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3 brave police officers jump into the rapids to save an 11 years old boy from being washed away by the rapids in a Xinjiang village

If that kid drowned and somebody posted the video there would be an uproar as to why somebody put so much energy into carefully filming a potentially tragic situation instead of helping.
Some villagers were running with the police in the video, civilians are not duty bound to help, do American civilians must help the police? is that an American law?
In China, civilians don't have to try to save someone with a very high risk of losing their own lives, actually in China the government doesn't encourage unprofessional people to try to save a drowning person cause it's a very tricky situation and both people could die in the end.
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Truck driver cries after driving into urban Urumqi (Capital city of Xinjiang province) by mistake and being stopped by the police.

He knows this mistake can cost him dearly cause such traffic violation almost always results in a very heavy fine. Heavy trucks are not allowed to enter urban cities during the day time in China.At the thought of this costly mistake,

The Uyghur driver cries and tries to explain to the police that it's a mistake and he was guided here by his cellphone, he begs the police not to fine him and not to write this violation into his driving record.The police quickly go to comfort him and tell him they won't fine him and they know it's an unintended mistake. The police officers tell the driver that they will lead him out of city when the traffic is less busy.

Xinjiang police officer and his father risk their own lives and work together to save a guy from drowning in flashfloodThe father goes to visit his police son and hears someone crying for help, and the police office and his father run to the flashflooded ditch and risk their own lives to save the drowning person

In Xinjiang all peoples of different ethnic groups and religions live peacefully and harmonious side by side, while racism rampant, communal and religious violence infested US and India have to shame to accuse China of persecution of minorities.
The vast majority of Xinjiang police force are made up by the locals, an unmistakable sign of ultimate trust that the central government have on the local population.
What's with the sudden flood of Xinjiang topics lately?
Did something happen?

How police in Shule county in Xinjiang saves a boy from committing suicide

Shule, also transliterated from Uyghur as Kaxgar Yengixahar County or shorten as Yengixahar County. It's a rural desert town in southern Xinjianng , 93% of the population of Yengixahar (Shule) County was Uyghur and 6.7% of the population was Han Chinese.

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