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A barrage of accusations against our classmate


Sep 26, 2018
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Retired Justice Saqib Nisar, our class fellow and friend of GC Lahore and Punjab University Law College, is facing charges.

The old classmate who is being talked about these days, the one who is talking about the barrage of accusations against him, says in reply that; Will come out now

I remember two sayings written by Hazrat Ali Murtaza said in one place, "Allah Almighty will reveal the true nature of every person in the world." And used for show and display, the owner of honour and disgrace also revealed them.

The same thing happened with our friend Saqib Nisar Sahib. There is another saying of the Lion of God, "Whoever you do good to, try to avoid his evil." Everyone was amazed at how much Nawaz Sharif did well to Saqib Nisar. He could be considered for the post of Assistant Advocate General.
No one could have imagined that Saqib Nisar would be appointed Federal Law Secretary in place of Justice Malik Akhtar Hassan, a senior, capable and high-ranking member of the High Court. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif bestowed this extraordinary favor on him and then a few months later when ten vacancies appeared in the Lahore High Court, Saqib Nisar Sahib and Asif Khosa Sahib were appointed as judges of the High Court. I was the staff officer of the Prime Minister in those days, so I am aware of many insiders and also know that for Saqib Sahib to be made a judge Khalid Anwar and for Khosa Sahib his father-in-law Justice Naseem Hassan Shah (late) How many prayers did Mian Sahib have to make? But both of them stunned their benefactors so much that everyone was surprised. Judges of the High Court are under the supervision of the Chief Justice for the first year.
If they are satisfied with the performance of the newly appointed judges, they are confirmed after one year. Both Saqib Nisar and Asif Khosa were not confirmed after the first year. But the prime minister had no role to play. When the Prime Minister did not consider it appropriate to intervene in the matter, the two became stubborn, but according to some legal circles, they did everything under pressure against the elected Prime Minister.
When Saqib Nisar Sahib became the Chief Justice, Raqam had written a column on the same pages in which he had written, "Old classmates ask, have you come to congratulate Mian Saqib Sahib?" I told my friends. That I will not congratulate him on becoming the Chief Justice but as long as he is the Chief Justice, I will not meet him at all. I will go and offer flowers too. ”After becoming the Chief Justice, some of his faces used to come to the fore every day. In two years, all your faces came to the fore.
On his retirement, Raqam again wrote a column: "Yesterday, a florist was passing in front of Sher Ali's shop when he recognized my car and came forward. When I stopped the car, he brought a beautiful bouquet and handed it to me." "I read all your columns, I knew the Chief Justice was retiring today, so I made a bouquet as soon as I arrived today, but I was in Gomgo myself," he said. I had also read your condition, so I was wondering if you would go to present the bouquet or not.
I bowed my head and said "Sher Ali I am very sorry that I am not carrying a bouquet for him, so take it back." I was really sad that we couldn't say "We are proud of you" about a classmate. I admit that Saqib Nisar used to respect me personally. He kept inviting me to his children's weddings and I shared his joys and sorrows but he was not just a classmate or friend, he held the highest office in the country, so when as Chief Justice of Pakistan Even if an impartial person reviews their performance, they will fail.
Numerous books have been written on the standards and etiquette of a judge. Not only did he fail to maintain the balance of justice, but he also failed to meet the standards of the judiciary. He played a pivotal role in removing Mian Nawaz Sharif from the PM's office, punishing him and then disqualifying him for life and destabilizing the country for some very base and ridiculous allegation under some unknown malice or pressure. Why did they do that? They may even spit out the facts.
As Chief Justice, he traveled abroad with his family, staying in the most expensive hotels and eating and drinking among the officials of a political party He also kept mentioning his "services" to the eye.
Should the Supreme Court be 100% impartial even to a civil judge and a police officer? Saqib's colleague Justice Asif Khosa had said about the conduct of video fame judge Arshad Malik that it made the entire judiciary bow its head in shame but Khosa surprised everyone by upholding the decision of the same judge.
* Saqib Nisar Sahib gave relief to Prime Minister Imran Khan on the issue of Bani Gala bungalow, although his case was very weak. Not only did he give relief to Imran Khan but he also bestowed on the Prime Minister such titles as 'Sadiq' and 'Amin' which are reserved only for the Lord where the Prophet Muhammad is.
* If a candidate could not register any of his property while submitting the election form, then the Supreme Court itself has been declaring his election null and void. Sheikh Rashid Sahib had not registered some of his property, so there was a clear danger of disqualification but Saqib Nisar Sahib ruled in his favor which surprised the legal circles.
* Former SSP Rawanwar of Karachi was accused of killing a tribal youth. Anwar disappeared after making noise in the media. Saqib Nisar Sahib blocked IG Sindh in the court and asked him to arrest him or else he would go to jail.
The IG went to the Retirement Ning Room and reported the whole situation to the Chief Justice. The judge lay down completely and then several months later Rao Anwar appeared with such pomp that his car entered through the gate which is reserved for judges only. ۔ Our classmates disgraced the highly qualified doctors from the United States in a packed courtroom with the spirit of serving the country, on which they turned away and went back to the best hospital in Asia (which Shahbaz Sharif built under his supervision). Was ruined.
These are just a few things, otherwise the whole book can be written on their "deeds" but there are some things which I do not consider appropriate due to old friendship, but the allegations against them must be investigated and the investigation is supreme. Let the three judges of the court who have never bowed before the dictatorship and never accepted any plot.
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