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A bank which has no locks and no security guards


May 27, 2010
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A bank which has no locks and no security guards​

MUMBAI: The United Commercial (UCO) Bank has opened the country's first lockless branch at Shani Shinganapur in Maharashtra, even as the Centre has made hi-tech security mandatory for all nationalized and private sector banks. Shani Shinganapur is a small village in Ahmednagar district whose presiding deity is Lord Shani. More than 5,000 devotees visit the temple every day, while on weekends the number crosses the 1 lakh mark.

"We took note of the general belief and faith of the people. Ever since the most revered temple came into existence several years ago, the village has not witnessed a single crime. In fact, all houses in the entire village have no doors. We took the risk and started the lockless bank a week ago," a senior bank official said.

Local NCP legislator Shankar Gadakh had approached a section of nationalized and private banks about opening a branch in Shani Shinganapur to facilitate the devotees. However, for security reasons, most of them refused to oblige the NCP leader. "We then approached UCO bank, which agreed. It is certainly taking a risk, but in view of the peoples belief the bank has set up the branch," a senior NCP leader said.

The legislator said bank officials carefully studied households in the township before starting the branch. "All houses here have no doors. We are following a more or less similar practice. Our branch has doors, but they will never be locked. Adequate precautions are being taken for the safety of lockers and important documents," he said, adding that in months to come, the branch is planning to start an ATM near the temple.

Gadakh explained that, by and large, it is believed that because of Lord Shani's power, the village has not witnessed a single theft or robbery in the recent past. "People here fear that if there is a theft or robbery, then the culprit and their family have to bear the wrath of Lord Shani," he said.

Meanwhile, unhappy local cops said the branch has been started in violation of norms prescribed by the Centre. "In view of increasing bank robberies, the Centre has made it mandatory for all banks to provide state-of-the-art security. If a bank opens a lockless branch, it amounts to a breach of conditions. We will take it up with the DGP and RBI," a senior police official said.

God as guard: Bank opens ?lockless? branch - The Times of India
even there is village,i heard before,where ppl dont have a single lock in whole village.
they trust each other
Only in rural regions could people have such faiths in one another. City life has destroyed much of men's goodwill against other men.
That is probably a violation of several laws of the State/Central Bank of India.
i wonder what will happen when all the money goes missing and a member of the community all of a sudden starts driving around in a lamborghini.
this is delusional as much as the concept of faith in others trust!
A mighty risk, I must say. When it comes to money, men know no Gods. Only time will tell how well it works out.
It could have stayed this way without any crime had the Bank not been publicized. Now that people outside the community know about it I am sure it needs locks.
There is a set due diligence mandated upon the banks by the central bank to protect its customers money, either the bank is lying about such an "open door policy" for publicity purposes (and has hidden measures in places), or the regulators are not doing their jobs
the bank has blessings of lord shani.

a lil piece of information for u guys. years ago, a person committed a theft in the same village. though, the amount stolen was not great, it created a stir in the village. however, the villagers were surprised wen, the stolen amount was found on the steps of temple. apparently, the thief's daughter had met with an accident the very next day. the thief realised his folly and returned the money. since then no theft or crime has been committed in the city.

i heard this story on "amazing india" programme a few years back. so guys u never know, it might jus work out. however, i m sure not many people would keep big amount in that bank.
^^ who needs the blessing of Shani when GOI itself loots temples and banks.
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