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My dear Friends, I'm a chinese and I'm tryting to gather some questions from the Chinese to ask our Indian Friends. So if there're any Indian or someone who happens to would like to answer the questions gathered by me, I'll be quite appreciated. Thanks in advance and here're the questions from Chinese as follows(i've translated them from Chinese to English and then I'll translate them from English back to Chinese again):
1. 印度的军事实力 与中国对比情况
The comparison of military force between China and India?
2. 印度会在什么时候登月,会比中国早吗?
When is India planning to land on Moon, sooner than China?
3. 一般民众对美国的看法
The views of normal citizens towards America?
4. 印度的基础设施如何?2.印度人怎么看待自己国家的经济?
How is the infrastructure in India? How do the Indian view their Economy?
5. 印度人如何看待中国人?(比如中国人的缺点与优点)
How do the Indian view the Chinese(the advantages and disadvantages)
6. 印度如何看待美国介入亚洲这事?
How do the Indian view the interference of America in Asia?
7. 印度有能力长时间抵抗西方世界的入侵么?
Does India have the capacity to resist the invasion from the western?
8. 身边人对于中国的印象并且他们认为什么事物最能代表中国?
The views of your friends towards China and what represents China mostly?
9. 为什么宝莱坞的电影总会穿插歌舞剧内容?
Why theres always dancing and drama in Bollywood Movies?
10. 对本国阅兵有什么看法?
How do you think about the Chinese Military Parade?
11. 在印度考大学简单不?是不是也是九年义务教育?
Is it easy to get into Indian Universities? Is it also the 9 year compulsory education?
12 听说有很多地方会经常停电,有的甚至没电,是不是事实?
Ive been told a lot about black-out in India, and at some places theres even no electricity, is it ture?
13 90后是不是也像我们一样喜欢动漫,喜欢游戏。。。
Do the youth born after 1990 also like animations or games as we Chinese do?
14 为什么 不可以让两个大国在太空寻求合作了?在可预见的未来,将来的太空一定会喷发式的发展,印度是不是该考虑加入新一代的科技革命。
Why cant India and China work together to seek for the aerospace development? Should India consider joining into a tech revolution?
15 我想问一个印度人一般生几个仔,,听说你们性别失调,女人够用吗
How many children will an India have? Ive heard about the gender imbalance in India, are there enough women?
16 我之想告诉印度朋友 中国人不讨厌你们 还有我们生活得很好 我们骂领导不会被枪毙 为什么老说我们自由?
I want to tell my india friends that Chinese dont hate you and were having a good life. We wont be executed by amusing the leaders, and why you always mention about freedom?
17 印度官员是不是真的很腐败?到什么程度?
Are the India officials really corrupt? To what extent?
18 中学主要学什么,有类似中国的高考么,要上补习班么?
What do the middle school students learn? Is it similar to the College Entrance Examination in China? And do you have to go to extracurricular courses?
19 印度对自己成为发达国家还需多久预测一下?
Prediction about when Indias going be the developed country?
20 印度军力和印度国力很不相称啊,和平年代印度不把有限的资源用在经济发展上而浪费大量金钱军购,这样做有何意义,或者说有什么目的?
The military force doesnt equal the economy in India, India shouldnt really spend too much money wasting on purchasing weapons. What does it mean or whats the purpose of it?
21 印度婚前性行为多吗? 大学里谈男女朋友的多吗?
Is there many premarital sex in India? Are relations common in Indian universities?
23 就想问问什么时候统治世界?能不能到时留条活路给我们?
When India is going to rule the world? Please leave us a way out.
24 请问在普通民众心中觉得民主、宗教、传统那个重要,那他们发生冲突的时候会优先考虑那个。
Democracy, Religion and Tradition, which ranks first when theyre in conflict?
25 印度人认为中国对印度有多么的了解?
How do the Indian think about the views of the Indian towards China?
26 为什么电影里总是莫名其妙出现歌舞?我不讨厌印度的歌舞,但是看电影好好的突然莫名其妙来了一段全民大联欢
Why therere always unreasonable dancing and singing in the Movie? I dont hate Indian dancing but it pops out in the movie out of nothing and the other people joined together.
27 对英的看法?
The views towards Britian?
29 贫富差距和教育程度的看法?
The views towards wealth gap and education?
30 问一下三哥能不能派技术员来帮中国建航母
Can the Indian send the exports to help China building up the Aircraft Carrier?
31 个人觉得计划生育对印度很有必要,印度人民从来不考虑计划生育吗?还是说有什么困难无法实施?
Personally I think its important to regulate the birth rate, do the Indian never think about it? Or you cant implement them for some reasons?
32 印度网友们你们好,请问为什么你们有选举权却选那些腐败政客上台,既然这样民主的帽子又有什么用呢?仅是为了好看?
My dear Indian friends, how do you have the vote right but let the corrupted politians to rule your country. Whats the role of Democracy play in your country?
34 创建古代印度文明的种族以及其后裔动态?
The races generating ancient India and the status of its offsprings?
How close the Indian gentlemen could get together? Is there a high rate of homosexuals? Will they be discriminated?
Most of the Chinese dont know or are not interested in the 1962 war. The root of the conflict is the stir of British.
37 .另外一个问题也很好奇。印度现在的GDP大概相当于中国十年前。所以印度现在的生活水平跟10年前的中国差不多吗?10年前我还在读高中,是个普通的工薪家庭,感觉那时候已经过的挺不错的了。但是看了一些欧美关于印度的节目,觉得跟我十年前的生活比简直天壤之别。所以是欧美媒体在黑印度,还是说GDP的增长没有惠及国民?
Im curious about another question. The GDP of India equals to China 10 years ago. So is the living standard in India similar to China 10 years ago? I was in high school 10 years ago and my families are ordinary. I felt like having had a good life then. Ive seen some TV programs introducing India and found that its totally different than what Ive experience 10 years ago in China. So is that because the Media is misreporting India, or the growth of GDP doesnt benefit the people?
Why the Indian think that China will invade India? If so, Id like to know the purpose of that. 39.印度人怎么看德国?印度普通人人怎么看纳粹?印度普通人怎么看希特勒?
How do the Indian think about Germany , Nazi Germany and Hitler?
In some big cities in India such as Mumbai, Delhi and Calcutta, is the real estate price high and how long will an normal person work to get himself/herself a house of 100 m2?
41. 认为目前影响印度经济发展最大的问题是什么?
Whats the biggest issue affecting the Indian Economy?
Why do the skin colors differ so much among the Indian? Some are white and some are..
I want to know is it safe to travel to India alone? Im a Chinese girl
Ive heard a lot about the rape crimes in India and how is the actual views of Indian man towards woman? Is it a big difference between man and woman? And whats the status of a woman in a family?
1. 印度的军事实力 与中国对比情况
The comparison of military force between China and India?
2. 印度会在什么时候登月,会比中国早吗?
When is India planning to land on Moon, sooner than China?
3. 一般民众对美国的看法
The views of normal citizens towards America?
4. 印度的基础设施如何?2.印度人怎么看待自己国家的经济?
How is the infrastructure in India? How do the Indian view their Economy?
5. 印度人如何看待中国人?(比如中国人的缺点与优点)
How do the Indian view the Chinese(the advantages and disadvantages)
6. 印度如何看待美国介入亚洲这事?
How do the Indian view the interference of America in Asia?
7. 印度有能力长时间抵抗西方世界的入侵么?
Does India have the capacity to resist the invasion from the western?
8. 身边人对于中国的印象并且他们认为什么事物最能代表中国?
The views of your friends towards China and what represents China mostly?
9. 为什么宝莱坞的电影总会穿插歌舞剧内容?
Why theres always dancing and drama in Bollywood Movies?
10. 对本国阅兵有什么看法?
How do you think about the Chinese Military Parade?
11. 在印度考大学简单不?是不是也是九年义务教育?
Is it easy to get into Indian Universities? Is it also the 9 year compulsory education?
12 听说有很多地方会经常停电,有的甚至没电,是不是事实?
Ive been told a lot about black-out in India, and at some places theres even no electricity, is it ture?
13 90后是不是也像我们一样喜欢动漫,喜欢游戏。。。
Do the youth born after 1990 also like animations or games as we Chinese do?
14 为什么 不可以让两个大国在太空寻求合作了?在可预见的未来,将来的太空一定会喷发式的发展,印度是不是该考虑加入新一代的科技革命。
Why cant India and China work together to seek for the aerospace development? Should India consider joining into a tech revolution?
15 我想问一个印度人一般生几个仔,,听说你们性别失调,女人够用吗
How many children will an India have? Ive heard about the gender imbalance in India, are there enough women?
16 我之想告诉印度朋友 中国人不讨厌你们 还有我们生活得很好 我们骂领导不会被枪毙 为什么老说我们自由?
I want to tell my india friends that Chinese dont hate you and were having a good life. We wont be executed by amusing the leaders, and why you always mention about freedom?
17 印度官员是不是真的很腐败?到什么程度?
Are the India officials really corrupt? To what extent?
18 中学主要学什么,有类似中国的高考么,要上补习班么?
What do the middle school students learn? Is it similar to the College Entrance Examination in China? And do you have to go to extracurricular courses?
19 印度对自己成为发达国家还需多久预测一下?
Prediction about when Indias going be the developed country?
20 印度军力和印度国力很不相称啊,和平年代印度不把有限的资源用在经济发展上而浪费大量金钱军购,这样做有何意义,或者说有什么目的?
The military force doesnt equal the economy in India, India shouldnt really spend too much money wasting on purchasing weapons. What does it mean or whats the purpose of it?
21 印度婚前性行为多吗? 大学里谈男女朋友的多吗?
Is there many premarital sex in India? Are relations common in Indian universities?
23 就想问问什么时候统治世界?能不能到时留条活路给我们?
When India is going to rule the world? Please leave us a way out.
24 请问在普通民众心中觉得民主、宗教、传统那个重要,那他们发生冲突的时候会优先考虑那个。
Democracy, Religion and Tradition, which ranks first when theyre in conflict?
25 印度人认为中国对印度有多么的了解?
How do the Indian think about the views of the Indian towards China?
26 为什么电影里总是莫名其妙出现歌舞?我不讨厌印度的歌舞,但是看电影好好的突然莫名其妙来了一段全民大联欢
Why therere always unreasonable dancing and singing in the Movie? I dont hate Indian dancing but it pops out in the movie out of nothing and the other people joined together.
27 对英的看法?
The views towards Britian?
29 贫富差距和教育程度的看法?
The views towards wealth gap and education?
30 问一下三哥能不能派技术员来帮中国建航母
Can the Indian send the exports to help China building up the Aircraft Carrier?
31 个人觉得计划生育对印度很有必要,印度人民从来不考虑计划生育吗?还是说有什么困难无法实施?
Personally I think its important to regulate the birth rate, do the Indian never think about it? Or you cant implement them for some reasons?
32 印度网友们你们好,请问为什么你们有选举权却选那些腐败政客上台,既然这样民主的帽子又有什么用呢?仅是为了好看?
My dear Indian friends, how do you have the vote right but let the corrupted politians to rule your country. Whats the role of Democracy play in your country?
34 创建古代印度文明的种族以及其后裔动态?
The races generating ancient India and the status of its offsprings?
How close the Indian gentlemen could get together? Is there a high rate of homosexuals? Will they be discriminated?
Most of the Chinese dont know or are not interested in the 1962 war. The root of the conflict is the stir of British.
37 .另外一个问题也很好奇。印度现在的GDP大概相当于中国十年前。所以印度现在的生活水平跟10年前的中国差不多吗?10年前我还在读高中,是个普通的工薪家庭,感觉那时候已经过的挺不错的了。但是看了一些欧美关于印度的节目,觉得跟我十年前的生活比简直天壤之别。所以是欧美媒体在黑印度,还是说GDP的增长没有惠及国民?
Im curious about another question. The GDP of India equals to China 10 years ago. So is the living standard in India similar to China 10 years ago? I was in high school 10 years ago and my families are ordinary. I felt like having had a good life then. Ive seen some TV programs introducing India and found that its totally different than what Ive experience 10 years ago in China. So is that because the Media is misreporting India, or the growth of GDP doesnt benefit the people?
Why the Indian think that China will invade India? If so, Id like to know the purpose of that. 39.印度人怎么看德国?印度普通人人怎么看纳粹?印度普通人怎么看希特勒?
How do the Indian think about Germany , Nazi Germany and Hitler?
In some big cities in India such as Mumbai, Delhi and Calcutta, is the real estate price high and how long will an normal person work to get himself/herself a house of 100 m2?
41. 认为目前影响印度经济发展最大的问题是什么?
Whats the biggest issue affecting the Indian Economy?
Why do the skin colors differ so much among the Indian? Some are white and some are..
I want to know is it safe to travel to India alone? Im a Chinese girl
Ive heard a lot about the rape crimes in India and how is the actual views of Indian man towards woman? Is it a big difference between man and woman? And whats the status of a woman in a family?