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6 militants killed in Anantnag

I suggest webmaster and admin team any one who says jihadis fighting for freedom a militant shoukd be corrected in headline this is pak forum not bhindian forum we do what suits us
6 at one place? Looks like informers are really pissed off with the freedom fighters. Great work to security forces and salute to locals who risk their lives to help the nation get rid of this menance.

Even kashmiri are understanding this

I suggest webmaster and admin team any one who says jihadis fighting for freedom a militant shoukd be corrected in headline this is pak forum not bhindian forum we do what suits us
Why don't you go and ask to ban each and every Indian present here... Ban Indian IPs
6 at one place? Looks like informers are really pissed off with the freedom fighters. Great work to security forces and salute to locals who risk their lives to help the nation get rid of this menance.
Maybe it's after those assh*les killed that kid last week. Terrorist are getting what they deserve.
6 at one place? Looks like informers are really pissed off with the freedom fighters. Great work to security forces and salute to locals who risk their lives to help the nation get rid of this menance.
End of the day it's money which they get for the information but yea they are also pissed at those coming across the border.
What I don't understand is why is pakistan or pak army (later is real power in pak) creates problem in India, Afganistan and now Iran also( they have started kidnaping Iranian border guarda).
If that is not enough they have problem with countries who don't even share border with them, Israel.
On other hand india china fought war in 62 but today we have trade of around 100 billion dollars.
India have good relation with USA now who once ordered it's 7th fleet to act against india.
India have good relation with Israel as well as palestine, India have good relation with russia , Euripe as well as USA.
No country in world have any problem with india( some minor issues will be there but i am talking about major issues) except pakistan.
Now how many countries have problem with pakistan, list will be very long..
It was ur army who killer 100s of palestine civilian on order of king of lebnan. Its was pakistan who played major role jn establish ing taliban and still doing in afganistan.
Its pakistan ex army chief in saudi who is providing help to saudi army in war against yemen.
How often do we hear the news that an indian went on killing spree in USA compare that with pakistani in USA.
But my dear neighbour please understand the importance of peace.
Small example pak says that there is no proof against hafis saeed ok fine but what about maulana masood azahar who was freed by highjacking an indian plane . I mean what more proof is needed to arrest him still he is free in pakistan. Killer of daniel perl is still alive in pakistan and society there is demanding death penalty for asia bibi.
Trust me brothers we indian mean no harm to you guys but we know very well to protect yourself.
Suggestion from a commin indian terroriss is not going to help you in achieving any goal.
End of the day it's money which they get for the information but yea they are also pissed at those coming across the border.
What I don't understand is why is pakistan or pak army (later is real power in pak) creates problem in India, Afganistan and now Iran also( they have started kidnaping Iranian border guards).
If that is not enough they have problem with countries who don't even share border with them, Israel.
On other hand india china fought war in 62 but today we have trade of around 100 billion dollars.
India have good relation with USA now who once ordered it's 7th fleet to act against india.
India have good relation with Israel as well as palestine, India have good relation with russia , Europe as well as USA.
No country in world have any problem with india( some minor issues will be there but i am talking about major issues) except pakistan.
Now how many countries have problem with pakistan, list will be very long..
It was ur army who killed 100s of palestine civilian on order of king of lebnan. Its was pakistan who played major role in establishing taliban and still doing in afganistan.
Its pakistan ex army chief in saudi who is providing help to saudi army in war against yemen.
How often do we hear the news that an indian went on killing spree in USA compare that with pakistani in USA.
But my dear neighbour please understand the importance of peace.
Small example pak says that there is no proof against hafis saeed ok fine but what about maulana masood azahar who was freed by highjacking an indian plane . I mean what more proof is needed to arrest him still he is free in pakistan. Killer of daniel perl is still alive in pakistan and society there is demanding death penalty for asia bibi.
Trust me brothers we indian mean no harm to you guys but we know very well to protect ourself.
Suggestion from a common indian ,terrorism is not going to help you in achieving any goal.
Please forgive the typo error
Freedom fighters Rest in Peace.Soon we gonna hear the news of another headshot
What pak needs to understand is that india have the capacity to continue with situation in kashmir and still be the fastest growing major economy in world . So we can play this cat and mouse game for another 30 40 years . And what happens after that when india becomes the 2nd or 3rd biggest economy in world.
Can pak sustain this by having a regional super power and all world's super power except china standing against pakistan.
Pakistan's love for china will come to an end just like srilanka when it has to handover it's port and major infra to china on 99 years lease.
It's a report from within pakistan saying that in KPK CHINESE population will outgrow local population in next 15 to 20 years.
Chinese are nothing but the Mongols who when are strong , they expand their territory, so best of luck for your frndship with china.
Coming back to topic indian army will continue it's operation against terrorist till they are all finished. JNK belongs to india and no power in the world have capacity to take it away. We are ready to pay any cost to save it and inflict any damage on those who will try to take it away.
Only kashmiri Pandits can resolve this issue...
They should be settled asap
Only kashmiri Pandits can resolve this issue...
They should be settled asap
It's not practical now
Who will go back now they are all settled at other places.
Only solution is time.
We should increase the cost for pakistan to support terrorism , best way to do is by focusing on our economy and let them be in Alice's wonderland.
25 year down the line our defence budget will be ans big as pak GDP.
Our per capita income will be 5 to 6 times higher than pakistan then we will c if kashmir wants to join poor pakistan or stay with rich india.
It's all money that matters.

It's not practical now
Who will go back now they are all settled at other places.
Only solution is time.
We should increase the cost for pakistan to support terrorism , best way to do is by focusing on our economy and let them be in Alice's wonderland.
25 year down the line our defence budget will be ans big as pak GDP.
Our per capita income will be 5 to 6 times higher than pakistan then we will c if kashmir wants to join poor pakistan or stay with rich india.
It's all money that matters.
Things have started changing already.
Many Pakistanis will line up to get well treatment in india if we continue what we are doing in coming years they will lineup to get admission in indian universities , get job in india get better services from india ( they are already using indian DTH in pakistan despite ban ) etc..
They are keeping pet snakes in their backyard hoping that it will bite their neighbour but in reality they are the one getting bitten (ex- APS attack ).

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