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3th Turkish Naval systems seminar


Feb 20, 2008
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The news reflected to media...

1. The second SAR ship being constructed by RMK will be launched in November and the sea trails of the first ships will begin in December.

2. The first NTPB AB-1200 Patrol Boat is scheduled for commissioning toward the end of the year.

3. There is a lot of progress made regarding the sea based guided weapon systems. The rumor is that the Norwegians are short of achieving a sales and export break through for their NSM.

4. The right conjuncture is being waited for the TF-2000 air defence frigate and next generation of AORs.

5. The sixth ship to receive the Genesis is F-495 TCG Gediz. She will also have the Mk-41 VLS systems integrated. But the 3D Smart radar will not be delivered on time so she will receive another overhaul for the radar. She is estimated to be ready at the end of the year but this estimation may be a little too optimistic.

6. Network centric warfare is a buzz word here too. New combat management systems will have integrated Link-11-16-22 capabilities.

Savunma ve Stratejik Analizler
Bosphorus Naval News: My Impressions From 3.Naval Systems Seminar
- More than 50 companies are working on with about 200 smaller supplier/production companies delivering work on the Milgem corvette.

-The military Golcuk shipyard is to receive a huge investment and modernization to its infrastructure in preparation to the construction of U-214TN submarines. They will be produced vertically construction technology in Golcuk shipyard..


- Status of TF2000 AAW Destroyer/Frigate
Serdar Demirel gave info on the TF2000. Currently the feasibility study on the TF2000 had finished. In the feasibility study the next items where studied:
* Literature study on similar platforms
* 46 RFI documents issued by 35 companies on subsystems where studied
* At 08-03-2010 Tubitak, Universities and 17 local companies have been asked to submit proposals for research and development on planned weapon systems.
* Proposals and bids for 90 subsystems submitted by Tubitak and 12 local companies have been studied
* SSM carried out investigations on foreign similar frigate platforms.
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- Status of other projects
1. LPD 1x: RFP waiting on proposals
2. Moship 1x: Negotiations on project document with Istanbul Denizcilik shipyard
3. MTA Sismik research ship 1x: Waiting on Bids
4. RATSHIP 2x: negotiations on project document with Istanbul Denizcilik shipyard
5. Fast intervention boat 2x: soon RFP
6. LST 2x: negotiations on project document with ADIK shipyard
7. Sailship (schoolship) 2x: soon RFP
8. TF-2000 4x: Fisibility report finished
9. Replenishment ship 1x: Project management plan status (still in the begin of becomming a project)
- Projects that will be signed or started by SSM in 2011

1. MilGem (continuation of constructions 3th and 4th)
2. LPD(Domestic Design STM Levend)
3. TF-2000
4. Turkish type FAC
5. Mine warfare ships
6. TF-100
7. LCAC project
8. Sailship (schoolship)
9. Replenishment ship
10. LHD ( Navantia proposes the Juan Carlos type)
Serdar Demirel told that export of warships had reached $500mln, sales where made to:

- Georgia (fast patrol boats, MRTP20, MRTP33)
- Egypt (enhanced fast intervention boat by Yonca Onuk shipyard)
- Malaysia (STAMP, MRTP boats)
- Pakistan fast patrol boats, MRTP33)
- Romania (patrol boat)
Ziya Ulusoy from Havelsan introduced 3 subsystem developments for submarines:
1.SEDA Submarine command control system (An Equivalent of ISUS-90
2.Software test platform Sinarit
3.DVBS Digital data transfer system

The SEDA (Sonar integrated fire control system) is build up around 6 consoles:
2 sonar consoles
1 weapons console
1 command control console
1 tactical navigation console
1 sensors console (periscope, radar, ESM, datalink, WAIS)

SEDA contains the following systems;
TAS (Towed Array Sonar), FAS (Flank Array Sonar), PRS (Passive Ranging Sonar), CTA (Cylindirical Transducer Array), CHA (Cylindirical Hydrophone Array), MAS (Mine Avoidance Sonar) and ONA (Ownship Noise Analysis)

SEDA can operate DM2A4, MK48 Mod6AT, Future Domestic Turkish torpedos and Mk37 torpedo's
Serdar Demirel told that export of warships had reached $500mln, sales where made to:

- Georgia (fast patrol boats, MRTP20, MRTP33)
- Egypt (enhanced fast intervention boat by Yonca Onuk shipyard)
- Malaysia (STAMP, MRTP boats)
- Pakistan fast patrol boats, MRTP33)
- Romania (patrol boat)

Congratulations on this, can u please let me know who is the major arms supplier for Turkey and if not how much of ur arms do u manufacture indigenously.
Congratulations on this, can u please let me know who is the major arms supplier for Turkey and if not how much of ur arms do u manufacture indigenously.

Our industry meets 46% currently of our military's needs. By the end of this year it is going to rise to 50% so half and half.
Our industry meets 46% currently of our military's needs. By the end of this year it is going to rise to 50% so half and half.

Good to know that, It is always healthy to have a indigenous industry and production line in the long run. It puts the country in a healthy position in perilious situations.
Our industry meets 46% currently of our military's needs. By the end of this year it is going to rise to 50% so half and half.

As jigs told, Those figures will have been catched until the end of this year but You know Some critical Turkish domestic defence programs started maturing new. Many of them are on design/trial phase so It is expected that National contribution rates will be increased rapidly, When Those programs passed into serial production phase...

Turkey has more than 3500-4000 foreign MBT (most of them are obsolete) in inventory but Domestic one are on prototipe production phase...

Semi-Domestic Attack helicopters are on development phase While More than 40 foreign helicopters are in inventory now a days.

In near future, All Navy fleet will have been replaced with domestic naval platforms..

I think All those will rise the national contribution of Turkish defence industry up to %75...
Serious Turkish weapon development with permenantly alter the strategic demographics of the world particularly east.

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