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3 Years After Galwan, India Still Lacks Political Courage and Military Capability to Fight China

From Indians touring in China videos, I saw many Indians comments saying they were cheated by Indian media. They were also cheated by India media in the China-India border conflicts. It was India who started the conflicts. India media said it's all China's fault
From Indians touring in China videos, I saw many Indians comments saying they were cheated by Indian media. They were also cheated by India media in the China-India border conflicts. It was India who started the conflicts. India media said it's all China's fault

Whatever the Indian media said was irrelevent.

Indian PM Modi said that China did not violate the border implying that Indian military was at fault.
Whatever the Indian media said was irrelevent.

Indian PM Modi said that China did not violate the border implying that Indian military was at fault.
When Modi told the truth, Indians refused to accept that. They called him "coward Modi". After decades of brain-washing, Indians have lost basic logical-way of thinking.
Indian will most like never be ready,india is a south asian state ,they are vastly inferior to east asian state,the human resource & culture are days & night.
Indians just talk a lot ,but at suboptimal intelligectual lvl which are only effective at deceiving themselves.
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Indian will most like never be ready,india is a south asian state ,they are vastly inferior to east asian state,the human resource & culture are days & night.
Indians just talk a lot ,but at suboptimal intelligectual lvl which are only effectiveat deceivingthemselves.

Souht Asians are as dumb as one can get.
Indian will most like never be ready,india is a south asian state ,they are vastly inferior to east asian state,the human resource & culture are days & night.
Indians just talk a lot ,but at suboptimal intelligectual lvl which are only effective at deceiving themselves.

100% true..

one just has to look what India produces and what china produces...

it isn't even a match..
Now China is in a state of uneasiness, facing the blockade and containment of the United States, in this situation, if India dares to deliberately provoke China, then it will bear our anger
Indian will most like never be ready,india is a south asian state ,they are vastly inferior to east asian state,the human resource & culture are days & night.
Indians just talk a lot ,but at suboptimal intelligectual lvl which are only effective at deceiving themselves.
I'll hire you as chowkidaar

I'll be your shaab ji, nepali bklun'
According to Modi it look like the Indian Army started it without them informing him anything when the incident started.
Indian will most like never be ready,india is a south asian state ,they are vastly inferior to east asian state,the human resource & culture are days & night.
Indians just talk a lot ,but at suboptimal intelligectual lvl which are only effective at deceiving themselves.

This 100%..

India is just like sub-sharan Africa but poorer and forced upon each other as one country with a nuclear but hollow from the inside.. @Joe Shearer You need to accept the reality bro and I know this comments will burn you but nonetheless ground reality.

These pacifistic, vegeterian hindus are unfortunately low quality elements just being objective here. The cow-belt is the definition of human peasantry.
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3 Years After Galwan, India Still Lacks Political Courage and Military Capability to Fight China​


So, he wants to say India should at war with other countries??


Why should everyone be at war when we can be peaceful and focused on improving the living standard of all human beings?

I call it pride and pride will kill India.

Btw, the first bomb should be landed on this man house first, kill some of his family members, cut him off from food, clean water, electricity, etc.

I don't know what he is going to say after that.
This 100%..

India is just like sub-sharan Africa but poorer and forced upon each other as one country with a nuclear but hollow from the inside.. @Joe Shearer You need to accept the reality bro and I know this comments will burn you but nonetheless ground reality.

These pacifistic, vegeterian hindus are unfortunately low quality elements just being objective here. The cow-belt is the definition of human peasantry.
We've already accepted the reality bro.

We all aspire to be the peak of humanity that is you.

When you come online, the heavens shake.

When you put forth a point, the forum shakes.

When you speak, you leave people with joy and laughter, so much so that they laugh when they see you coming and applaud when you leave.

Peak Ubermensch.
Peak Ubermensch.

Let's just lay off the Nazi references - M'kay ?

I know it raises all hairs on bhakt and pujari necks fantasizing about establishing a Nazi state in new India (and Mein Kampf is mandatory reading in all shakhas) - but reality is that India is a hunger-stricken 3rd world state that literally survives on remittances alone from its 3rd rate diaspora. I mean bhakts can keep pretending till kingdom come - that is REALITY. Try to be better than Bangladesh - your GDP per capita nominal is lower than theirs. THAT is your AUQAAT.

It is the peak of comedy when I see idiot bhakts looking down on Bangladesh.

And Nazis would be the first to Bar-B-Q bhakts and pujaris, being what NAZIs thought of Indians. That one place you'd be world's first-in-line - for a change.
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