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6 top priorities for the ministry of defence


Feb 21, 2014
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Following are the top priorities for defence ministry in the new government:

1. Boost indigenous defence R&D and production. Revamp DRDO and its 50 labs, five defence PSUs, four shipyards and 39 ordnance factories. Encourage the private sector to enter arms manufacturing in a major way. India, embarrassingly, still imports 65% of its military hardware and software.

2. Streamline cumbersome arms procurement procedures to fast-track acquisitions and reduce corruption. Also re-examine the policies for offsets, transfer of technology and ban on agents. Projects for new submarines, howitzers, fighters, helicopters, night-fighting capabilities, air defence weapons and the like have been stuck for years due to politico-bureaucratic apathy.

3. Reform the country's higher defence management, with measures ranging from creating a chief of defence staff-like post to truly integrating Service HQs with the defence ministry and "cross-staffing" (posting military officers to MoD at the director/joint secretary-levels).


4. Ensure faster build-up of both the new mountain strike corps as well as military infrastructure like the long-identified 73 strategic roads and 14 railway lines, helipads and advance landing grounds, along the Line of Actual Control to counter China. Boost force-levels and infrastructure at Andaman and Nicobar Command, apart from creating three new tri-Service commands for space, cyber and special operations.

5. Complete India's nuclear weapons triad by faster induction of nuclear submarine INS Arihant and its follow-on sister ships with long-range missiles. Land and air legs already in place with Agni ballistic missiles and fighter-bombers.

6. Hike budgeted defence expenditure to at least 2.5% of GDP, instead of letting it wallow around just 1.7 to 1.9%, for adequate military modernization and requisite deterrence against both China and Pakistan. Cut the flab in the armed forces, improve the teeth-to-tail ratio.
6 top priorities for the ministry of defence - The Times of India
Hun... Alsi need to fast track the urgent needs of the 3 forces... Like mmrca deal of the iaf.... Eavy weight torpedoes for the scorpion subs ... And the light weight howzitters fot the army... And also as u mensioned... Increasing the defwnce budget by atleast 25%
Considering that MOD will now directly be under the PMO (Jaitley will soon hand it over as Modi was keep to retain it for himself), expect lightning fast reforms like ISRO.
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