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67% want military operation in North Waziristan: poll

why blood thirsty U.S. is bent on creating problems for us.
educate these so called talibans,and their generations....provide them facilities,give them jobs.but why kill them?? we should not provoke them.
and such poll stuff should not influence the decisions of our army and ISI.

You can educate them or rather re-educate(as they haven't forgotten the initial education they received back 80s) them only after they stop blowing them selves in your streets. Complete victory is essential before any semblance of order can follow.
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@ ares

its always easy for stupid people like you to utter nonsense while sitting in their cosy rooms far away from war zone.
FYI i was not in this world at that time,so i have no idea of what were they being taught.
calm down
@ ares

its always easy for stupid people like you to utter nonsense while sitting in their cosy rooms far away from war zone.
FYI i was not in this world at that time,so i have no idea of what were they being taught.
calm down

Really!! personal attack ..and I thought you were a 'gudgirl'..but seem you are just naive one.

Besides last summer you handed the Taliban a part of your country on a silver platter(SWAT), where they happily imposed their own laws(which will they will impose on your entire country..if they in come in power).

So what made you change your mind?..such that you had to send in your army?

PS: I was not born at the time of world war 2, but I still know how allies won .
jargon: Internet and books are a good source of knowledge..use them.
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fatman, I can't thank you enough for this. I have been looking for a survey of this type for so long, and never came across this. Brilliant stuff.

Here's where you can find the full report:

I wish they would have asked if Drone Strikes would be more favorable if they were conducted by Pakistani forces instead of foreigners.

We need more surveys of this type in every province, especially Balochistan, GB and AJK.

InshaAllah that won't be necessary. The area is under the control of the forces now. The IDP situation was created because our forces were trying to clear the area and move in, and civilian casualties could have been high. This time along, the area is being helf by the FC and surrounded by the Army, it will be difficult for the Taliban to confront them directly. Civilian bombings will probably be their weapon of choice.

Asalaam alikum wr wb;

First of all i disagree with this poll, i am surprised many pakistani members are appreciating this poll result. If the poll is about flushing out indian and american mercenaries, spies, special forces, agents who have brainwashed some of our citizens and recruited them under disguise of tareek-e-taliban then YES i support the poll result but if it is about throwing out some afghani taliban who have not declared war against state of pakistan then i reject this poll. Pakistan army chief and ISI chief have rejected american desires of launching operation in north waziristan several times. Many people on this forum unfortunately have a serious problem of selective amnesia !.

Why do you all think pakistan army has not launch full scale operation in north waziristan uptill now ???.. Why you think our army and Intelligence agency who are ranked as the best in the world by many neutral military experts are reluctant to act upon american demands ???. People think, research and then write instead of following some hocus pocus polls most probably setup by american/ zionist jews. We will not play into zionist jews plans to see our destruction withing which is want they have planned for us. Afghan taliban has never declared war against pakistan, it's army and it's citizens. Mullah omar even sent a letter to baitullah masud when the CIA & RAW backed masud was alive. In this letter mullah omar said clearly to stop his war against pakistan in all forms as he did'nt support baitullah masud's methodology. Afghan taliban is specific to targeting foreign occupation forces in afghanistan. Pakistan army and ISI may not be supporting afghan taliban by giving some weapons and funds as they did previously when taliban was in power before american attacks in 2001 but pakistan army and ISI still morally support haqqani network of taliban.

And afghan taliban is made up of a network of 30 plus groups. Haqqani group is a major one but only one of the 30 so groups approx. Why should be attacking our brothers with whom we fought shoulder to shoulder when we jointly defeated the former soviet russia. Afghan taliban is future of afghanistan, why the hell are we going to pick a fight with our brothers and neighbours ? American infidels are going to leave sooner or later, they have failed and have been defeated and any attempt on their part to make premptive attacks inside pakistan by launching their troops will bring further disaster to america. We should make sure all extra needless indian embassies and information centers in aghanistan should be closed cause it is a known fact that they have been used for recruiting, financing and equiping tareeq-e-taliban with indian weapons with as usual americans turning a blind eye purposely like they did in 1971 war .

It is a matter of time anyday you all will hear that drone attacks will be stopped by pakistan army and ISI. It was a wrong policy to have even allowed the americans to operate drones in limited territory on the border of pakistan-afghanistan in which majority of people dead have been innocent pakistani and afghani children, men and women. But this going to change very soon. We shut the NATO supply route for ten days and forced the american and NATO hierarchy of military, diplomats and politicians to come down to their knees unprecedentedly in apology for helicopters violation of our airspace and killing pakistani soldiers indiscriminately. Surely the time is close when drone attacks will come to an end. Pakistan army has expressed it's displeasure in americans trying to expand drone attacks and have refused this request officially. There is a strong indication that the pakistan army wants a complete shut down of drone attacks in the box of limited terriotory we have allowed the americans to operate.

People need to differentiate clearly between Afghan taliban and the fake taliban called "Tareek-e-Taliban".
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Really!! personal attack ..and I thought you were a 'gudgirl'..but seem you are just naive one.

Besides last summer you handed the Taliban a part of your country on a silver platter(SWAT), where they happily imposed their own laws(which will they will impose on your entire country..if they in come in power).

So what made you change your mind?..such that you had to send in your army?

PS: I was not born at the time of world war 2, but I still know how allies won .
jargon: Internet and books are a good source of knowledge..use them.

We did'nt hand over swat to tareek-e-taliban at all, the people of swat have longed for the return of "Wali-e-swat" Shariah law for long time where no british judicial lethargic law existed before where cases were resolved swiftly and justly unlike the british judicial system of high court, session courts where cases are prolonged ridiculously. Tareek-e-taliban used the desire of swat people as an excuse and pakistan army made an agreement with 15/16 conditions. The army said clearly back then that they will monitor tareek-e-taliban behaviour closely and when the group could'nt abide by the conditions and were exposed as liars then only did the army flushed them out with support of swati people.

Go and educate yourself, research properly and then speak. But since you are a indian it is impossible for you lot to speak justly. You scums of earth (vast majority of hindus) are always cooking up nefarious designs and spreading your ****** propaganda, spreading disinformation and unlimited lies to confuse people. 1971 war is a classic example, who can forget the role of calcutta radio and many indian spies dressed up as islamic clerics/ maulanas. Why do you come to pakistani defence forum ?? Why interest you scums have in coming here ? I don't believe pakistanis wonder around your defence forums as much as indians love coming to our websites especially defence related forums. Go and get lost from here and try helping indian IT experts in restoring a major indian website hacked by pakistani cyber army recently. I believe you can be of great help in future attacks by pakistan cyber army cause it has taken indian IT experts considerable in restoring the website.

check this link;

CBI Website Hacked by ‘Pakistani Cyber Army’ | IndiaNews

We did'nt hand over swat to tareek-e-taliban at all, the people of swat have longed for the return of "Wali-e-swat" Shariah law for long time where no british judicial lethargic law existed before where cases were resolved swiftly and justly unlike the british judicial system of high court, session courts where cases are prolonged ridiculously. Tareek-e-taliban used the desire of swat people as an excuse and pakistan army made an agreement with 15/16 conditions. The army said clearly back then that they will monitor tareek-e-taliban behaviour closely and when the group could'nt abide by the conditions and were exposed as liars then only did the army flushed them out with support of swati people.

That is what is called handing over your country in a silver platter.
First hand them over the reins of a region and then when things don't go according to your plan, call them terrorists to evict them.

Go and educate yourself, research properly and then speak. But since you are a indian it is impossible for you lot to speak justly. You scums of earth (vast majority of hindus) are always cooking up nefarious designs and spreading your ****** propaganda, spreading disinformation and unlimited lies to confuse people. 1971 war is a classic example, who can forget the role of calcutta radio and many indian spies dressed up as islamic clerics/ maulanas. Why do you come to pakistani defence forum ?? Why interest you scums have in coming here ? I don't believe pakistanis wonder around your defence forums as much as indians love coming to our websites especially defence related forums. Go and get lost from here and try helping indian IT experts in restoring a major indian website hacked by pakistani cyber army recently. I believe you can be of great help in future attacks by pakistan cyber army cause it has taken indian IT experts considerable in restoring the website.

check this link;

CBI Website Hacked by ‘Pakistani Cyber Army’ | IndiaNews


You seem like a troubled/frustrated individual...my sympathies are all I can offer you.
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That is what is called handing over your country in a silver platter.
First hand them over the reins of a region and then when things don't go according to your plan, call them terrorists to evict them.

That is your interpretation, the army knew how the tareek-e-taliban would behave but gave then no opportunity to complain that we did'nt give then any chance to prove themselves otherwise. So your argument that we handed over the reins of region and hand the country in silver platter is false.

You seem like a troubled/frustrated individual...my sympathies are all I can offer you.

I am not frustrated at all, it's you indians you are extremely troubled and upset that Pakistan army and ISI have defeated RAW in sri lanka by helping sri lankan army eradicate indian sponsored tamils and eradicating indian infestation. Likewise your agents tareek-e-taliban have also been weakened considerably and i know how you must felt suicidal that you have not been able to create 1971 type crisis internally in province of khyber pukhtoonkwa and balochistan in pakistan today according to chanakya doctrine . In frustration you want to create more mumbai type dramas so you can use justification to attack pakistan using terrorism as excuse whilst simultaneously americans make premptive launch of troops inside north waziristan. In process you might occupy some of our territory for temporary period in this war but we will not only retake them back back crush indian and american attacks. We will defeat your big army like muslim armies did during golden period of islam and conquer india by launching our pakistani flag in delhi INSHALLAH. Ghazwa-e-hind time is close, get ready and make all preparations you can as best as possible.

Good luck with your COLD START doctrine, we know you are very frustrated and troubled hence the disinformation, propaganda, lies through mainstream media and visiting pakistan military related forums.
Afghan taliban is future of afghanistan, why the hell are we going to pick a fight with our brothers and neighbours ? American infidels are going to leave sooner or later, they have failed and have been defeated and any attempt on their part to make premptive attacks inside pakistan by launching their troops will bring further disaster to america. We should make sure all extra needless indian embassies and information centers in aghanistan should be closed cause it is a known fact that they have been used for recruiting, financing and equiping tareeq-e-taliban with indian weapons with as usual americans turning a blind eye purposely like they did in 1971 war

Talib are not the future of Afghanistan , civil war is - basically a replay of Najibullah and the Muajhid, except this time Najibullah will get US funds and weapons - it won't be about who will sit in Kabul, but whether or not there will be a Afghanistan -- a sad and for Pakistan, an eventuality that it's government has historically tried to prevent.

We read much about Indian this and that on pages in this forum, please be assured that the Indian cannot compete by themselves with Pakistan in Afghanistan, just internalize it - because it has a "sun rises in the east quality" to it. By themselves the Indian are not in the kind of position you seem to think they are in -- and please believe that without Pakistan on board, there is no "victory" in Afghanistan, regardless of whether US or Russia or China or India or Iran or Saudi Arabia may want.

There may be a silver lining, and it's not in Kabul, it's not in Delhi, Beijing, Moscow or Islamabad -- it's in Washington and while it's still a couple of decades away (the optimist in me), the return of the US to sanity and the rejection of the neo-conservative intellectual and so called "moral" framework.
That is your interpretation, the army knew how the tareek-e-taliban would behave but gave then no opportunity to complain that we did'nt give then any chance to prove themselves otherwise. So your argument that we handed over the reins of region and hand the country in silver platter is false.

I am not frustrated at all, it's you indians you are extremely troubled and upset that Pakistan army and ISI have defeated RAW in sri lanka by helping sri lankan army eradicate indian sponsored tamils and eradicating indian infestation. Likewise your agents tareek-e-taliban have also been weakened considerably and i know how you must felt suicidal that you have not been able to create 1971 type crisis internally in province of khyber pukhtoonkwa and balochistan in pakistan today according to chanakya doctrine . In frustration you want to create more mumbai type dramas so you can use justification to attack pakistan using terrorism as excuse whilst simultaneously americans make premptive launch of troops inside north waziristan. In process you might occupy some of our territory for temporary period in this war but we will not only retake them back back crush indian and american attacks. We will defeat your big army like muslim armies did during golden period of islam and conquer india by launching our pakistani flag in delhi INSHALLAH. Ghazwa-e-hind time is close, get ready and make all preparations you can as best as possible.

Good luck with your COLD START doctrine, we know you are very frustrated and troubled hence the disinformation, propaganda, lies through mainstream media and visiting pakistan military related forums.

The inference I draw from your post is that your army knew that Tehrik-e-Taliban are Indian agents but handed over a part of your country to them ..so that they later on they don't complain??
assalam alaikum

These ppl when it is in their interset negotiate with the devil and they r asking us to get our soldeirs fight a not ending war on their behalf. It is obvious taliban can't be defeated by the west and trying to helping them we have more problems then before. I see pakistan was like a jannat ten years ago. Pak est. must come up with a solution no need to let our soldiers be killed for this war and kill others. Most of the ppl who get killed r innocenst and we get more extremist when it is gonna end?

Taliban r or not not the future of aghagnistan, it is not our decision. But surely those ppl who r in govt. in afghanistan r also not the future of afganistan since they could not do anything toward the peace in afghanistan unfrotunately. Let all those outsiders including pakistan not interfere in afghanistan and let them negotiate their own future and give them support we dont need the govt. like taliban in afghanistant but this situation should not continue.

Drone attacks should be stopped in pakistan.

^They liked the Indian-sponsored TTP so much that they allowed them to reach the outskirts of Islamabad before they decided to take some action ;)

Imagine if that was the Indian Army instead. Just shows how bogus the claims are of Indians supporting the TTP. If there was any truth to those allegations they wouldn't have hesitated in dropping a nuclear bomb on them.
I think the Survey poll was done in US consulate building in CIA officer's main head office in presence of 5 people in room :cheesy:

67 % hmm wonder who said no

Must be the guy who recently got called back to US for security reason:cheesy:
Dear all,

do you agree that there is a developing change in circumstance. like , one can see that the operation in NWA might never happen. this is due to the following reasons,

1. due to drone attacks, the pak intelligencia is already at a stronger position to negotiate. and they might force a few elements to surrender. although al - saif and ilyas kashmiri will not surrender , but their allies can be broken off with time. the time is with the pak army specially when we are have drone attacks twice a day.even if the alqaeda dont surrender, they can be frozen and can be made impotent

2.although the americans will never leave afghanistan in 2014, but the army and the whole world believe so. that could be the reason that pakistan dont want to ruin its stake in the region by attacking area of haqqanis. although the drones have already attacked haqqanis home a couple of months ago and women from her family were among the dead and injured.

3. the backlash.

the GHQ is perhaps waiting for a pre-emptive strike by the jihadis in NWA before they can finally go for the assault. that strike is not coming... :) lets see how the ISI is taking on the negotiations that are happening rite now.

if the north waziristan assault happenns, then there will be strong backlash. there will be definitely another attack on GHQ. every one knows the last attack was planned by ILYAS KASHMIRI.

here one more thing is important. Al-Saif, was a military trained commando, and so as ilyas kashmiri. both are extreme combat veterans, both are hard core and both are inside the Al Qaeda core(jason burke term). things could heat up to any level. and thats what i think is stopping pakistan army to take on the north waziristan

4. politics,

general kiyani want the parliamanet to convince people for the assault. i thing either the PM or president have to even adress people for the operation in north waziristan.

also, with the change in political scenario, the goverment is getting week and is definitely unable to take up this task. the nawaz sharif is against the NWA operation , hence , politically it looks unlikely... :)
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