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40 Years of Peace: Israel and Egypt

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Is that what you've been waiting for? No wonder you're angry and frustrated! Have you tried Valium?
As you are doing with Syria. So you will do to Egypt any other country that will try to establish peace with you.
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No, I just need a cup of coffee..
But if I visit Israel, how would you kill me?
I'm not an Israeli. Why are you talking about being killed? Do you plan on committing a deadly act of terror on a visit to Israel? If not, why would you have to worry about being killed by a Jew there?

I think you've been drinking too much coffee...
I'm not an Israeli. Why are you talking about being killed? Do you plan on committing a deadly act of terror on a visit to Israel? If not, why would you have to worry about being killed by a Jew there?

I think you've been drinking too much coffee...
Because you people are taught how to kill and how to be deceitful...
Because you people are taught how to kill and how to be deceitful...
Hmm, maybe you're not really talking about Israel but can't openly say so. What would Syria, Iran, or even Pakistan be like without their armed forces or "stateless" combatants?
40 years of peace with Egypt and 40 Years of crime against Palestine.
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Now imagine if Israel made peace with the Palestinians, how nice would that be? Wouldn't that bring Israel that much closer to ending all the hate it generates as a result? Yes, the problem with Syria and the Iran Hezbollah axis would still be an issue to deal with, but the Arab word in almost its entirety would support Israel for initiating and actually following through with peace and a viable, Palestinian state. If you notice how it was Sadat and Egypt that fully initiated this peace in 1977. This one is on Israel. It would garner unimaginable support since that really is the only issue we all have with Israel. But as long as the likes of Netanyahu and the Likud party and the core of Jewish orthodoxy and settlers -- which fought very hard against Yitzhak Rabin and even Shimon Peres during a only time that ever came the closest to almost achieving an agreement to move forward with Yasser Arrafat and the Palestinians -- are hell bent of never giving up anything. Until then, this overall peace will always stay cold and not be a real peace in the true sense of the word.
Peace... The Modern Word to appease the mind of the Hypocrite... and Keep the Sheep in check...
Cowardly , is to call others by obscene name from the safety of your computer ...
So what should I call you if you didn't do anything by yourself and are scared from the unarmed Palestinians
What should I call you if you don't let Iraqi's and now Iranians to build a nuclear reactor while you have yourself violated the rules
What should I call you when you are talking about Liberty while taking the Liberty of Palestinians and imposing blockades on them which you have got no right
I wish I wish that you should be here with us in our neighborhood then you would know your values
What should I call you
What should I call You ???
To me coward is the befitting one
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