland Park, and another bar patron, 24-year-old Ian Grillot of Grandview.

Kuchibhotla died at a hospital after the 7:15 p.m. shooting in Austins Bar & Grill near 151st Street and Mur-Len Road.

Purinton also is charged with two counts of attempted first-degree murder in the shootings of Madasani and Grillot. Witnesses said Grillot was shot after he intervened.
IQ tests measure conceptual intelligence and the ability to rearrange information. It is limited to the power of a persons mind.

Non conceptual intelligence, or abstract thought, is the ability to create new ideas and is infinitely more powerful than conceptual intelligence. It connects us beyond the limitations of the mind to the source, and we become conduits for creative energy that flows through us into the physical realm.

Einstein is probably the best example of a person with extremely high non-conceptual intelligence, but limited conceptual intelligence, he would most likely have scored poorly on an IQ test. Non-conceptual intelligence is associated with depth of thought, as opposed to speed of thought. At a very early age, Einstein was operating with such enormous depth of thought he was mistaken for being learning impaired. The fact that he was dyslexic was also misunderstood, because non-conceptual intelligence by its definition is beyond the use of words: applying a word to something diminishes it, confines it to the realm of form and thought.

There are Zen practices that teach a person to engage non-conceptual intelligence, to focus on understanding a form without applying words or concepts to that understanding. Within Chinese Tao, Hinduism, Buddhism and deep within the Abrahamic religious traditions (but deeply obscured) are similar practices. Connecting to the source through these practices builds non-conceptual intelligence, and dissolves the ego. A persons interpretation of the source depends upon their own religious or spiritual beliefs, some choose to give it a name and form. I refer to it sometimes as the one consciousness.
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