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5 Afghan Taliban Commanders Reach Waziristan To Stop Fight Between 2 factions of TTP

this is my request to mr mulla fake umar that stay out of matters in pak ... and keep your jihad to your own country .. first bring shariyat there than we will talk... or else :sniper::sniper::sniper::butcher::butcher::butcher::guns::guns::guns:
freash image of 5 Afghan taliban between TTP fight :rofl::rofl::rofl:

TTP ko kuton sey dekhna bhi kuton ki be ezzati karni hai.

Fk these @$$h0l3s who cross the border to help TTP rats.
. .
keep supporting our TTp talibans & BLA terrorists our indian friends?
even if i take your word for the Indian support to TTP,its effecting you.
And your supporting of Afgan taliban is also effecting you,the point i was making was they both are the two sides of the same coin.again boils down to good taliban and bad taliban.
As far as i am concerned a good taliban is a dead taliban.
even if i take your word for the Indian support to TTP,its effecting you.
And your supporting of Afgan taliban is also effecting you,the point i was making was they both are the two sides of the same coin.again boils down to good taliban and bad taliban.
As far as i am concerned a good taliban is a dead taliban.
sure im agreed on it!

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