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A Busy Iranian Regime


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A Busy Iranian Regime: Torturing and Executing Prisoners, and Persecuting Women, Gays and Religious Minorities

by Ilana Glazer Mar 1, 2013 2:00 PM EST


Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei gestures as he addresses the faithful at the weekly Muslim Friday prayers at Tehran University on June 19, 2009. Khamenei called for an end to street protests over last week's disputed presidential election, siding with declared winner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in his first public appearance after daily protests over the official results. (BEHROUZ MEHRI/AFP/Getty Images)

The human rights situation in Iran is dismal at best. While Iran is no North Korea, there is overwhelming evidence the situation is closer to the one portrayed in Argo, rather than the modern and civil society Iran's theocratic leaders claim to allow.

The Human Rights Council has released a report on the situation of human rights in Iran. Their findings concluded that:

[T]here has been an apparent increase in the degree of seriousness of human rights violations in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Frequent and disconcerting reports concerning punitive State action against various members of civil society, reports about actions that undermine the full enjoyment of human rights by women, religious and ethnic minorities; and alarming reports of retributive State action against individuals suspected of communicating with the Special Procedure raises serious concern about the Government’s resolve to promote respect for human rights in the country.
The Special Rapporteur also continues to be alarmed by the rate of executions in the country, especially for crimes that do not meet serious crimes standards, and especially in the face of allegations of widespread and ongoing torture for the purposes of soliciting confessions from the accused.​

Here, for instance, are concerns about the regime's treament of the gay and lesbian community:

The new draft Islamic Penal Code criminalises same-sex relations between consenting adults. Articles 232-233 of the new Penal Code would mandate a death sentence for the “passive” male involved in sodomy, regardless of whether his role was consensual. Under the new law, “active” Muslim and unmarried males may be subject to 100 lashes so long as they are not engaged in rape. Married and/or non-Muslim males may be subject to capital punishment for the same act. Men involved in nonpenetrative same-sex acts or women engaged in same-sex acts would also face 100 lashes according to the new Penal Code.​

According to the Special Rapporteur, an especially disturbing trend is the growing rate of executions. Based on governmental data and inside informatives, the Special Rapporteur concluded that there were 297 official executions and around 200 ‘secret’ executions in 2012 alone.

The Special Rapporteur continues to be alarmed by the escalating rate of executions, especially in the absence of fair trial standards, and the application of capital punishment for offences that do not meet “most serious crimes” standards, in accordance with international law. This includes alcohol consumption, adultery, and drug-trafficking.​

Worse, the new Penal Code, which has yet to be adopted, broadens the scope of crimes that carry the possibility of the death penalty.

While Iran claims to the international community that it wants to expand its voice and end economic sanctions, they still must address their grave human rights violations. When 56% of those imprisoned report physical torture, 72% of those imprisoned report psychological torture, and almost 500 people are executed in one year, I doubt we are to see any diplomatic changes between much of the West and Iran.

Oh, and don't forget what the regime did to a young woman named Neda:

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For inquiries, please contact The Daily Beast at editorial@thedailybeast.com.

- See more at: A Busy Iranian Regime: Torturing and Executing Prisoners, and Persecuting Women, Gays and Religious Minorities - The Daily Beast
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Jewish law regarding homosexuality:
אִישׁ, אֲשֶׁר יִשְׁכַּב אֶת-זָכָר מִשְׁכְּבֵי אִשָּׁה—תּוֹעֵבָה עָשׂוּ, שְׁנֵיהֶם; מוֹת יוּמָתוּ, דְּמֵיהֶם בָּם.

Lev.20:13 "And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

And yeah, homosexual child molesters and homosexual rapers are punished by death. :hang3:
You got a problem with that?

The title you chose was inappropriate:
A Busy Iranian Regime: Torturing and Executing Prisoners, and Persecuting Women, Gays and Religious Minorities

This is way better:
A Busy American Regime: Torturing and Executing Prisoners, and supporting and arming Saudi Arabia who Persecutes Women, Gays and Religious Minorities

Oh, and don't forget what the regime did to a young woman named Neda:

And don't forget what the Israeli regime did to a young woman named Rachel Corrie and don't forget what the American regime did to the young women in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmudiyah_killings
Homosexuality in Judaism -
It's sufficient to note that Israel is the only safe country in the Middle East for men to openly avow they are homosexual.

The title you chose was inappropriate -
I didn't choose the title; it's that of the original article. The mods here don't let me modify titles.
It's sufficient to note that Israel is the only safe country in the Middle East for men to openly avow they are homosexual.
Wow, they should really be proud of themselves(sarcasm level infinity). :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :bad: :astagh:

I didn't choose the title; it's that of the original article. The mods here don't let me modify titles.
As if you would have . . .
whatever our regime is, it's our concern, and all iranian show their support for it in Demonstration sevral times yearly, that's why you and your masters are so angry about iran.

but let's have a brief look in US democracy :

killing millions of afghans and Iraqis in past decade.
officially supporting AL-qaede in Syria.
officially supporting mujahedin-e-Khalgh terrorist group.
officially developing next generation nuclear weapons.
officially putting people in prison without trial.
officially torturing prisoners in Guantanamo.
officially violating civilian privacy.
officially supporting dictatorships in all over the world (as long as they support you).
assassinating Iranian scientists.
blocking medicine for Iranian patients.
highest prisoner/population rate in the world.
a corrupted society which in some neighbors and streets civilians don't dares to walk whether day or night.

whenever you solved these corruptions, then come here and bark.
whatever our regime is, it's our concern, and all iranian show their support for it in Demonstration sevral times yearly, that's why you and your masters are so angry about iran.

BS. The regime fears its own population.

You can begin by explaining why there are so many thugs on the streets waiting to suppress political activeness, cyber monitoring, jailing of Iranian students, hanging, torturing and raping of Iranian political activists, a crackdown on satellite dishes, lack of journalistic freedom, lack of freedom of political movement, house arrests of political leaders, jailing of liberal ayatollahs like Boroujerdi, murdering of bloggers like Sattar Beheshti, killing of Kurdish intellectuals, moral police, basij-thugs, prosecution of minorities, etc.

One would think that a regime and system that is supported by a clear majority of the people, wouldn't fear its own people so much. I'm waiting on your answers.
hanging politicians ? you probably mean your beloved terrorist "abdolmalek rigi"!
lack of journalistic freedom? you mean "Soros Foundation" agents! those soft war warriors like yourself, spreading rumors based on US interests! or maybe you mean "pity England" spies acting under BBC cover!
while Europe and US have removed Iranian tv channels from satellites (even movie channels) you are talking about freedom and ...
sorry go get some new orders.
hanging politicians ? you probably mean your beloved terrorist "abdolmalek rigi"!

I was talking about hanging of political activists. I've the lost the count of such activists being hanged.

lack of journalistic freedom? you mean "Soros Foundation" agents! those soft war warriors like yourself, spreading rumors based on US interests! or maybe you mean "pity England" spies acting under BBC cover!

I mean the arrest of dozens of journalists. And how funny you talk about the BBC, while that news agency spread mullah-propaganda during the revolution. I guess you and all those other mozdurs have a short memory.

while Europe and US have removed Iranian tv channels from satellites (even movie channels) you are talking about freedom and

I don't care what the US or EU have done. I'm talking about the rapist Iranian regime.
A Busy American Regime: Torturing and Executing Prisoners worldwide (customer satisfaction is our top priority with variety of novel methods) , Killing civilian with drone attacks, professional in invading other countries (most of times our puppets) , supporting dictators, sabotage, stockpiling of WMD, establishing terrorists organization ( such as Al Qaede).

'Police brutality'

"...One activist told Al Jazeera that her boyfriend was beaten by police and hospitalised before being jailed and beaten again. Asking only to go by ‘Anne’, she asked that her partner not be named for safety reasons.

"They beat him... and then they took him to another room and they put his head in a toilet, put his hands in a toilet, and threw him against a wall." - 'Anne'

When he was first arrested around 6 pm on Tuesday, she said: “The police thought that he was Latino and started calling him Poncho and making racial slurs and sexual gestures. He said the fire department people and paramedics were doing this along with the cops."

Once hospitalised, the man filed a police brutality report, after which the officer recording the complaint told him he would “go to jail for assault or battery of a police officer and resisting arrest,” Anne said. He was then moved from the hospital to the local county jail.

"I talked to him twice now since he’s been in Santa Rita [County Jail] and he said they were basically torturing him there. They beat him in front of a bunch of people, including a nurse, and then they took him to another room and they put his head in a toilet, put his hands in a toilet, threw him against a wall." The allegations could not be independently verified. ..."

The Oakland is just tip of iceberg there are too many examples about violation of human right by U.s, like Abu Ghoraib, Bagram, waterboarding, invasion of citizen privacy( i.e. The Government Can Use GPS to Track Your Moves, tapping, and now drones) and go on ...

just for fun:




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A Busy Iranian Regime: Torturing and Executing Prisoners, and Persecuting Women, Gays and Religious Minorities

by Ilana Glazer Mar 1, 2013 2:00 PM EST


Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei gestures as he addresses the faithful at the weekly Muslim Friday prayers at Tehran University on June 19, 2009. Khamenei called for an end to street protests over last week's disputed presidential election, siding with declared winner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in his first public appearance after daily protests over the official results. (BEHROUZ MEHRI/AFP/Getty Images)

The human rights situation in Iran is dismal at best. While Iran is no North Korea, there is overwhelming evidence the situation is closer to the one portrayed in Argo, rather than the modern and civil society Iran's theocratic leaders claim to allow.

The Human Rights Council has released a report on the situation of human rights in Iran. Their findings concluded that:

[T]here has been an apparent increase in the degree of seriousness of human rights violations in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Frequent and disconcerting reports concerning punitive State action against various members of civil society, reports about actions that undermine the full enjoyment of human rights by women, religious and ethnic minorities; and alarming reports of retributive State action against individuals suspected of communicating with the Special Procedure raises serious concern about the Government’s resolve to promote respect for human rights in the country.
The Special Rapporteur also continues to be alarmed by the rate of executions in the country, especially for crimes that do not meet serious crimes standards, and especially in the face of allegations of widespread and ongoing torture for the purposes of soliciting confessions from the accused.​

Here, for instance, are concerns about the regime's treament of the gay and lesbian community:

The new draft Islamic Penal Code criminalises same-sex relations between consenting adults. Articles 232-233 of the new Penal Code would mandate a death sentence for the “passive” male involved in sodomy, regardless of whether his role was consensual. Under the new law, “active” Muslim and unmarried males may be subject to 100 lashes so long as they are not engaged in rape. Married and/or non-Muslim males may be subject to capital punishment for the same act. Men involved in nonpenetrative same-sex acts or women engaged in same-sex acts would also face 100 lashes according to the new Penal Code.​

According to the Special Rapporteur, an especially disturbing trend is the growing rate of executions. Based on governmental data and inside informatives, the Special Rapporteur concluded that there were 297 official executions and around 200 ‘secret’ executions in 2012 alone.

The Special Rapporteur continues to be alarmed by the escalating rate of executions, especially in the absence of fair trial standards, and the application of capital punishment for offences that do not meet “most serious crimes” standards, in accordance with international law. This includes alcohol consumption, adultery, and drug-trafficking.​

Worse, the new Penal Code, which has yet to be adopted, broadens the scope of crimes that carry the possibility of the death penalty.

While Iran claims to the international community that it wants to expand its voice and end economic sanctions, they still must address their grave human rights violations. When 56% of those imprisoned report physical torture, 72% of those imprisoned report psychological torture, and almost 500 people are executed in one year, I doubt we are to see any diplomatic changes between much of the West and Iran.

Oh, and don't forget what the regime did to a young woman named Neda:

Like The Daily Beast on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for updates all day long.

For inquiries, please contact The Daily Beast at editorial@thedailybeast.com.

- See more at: A Busy Iranian Regime: Torturing and Executing Prisoners, and Persecuting Women, Gays and Religious Minorities - The Daily Beast

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