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60,000 flee ISIS-Nusra battle in east Syria


Mar 11, 2014
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60,000 flee inter-jihadist battle in east Syria – NGO | News | GMA News Online

Around 60,000 people have fled towns in Deir Ezzor province of eastern Syria that have been the scene of fierce clashes between rival jihadists, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Saturday.

The battle between Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front and the breakaway Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has raged for four days despite an order from Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri to stop fighting.

"Residents of the towns of Busayra, home to 35,000 people, Abriha, home to 12,000 people, and Al-Zir, home to 15,000 people, have nearly all been displaced by the fighting in the area," said the Britain-based monitoring group.

The monitoring group, which relies on a vast network of contacts on the ground for its data, said Al-Nusra Front's fighters burnt down several houses in Busayra, as did ISIL in Abriha.

At least 62 fighters have been killed in this week's clashes, said the Observatory.

The latest showdown between Al-Nusra and ISIL erupted on Wednesday in energy-rich Deir Ezzor, bordering Iraq.

"There are battles now in an area around 10 kilometers (six miles) from Busayra that has an oil rig and a gas plant," said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.

The group said hundreds of the displaced had reached Turkey but the vast majority sought refuge in other rebel-held areas of Deir Ezzor province.

Conflict in Syria since March 2011 has killed more than 150,000 people and forced nearly half the country's population to flee their homes.

Al-Nusra Front is seen by many rebels as an ally, but ISIL has been widely rejected by the armed opposition to President Bashar al-Assad's regime because of its quest for hegemony and abuses.

Mainstream rebel fighters launched a massive offensive against ISIL in January and Al-Nusra Front joined the battle later.
u claim its between Nusra -only- and ISIS ?
Got me my popcorn and a plate of butter chicken. Beer and coke ready in the freezer. 50 inch TV, speakers ready to roll at a touch of a button. It's Terrorists vs Terrorists , let the game begin .
The Jews have disguised themselves as Al Nusra thugs. But we got you now, Israel! You will not get away with this devious plot.
Majority of Nusra held areas in Deir al zour fall to ISIL, Nusrah replies with suicide attacks.

World - At least 60,000 people have fled in recent days in the cities of the province of Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria, the scene of intense fighting between rival jihadists, despite calls for a truce of al-Qaida leader .

As the humanitarian crisis worsens each day a little more in the country and that UN officials criticize the problems of routing aid to civilians, President Bashar al-Assad on Saturday called on government agencies responsible for aid to greater cooperation with local and international organizations.
In Homs, in the center of the country, negotiations on the withdrawal of the last rebel areas they control are also in their final phase.
The conflict in Syria has become very complex in recent months, the front between loyalists and rebels being dubbed a fratricidal war between groups fighting the army.
The clashes in the province of Deir Ezzor, which began Wednesday between Al-Nosra Front, the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda and the jihadists of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (EIIL) have intensified Saturday.
"The inhabitants of the localities Bussayra (35,000 persons), Abriha (12,000) and Al Zir (15,000) have been displaced by the fighting in these areas," said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights ( OSDH).
According to the NGO, the vast majority of the displaced have sought refuge in areas beyond the control of the regime, in other areas of the province of Deir Ezzor.
In four days of fighting, 62 fighters from both groups were killed, said the OSDH.
A fratricidal war between al-Nosra to EIIL, yet committed against the regime, leaving thousands dead since January.
In an audio recording released Friday, the leader of Al Qaeda Ayman al-Zawahri had however ordered the Front Nosra Al-stop "immediately" to combat EIIL.
Displaced in the province of Deir Ezzor in addition to millions more in countries that have a dire need of humanitarian aid.
However, the Secretary General of the UN Ban Ki-moon recently lamented the access problems of this aid, despite a resolution in February calling on the warring parties to let, particularly pointing to the Syrian government.
Negotiations in Homs
"We need greater cooperation between ministries and bodies involved in humanitarian aid, the delivery of aid without delay, and work on the ground with all local and international stakeholders to facilitate the delivery of aid, "said Assad, according to state television.
The patron saint of UN humanitarian operations Valerie Amos deplored Wednesday that "less than ten percent of the 242,000 in the besieged Syrian areas received assistance in the past four weeks."
The regime has succeeded in recent months to take several strategic areas the rebels and the army still report progress Saturday against the insurgents in the province of Damascus and Aleppo.
In the center of the country, the governor of Homs province Talal al-Barazi and rebels told AFP that the truce came into effect Friday aimed at the withdrawal of the last insurgent areas they occupy is maintained and that negotiations were continuing.
"Part of the agreement is the release of Iranian officers at the hands of Liwa al-Tawhid in Aleppo," said one of the negotiators rebellious side, Abul Harith.
"The agreement covers the Old Town and the Waer neighborhood but its implementation will begin with the Old Town. This is to achieve a peaceful solution bringing safety, "said the governor.
Old city in ruins, no longer houses that fighters but Waer, on the outskirts of Homs, with hundreds of thousands of people, many of them moved.
In the rest of the country, 24 people were killed Saturday and nearly forty injured by shells, explosive barrels and a bomb in Damascus and Aleppo (north) car, according to the official SANA news agency and the OSDH.
While the country is at war for three years, leaving more than 150,000 dead, Assad is seeking a third term in the presidential election, scheduled for June 3 in the uncontrolled insurgent areas.

By Daily Tunisia with AFP
I found a nice analysis about these two groups:
writer calls them takfiri wahhabis VS Salafi Ekhvanis, one representing Saudi Arabia, the other one representing Qatar. and this conflict is the result of the Egypt coup, which broke the alliance between Saudi Arabia and Qatar, or better to say further increased their hostility against each other.
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