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8 HuJI militants sentenced to death in Bangladesh for 2001 attack


Jun 8, 2010
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8 HuJI militants sentenced to death in Bangladesh for 2001 attack

DHAKA: Eight HuJI militants, including its chief, were on Monday sentenced to death by a Bangladeshi court for a 2001 bomb attack targeting Bengali new year celebrations that claimed 10 lives.

"They shall be hanged by the neck till they are dead," additional metropolitan judge Ruhul Amin pronounced in a crowded courtroom as detained Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami (HuJI) chief Mufty Abdul Hannan and seven others appeared in the dock under heavy security vigil.

"The attack was carried out to destabilise the country and create panic," Amin said.

The court also handed down life imprisonment to six others, three of them still on the run. Hannan along with seven others faced the trial in person after arrest.

A prison van escorted by several police cars brought the detained militants to the court complex here.

Armed police contingents and security officials in plain clothes kept a sharp vigil, allowing people inside the court only after thorough security checks.

The HuJI operatives carried out the bomb attack in 2001 in Ramna Batmul here as people were celebrating the Bengali New Year 'Pahela Baishakh' which the militants claimed was "anti-Islamic".

The court indicted the outlawed HuJI chief and 13 others for the blasts on April 16, 2009, and subsequently recorded statements of 61 prosecution witnesses.

The United States has designated HuJI as a foreign terrorist organisation.

The 2001 bombing case was the second major charge that brought HuJI men in dock after police in June 2008 formally pressed charges against 21 HuJI operatives and an ex-junior minister of the then BNP government for a grenade attack on Awami League chief Sheikh Hasina on August 21, 2004.

Hasina narrowly escaped the attack but a total of 24 people were killed.

The banned outfit is also believed to have carried out several other blasts including an attack on a Communist Party rally in 2005 in which five people were killed.

Bangladesh-born former British envoy in Dhaka Anwar Chowdhury had escaped that attack sustaining minor injuries.

HuJI announced its emergence on April 30, 1992, in Bangladesh when its operatives wearing sleeveless olive combat jackets over 'shelwar-kameez' held a news conference and described how they had fought in the previous Afghan war.

They had demanded that Bangladesh be turned into an Islamic state of their brand.

8 HuJI militants sentenced to death in Bangladesh for 2001 attack - The Times of India

Bangladesh court sentences 8 HUJI militants to death - News Oneindia
What a great job done Bangladesh!
Find more and more of these HuJI and Jamaat cadres and remove them from planet earth. You would be doing a great service to humanity!
What a great job done Bangladesh!
Find more and more of these HuJI and Jamaat cadres and remove them from planet earth. You would be doing a great service to humanity!
Yes well done indeed. I hope India learns from BD and find hindutva bjp terrorist groups who killed innocent people in gujrat and hangs them.:cheers:
Yes well done indeed. I hope India learns from BD and find hindutva bjp terrorist groups who killed innocent people in gujrat and hangs them.:cheers:
there is no such thing as hindutva terrorism, and muslims were killed in riots, which common during the rule of 'secular' parties.
there is no such thing as hindutva terrorism, and muslims were killed in riots, which common during the rule of 'secular' parties.
I did not mentioned Muslims exclusively, because as I understood from past news,lot of innocent Hindus also died in those attacks. If known people from our own society attack innocent people pre planned/meditate, then we call that group of people terrorists.
BTW,HUJI not only killed Hindus, they killed Muslims and Christians too.
But in your country which you describe as riot.only Muslims get killed by Hindu people. In most of the cases.
I did not mentioned Muslims exclusively, because as I understood from past news,lot of innocent Hindus also died in those attacks. If known people from our own society attack innocent people pre planned/meditate, then we call that group of people terrorists.
BTW,HUJI not only killed Hindus, they killed Muslims and Christians too.
But in your country which you describe as riot.only Muslims get killed by Hindu people. In most of the cases.
its always muslims who provoke Hindus to rioting, the cause of gujarat riots was the gruesome act of the muslims in which they burned alive 58 kar sevaks, assam riots took place because 6 illegal bangladeshi muslims raped and then brutally murdered a bodo girl, there are many more examples like these. we only retaliate, against the atrocities of muslims who abuse our hospitality and do not let us live with peace
its always muslims who provoke Hindus to rioting, the cause of gujarat riots was the gruesome act of the muslims in which they burned alive 58 kar sevaks, assam riots took place because 6 illegal bangladeshi muslims raped and then brutally murdered a bodo girl, there are many more examples like these. we only retaliate, against the atrocities of muslims who abuse our hospitality and do not let us live with peace
You mean indian Muslims? They are abusing your hospitality? Does it mean you do not consider Muslims as Indians?And minority provoking majority to riot and killing? What kind of people are you?
It was the Sikhs who provoked you in the past,I guess.
What a great job done Bangladesh!
Find more and more of these HuJI and Jamaat cadres and remove them from planet earth. You would be doing a great service to humanity!
We need to clean Bangladesh from Hindu terrorists like Sri Lankans did to Tamils. A total annihilation to the malaunism.

its always muslims who provoke Hindus to rioting, the cause of gujarat riots was the gruesome act of the muslims in which they burned alive 58 kar sevaks, assam riots took place because 6 illegal bangladeshi muslims raped and then brutally murdered a bodo girl, there are many more examples like these. we only retaliate, against the atrocities of muslims who abuse our hospitality and do not let us live with peace
After 18 years there will be worse militants than Boko Haram and for what India did to Bangladeshis- the malaunist hindus will suffer and be perished. It's a promise.
You mean indian Muslims? They are abusing your hospitality? Does it mean you do not consider Muslims as Indians?And minority provoking majority to riot and killing? What kind of people are you?
It was the Sikhs who provoked you in the past,I guess.
sikh were killed by congress party workers and not by hindus, in that riot too majority of rioter were muslims the fact which is not known to many. it is for this reason i hate congress and other secular parties.

We need to clean Bangladesh from Hindu terrorists like Sri Lankans did to Tamils. A total annihilation to the malaunism.

After 18 years there will be worse militants than Boko Haram and for what India did to Bangladeshis- the malaunist hindus will suffer and be perished. It's a promise.
we have seen one of the worst kind of terrorism and militancy my friend, and we still stood tall in the face of adversity, India is not nigeria, Islamic pussies can throw the best they hav got on us, we have been dispatching them to hell we'll continue to do so
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We need to clean Bangladesh from Hindu terrorists like Sri Lankans did to Tamils. A total annihilation to the malaunism.
After 18 years there will be worse militants than Boko Haram and for what India did to Bangladeshis- the malaunist hindus will suffer and be perished. It's a promise.
Are you upset razakar?
The jamatis will be hung by everyone.
Here is the catch!!! This same guy also the prime accused of Aug 21 grenade attack. AL government did not and will not finish the trial of Aug 21 before they hang this guy. They will keep the Aug 21case pending to harass BNP/Oppposition knowing that the accused already dead.
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