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300 Terrorists Leave Training Camps In Azad Kashmir, After Indian Surgical Strikes

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Sep 12, 2015
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United States
Would there be any punishment when the people quit and runaway from the camps?

300 Terrorists Leave Training Camps In Azad Kashmir, After Indian Surgical Strikes

http://www.msn.com/en-in/video/news...-terrorists-flee-from-Azad Kashmir/vi-BBwRvQv
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what in azad kashmir lolz i have not had phone call from familly about this so call operation.
if india indeed did those strikes...shoot few hundreds rockets in pak kashmir...just for the sake of it. i mean the harder they try to deny...the better for india.

What india needs is psychological warfare against pak. Just keep bullying them...wherever you find them...be it on land or in water.

can india do that...i doubt so.
MODS, can we please make rule against posting indian links here? There should be no room for tabloids. I mean what's next? The national inquirer links with BREAKING news that Angelina Jolie is part reptile?
MODS, can we please make rule against posting indian links here? There should be no room for tabloids. I mean what's next? The national inquirer links with BREAKING news that Angelina Jolie is part reptile?

The links in OP are from Major Indian TV channels
Would there be any punishment when the people quit and runaway from the camps?

300 Terrorists Leave Training Camps In Azad Kashmir, After Indian Surgical Strikes

So it shows that Indians know where these camps are located (obviously they are within 2km of LOC), when militant come to these camps and when they leave camps but what they don't know is when they cross LOC and come kill them.
Indian will believe anything their media says when it comes to Pakistan.
Would there be any punishment when the people quit and runaway from the camps?

300 Terrorists Leave Training Camps In Azad Kashmir, After Indian Surgical Strikes

The media channels should be banned for spreading misinformation.

Or are they playing to some script? :azn:
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