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6 Days Left for NATO Tiger Meet 2013!!!


Feb 6, 2013
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Just like in 2012 the NATO tiger
meet will be hosted at Ørland
Main Air Station, Norway. 19 June 2013

Tiger Meets are the Associations
reason for being. While in the
early days the Tiger Meet was
mainly a social get together from
Tiger squadrons things changed
rapidly and tactical flying
exercises were soon
implemented into the Tiger Meet
On a typical Tiger Meet flying
program you will find missions
like: range firing, air-to-air, low
level nav and COMAO missions...
all of them with briefings and
debriefings. Due to the growing
helicopter force within the Tigers
they are intigrated within the
mission as Forward Air
Controllers or in a CSAR role.
Besided their work within the
COMAO's the helicopter force
ofter practices with local army
(special) forces.
The last 4 NATO Tiger Meets were
even incorporated into larger
scale exercises like AIRNORTH's
Clean Hunter 01 and Daring Eagle
02. During an avarage Tiger meet
not less then 250 sorties are
flown by the Tigers. No need to
say that people involved in
mission planning and aircraft
maintenance also have a busy
working schedule.

So what's the program of a
typical 8 day NATO Tiger Meet?
Well it all starts of with the arrival
of the participants and an
opening ceremony were all flags
are raised till the last day. From
then on the operations start. In
the morning most participants fly
local missions among each other,
while in the afternoon the
COMAO's are flown against 'red
forces' which are in most cases
units from the host nations
country acting like 'enemy
forces'. No need to say that all
these missions are carefully
planned, briefed, executed and
debriefed. This schedule is
followed for most of the flying
By the end of the OPS week it is
time to tighten social strenghs
between all participating units. It
is during these days that the well
known Tiger Games are
executed. Tiger Games are mainly
a mix of fun and sports.
The Tiger Meet is always closed
by lowering the flags, after that
cermony the tradional farewell
party is started an various
awards are handed out, of which
the Silver Tiger Trophy is the
most important one.

This years participants;

POL, 6th FS - 6x F-16
TUR, 192 FILO - 3x F-16
AUT, JTS - 3x Saab 105OE
NLD, 313 SQN - 5x F-16
NOR, 338 SQN - 8x F-16
CH, STAFFEL 11 - 5x F/A-18
FRA, ECE 05/330 - 2x RAFALE
FRA, EC 1/7 - 5x RAFALE
CZE, 221 SQN - 2x HIND
CZE, 211 SQN - 4x JAS-39
ESP, 15 WING - 5 EF-18
DEU, AG 51 "I" - 6 TORNADO
BEL, 31 SQN - 5x F-16
GRC, 335 MIRA - 4x F-16
NATO, SQN 1 - 2x E-3A
GBR, 78 SQN - 2x MERLIN (Only
week 2)
DEU, GFD - 1 Lear Jet
USA, 121 ARW - 2x KC-135R
NOR, 717 SQN - 1x DA-20
NOR, 132 AW - 6x F-16
DEU, JG 74 - 3x
EUROFIGHTER (19-24 June)





Unlike in the other exercises, NTM'13 will be the greatest of it's history since it was founded in 1961

P.S Aircrafts such as F-35 Lightning II, Eurofighter Typhoon and C-17 Globemaster III will join this year's exercise


Just like in 2012 the NATO tiger
meet will be hosted at Ørland
Main Air Station, Norway. 19 June 2013

Tiger Meets are the Associations
reason for being. While in the
early days the Tiger Meet was
mainly a social get together from
Tiger squadrons things changed
rapidly and tactical flying
exercises were soon
implemented into the Tiger Meet
On a typical Tiger Meet flying
program you will find missions
like: range firing, air-to-air, low
level nav and COMAO missions...
all of them with briefings and
debriefings. Due to the growing
helicopter force within the Tigers
they are intigrated within the
mission as Forward Air
Controllers or in a CSAR role.
Besided their work within the
COMAO's the helicopter force
ofter practices with local army
(special) forces.
The last 4 NATO Tiger Meets were
even incorporated into larger
scale exercises like AIRNORTH's
Clean Hunter 01 and Daring Eagle
02. During an avarage Tiger meet
not less then 250 sorties are
flown by the Tigers. No need to
say that people involved in
mission planning and aircraft
maintenance also have a busy
working schedule.

So what's the program of a
typical 8 day NATO Tiger Meet?
Well it all starts of with the arrival
of the participants and an
opening ceremony were all flags
are raised till the last day. From
then on the operations start. In
the morning most participants fly
local missions among each other,
while in the afternoon the
COMAO's are flown against 'red
forces' which are in most cases
units from the host nations
country acting like 'enemy
forces'. No need to say that all
these missions are carefully
planned, briefed, executed and
debriefed. This schedule is
followed for most of the flying
By the end of the OPS week it is
time to tighten social strenghs
between all participating units. It
is during these days that the well
known Tiger Games are
executed. Tiger Games are mainly
a mix of fun and sports.
The Tiger Meet is always closed
by lowering the flags, after that
cermony the tradional farewell
party is started an various
awards are handed out, of which
the Silver Tiger Trophy is the
most important one.

This years participants;

POL, 6th FS - 6x F-16
TUR, 192 FILO - 3x F-16
AUT, JTS - 3x Saab 105OE
NLD, 313 SQN - 5x F-16
NOR, 338 SQN - 8x F-16
CH, STAFFEL 11 - 5x F/A-18
FRA, ECE 05/330 - 2x RAFALE
FRA, EC 1/7 - 5x RAFALE
CZE, 221 SQN - 2x HIND
CZE, 211 SQN - 4x JAS-39
ESP, 15 WING - 5 EF-18
DEU, AG 51 "I" - 6 TORNADO
BEL, 31 SQN - 5x F-16
GRC, 335 MIRA - 4x F-16
NATO, SQN 1 - 2x E-3A
GBR, 78 SQN - 2x MERLIN (Only
week 2)
DEU, GFD - 1 Lear Jet
USA, 121 ARW - 2x KC-135R
NOR, 717 SQN - 1x DA-20
NOR, 132 AW - 6x F-16
DEU, JG 74 - 3x
EUROFIGHTER (19-24 June)





Unlike in the other exercises, NTM'13 will be the greatest of it's history since it was founded in 1961

P.S Aircrafts such as F-35 Lightning II, Eurofighter Typhoon and C-17 Globemaster III will join this year's exercise

Huh, I didn't know they let potatoes into airshows.
No, the F-35. The C-17 is actually operational and useful.

they will use the F-35 only for the airshow, but they'll paint it with tiger stripes. but They won't use it in the operational part of the meet
they will use the F-35 only for the airshow, but they'll paint it with tiger stripes. but They won't use it in the operational part of the meet

I'm still wondering why they let a potato in the air show to begin with.
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