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70th Anniversary of Hiroshima bombing

we don't need to ask forgiveness for it. it was something that had to happen. let's be thankful nukes have not be used since then.

some of us Americans are still butthurt over Pearl Harbor (not me) I don't need a Japanese to apologize for what their great papi did.


time to move on. let sleeping dogs lie. we learned the lesson of mass destruction shouldn't be taken lightly, or we would of used nukes in Korea and Vietnam.
While terrible decisions nonetheless. The fact remains that the general slow pace of effectiveness of conventional bombing(ala the Ruhr raids and the firebombing by B-29s) against aggressors and the rather dismal outlook an outright invasion of Japan was giving to the US high command.. the Atomic weapons seemed to be the cheaper way out of the war from the American(and rumoured British PoV). The Japanese had shown themselves to be fierce fighters and the difficulty by which the Islands around Japan were taken was possibly proof enough that defeating Japan via the conventional invasion was simply not feasible in terms of human cost.

If one really looks at it, Despite the massive devastation and countless lives ruined.. as a whole... the damage that Japan might have taken if a full fledged invasion was carried out versus the damage that those two bombs caused(and ipso facto "prevented" from happening).. might have made this a Hobson's choice for the Allies.
While terrible decisions nonetheless. The fact remains that the general slow pace of effectiveness of conventional bombing(ala the Ruhr raids and the firebombing by B-29s) against aggressors and the rather dismal outlook an outright invasion of Japan was giving to the US high command.. the Atomic weapons seemed to be the cheaper way out of the war from the American(and rumoured British PoV). The Japanese had shown themselves to be fierce fighters and the difficulty by which the Islands around Japan were taken was possibly proof enough that defeating Japan via the conventional invasion was simply not feasible in terms of human cost.

If one really looks at it, Despite the massive devastation and countless lives ruined.. as a whole... the damage that Japan might have taken if a full fledged invasion was carried out versus the damage that those two bombs caused(and ipso facto "prevented" from happening).. might have made this a Hobson's choice for the Allies.

It is complex to analyze the atomic bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. For me , as I suppose it is for Japanese Nationals, it is a sensitive subject that conjures emotions of hurt and melancholy. They were, indeed, a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it was the very impetus needed for the Emperor to personally intervene and declare cease of hostilities and saved millions of Japanese citizens from being unduly hurt in continuation of hostilities. And it was a curse because August will always be a reminder for Japanese and associate the bombs and the surrender of Japan , a reminder of Japan's participation in a global war.

A blessing and a curse. We should take it as it is.
Two nuke bombers are not the key element of pushing Japan to surrender.
Before it, you know thousands of B-29s had bombarded brutally the strategic target around the Japan and eventually make Japan hopeless, 80% of industrial plant have no yield in the last half year of WW 2, the casualties of Japan in these operations are far surpassed that two nuclear bombings, Luckily American decided to let Kyoto alive but Dresden, not so lucky.
Japan also done this to China, indiscriminate bombing caused huge casualties because of ROC has no sufficient civil defense facilities.
let sleeping dogs lie. we learned the lesson of mass destruction shouldn't be taken lightly, or we would of used nukes in Korea and Vietnam.
The 12 yr olds that cycles through here often enough will not let THIS sleeping dog lie. This is not about the larger issue of what to do with the most powerful force to date mankind have controlled. This is not about resolving inter-states disagreements so that those disagreements do not escalate into armed conflicts that may escalate further to using that most powerful force.

This is about US and how to portray US as evil as possible.
This is not about the larger issue of what to do with the most powerful force to date mankind have controlled. .
How about the Guinness world record for most pop corns made in 5 minutes?
How about the Guinness world record for most pop corns made in 5 minutes?

How about this - the most heinous barbaric crime against humanity getting listed in the GB of R?


Two Japanese officers, Toshiaki Mukai and Tsuyoshi Noda competing to see who could kill (with a sword) one hundred people first. The bold headline reads, "'Incredible Record' (in the Contest To Cut Down 100 People—Mukai 106 – 105 Noda—Both 2nd Lieutenants Go Into Extra Innings".

Japanese war crimes
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