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9/11 passport 'found in Pakistan'


Oct 8, 2009
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:coffee:Pakistan's army says it has found in South Waziristan the passport of a man linked to two hijackers involved in the 11 September 2001 attacks in the US.

The passport of Said Bahaji, a German of Moroccan origin, was among weapons, documents and jihadi literature seized by troops in the conflict zone.

The army showed the document to a group of reporters during a trip to the area.

The BBC's Orla Guerin says there is no way of knowing if this passport is a genuine document.

Our correspondent was part of a team of journalists who were taken to South Waziristan by the military.

The passport was presented on a table with other documentation but there was no independent way of verifying its authenticity, our correspondent says.

Pakistan's army is carrying out a major offensive in the area against the Taliban and al-Qaeda militants and the region is generally out of bounds for journalists.

Said Bahaji is suspected to be a member of the Hamburg cell which planned the 9/11 attacks.

He is believed to have been a close associate of Mohammad Atta, the leader of 9/11 hijackers.

He fled Germany shortly before the attacks and remains at large.

Mr Bahaji has been charged in his absence in connection with several thousand murders committed in the attacks.

Correspondents says if the document is authentic, this will be the first time a direct link can be established between the Taliban in South Waziristan and a suspect in the 9/11 attacks.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | 9/11 passport 'found in Pakistan'
Well nothing special for any country to make some passports and CIA agents plant these in , locations, where supposedly raid will be made in few days.

I mean why would any one who wants to run away form someone leave behind their passport ??

Since the CIA is working hard to build a case for being in Pakistan how convinent for the passport to be found in brand new un used , state

Too much coincidence ? I think so :what:
Well nothing special for any country to make some passports and CIA agents plant these in , locations, where supposedly raid will be made in few days.

I mean why would any one who wants to run away form someone leave behind their passport ??

Since the CIA is working hard to build a case for being in Pakistan how convinent for the passport to be found in brand new un used , state

Too much coincidence ? I think so :what:
I guess the CIA missed the memo from Bush ordering them to plant evidences implicating Saddam Hussein and the Saudi.
I guess the CIA missed the memo from Bush ordering them to plant evidences implicating Saddam Hussein and the Saudi.

But they did found some old canisters of good knows what in ground and claimed these drums were probbly the WMD , of course it was in news for 2-3 weeks, and then ppl forgot about it - didn't he got hanged for some offence ?? If it was not WMD then must be something if it was for wars, then well those wars were financed by Mr Rumsfield , and Chaney .. in 90's

Finding passports lol for 9/11 master mind in waziristan wow and even the passport from germany man I have to hand it to the CIA on this one ... they even went as far as to make sure the passport was not Pakistani/American to offend ppl and said ok lets make the passport from Germany since they are pretty much useless ....

We all know CIA is now operating in Pakistan , and there will be alot of illusions and funny things poping up if history is right ... where CIA is involved -

Ppl can't even get , student application from germany let alone passports

Just like crisp new passports turned up on Trade centre rubble , we had ashes and debries yet perfectly intact passports of alleged ppl...

:coffee:more mind game

Lets Analyse

US uses drones, Gilani thretens , cooperation = Result Bombing in Islamabad

Zardari goes to USA, and puts a big debate about war on terror comes home, his gift ... well blast near his residence - to prove a point , and next thing you know he is like all go on idea of fighting talibans

US companies got caught by Police , wth deadly weaponry (unauthorized) - result they went free with no questioning - and we get few more blasts - with in safe areas of Army HQ. If a area is surrronded by security the only way , bombs and weapons can break that barrier is if it was imported in by unauthorized ppl , who by passed all security checks with diplomatic protocols - otherwise security would have stoped it

Pak - Iran sign gas peace pipe line project for energy , result - ppl in Iran (Senior officials assasinated via suicide blast) - of course US showed displeasure about this cooperation.

Kerry Lugar bill - big objections , gift of F16 plane to clam teh Army/Airforce down - (Give gifts to be cool , and then keep on offensive is US stategy)

Well finding a passport in some home in Wazirstan is of course bound to happen to justify the whole story - otherwise who would agree with bombing civilian targets ? You need to show there were genuine baddies out there - even thou they were in middle of 100,000 civilians - a full scale assault was needed

Pakistan Army goes in Waziristan - US army opens all the blockades from Afghanistan , so all warriors can enter Pakistan ???

Ehm... what kind of strategy is that the idea I thought was to block all passage and capture all baddies ??? :whistle:

Now hiliray is there to say " Oh we wish Pak Army all best " ehm that means you are running away aren't you you made this gigantic mess of Afghanistan , and now you are ready to pay pakistan 6 billion and make run for high hills - is what it appears to me.

And to justify the need to do it , lets drop in few passports lol , and lets get the hell out of Afghanistan and pretend it never happened, most military ppl and folks in US think US won in vietnam too ... they said they finished their mission.
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Well nothing special for any country to make some passports and CIA agents plant these in , locations, where supposedly raid will be made in few days.

I mean why would any one who wants to run away form someone leave behind their passport ??

Since the CIA is working hard to build a case for being in Pakistan how convenient for the passport to be found in brand new un used(sic) , state

Too much coincidence ? I think so :what:

Sir ,I guess you are right. The American CIA has total access to the parts of Pakistan that even the GoP and PA could not go to until this past week. I guess FATA is REALLY an American colony after all. So, following your logic, the CIA is making drone strikes in its own territory! So, no problem, right! Pakistan is, just now, conquering the foreign Emirate of Wiziristan.
Ameircans have system where they have counter checks and
balance, so every action they take they need to justify things
becasue students in their universities , read books written with
distorted histories , and so they need to make sure when history
books are written , these story books tell a story where US had a good
purpose , and real goal. In reality most of time these actions are senseless.

Nothing good came out of this bloody war since it start -

a) Going in Vietnam > Fighting evil commies
b) Going to South Korea > Fighting evil North commies
c) Going to WW2 > To help our british brothers (who of course
enslaved India, Pakistan , Bangladesh)
d)Helping Iraq in 90's to help againt evil IRAN and dark force
Khomini , almost taken out of Starwars darth vader story.
e) Helping give Stinger missiles to Afghanistani ppl , no problem
you will get all the weapons - as long as you fight USSR.
f) Going to Kuwait, to fight evil Iraq, who was our old friend
g) Going to Iraq, to saddam part 2
h) Going to Afghanistan to find Binladin - then nation building

The short point is , that US forigne policy , and (Ellite governing ppl) mind is that US is an angelic force of goodness .

Did CIA ran operations in Libya who is Qadaffi dictator(Yes)
Did CIA helped Mubarak in Egypt to come to power with cash killing democracy(YES)
Did CIA removed democratic Iranian leader in 50's with king (YES)
Did CIA gave cash / weapons to Afghanistani ? (YES , YES AND YES)
Did CIA abduct ppl in past - yes many times -
Did Pakistani leader Bhutto was hanged he was warned by US
Leader that if you don't quit the Nuclear program you will be punished (part of history)

Are American companies (xyz) hiring and building a local network of informats in Pakistan (yes all over news in Pakistan).

US ellites need to justify their actions to go to waziristan -

a) They need to create a link , a breadcrumb trail all the way to 9/11
because the whole story has to match up ... I mean you can't
have a story line in history books , US went in ran circles like silly
with 10,00-40,000 soldiers and yet they could not catch sheap

So it sounds nicer - to have these mysterious documents found

Just like they found this alleged document about iraq WMD , which
had to be translated - back in Iraq war days

How hard is it for US CIA to go in , to Waziristan - or their embedded , workers in opereations to plant documents in certain buildings and get out (Mission Impossible style)

Before US came to region - we had no bombing in our country - now Pakistan is getting alot of illegal weapons and bombing and these are coming from outside the borders - and someone is providing money to them -

Did I just say CIA just gave Talibans 1 billion dollars ?? Oh yes I did ... now ... how can any one consider US friends when they get you to fight an enemy and then give your enemy 1 billion dollars -

So while a average Pakistani can't send 100 bucks to his family with out him supplying his driving licence and other info - and waiting at airport for 1 hour.

CIA openly says it will give cash to TALIBANS so they would join them and not with Al Qaeday (this is latest 3-4 day old story)

So I am confused so wait a second, CIA helping Talibans ???? with cash ????

Has the goals of operation changed ??? Fund talibans who are they fighting now ?? Pakistan ??

So -- what is the goal here ???


(1 BILLION DOLLARS) CIA is paying talibans 1 billion !!! It gives pakistan few millions here and there but to Talibans it is puting in 1 billion USD

Don't the American ppl ask their gov How about you give those 1 billion to American ppl who lost their homes or jobs ???

These are the forigne policy moves US has done for long time its nothing new - the only difference is no one in US ever hears about it you open a US news channel and they are always talking about evil war but no one knows what is going on

US has no funds to give to build new schools or build jobs or save homes in US but they do have 1 billion dollars to help Talibans ???? Why don't the American ppl wake up from this dream

What ever happened to curbing all Talibans ???

We know US well VERY well , the only thing dependable about US policies is that they are always very undependable -
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We know US well VERY well , the only thing dependable about US policies is that they are always very undependable -

OK! We are SO undependable! Maybe we will use our hellfire missiles attach GHQ next! OR maybe Zardari is afraid we will get him next, just like we got his wife? You are too, too lame. I feel so sorry that your mind has been so warped with hatred for the good guys......
. .
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