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27y old member of Norwegain defence league wanted to bomb parilment and....


Aug 15, 2009
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The 27-year-old man who should have come with a bomb threat against Parliament attached Norwegian Defence League.

During a demonstration was held at Oslo Prison in December, made the 27-year-old recording of both speeches and protesters.

The man reportedly stated that he was on his way to Oslo to blow up Parliament during a bus ride from Hønefoss Tuesday night.

The statements fell during a phone call, but was picked up at the bus driver who alerted police. The man appeared as intoxicated.

When he was arrested on Wednesday afternoon, he was armed with a gas gun and a bulletproof vest.


During the demonstration the man several times in conversation with well-known activists in the Norwegian Defence League (NDL).

The organization is known to be hostile Islam and right-wing.

The man has repeatedly expressed its hatred of the Norwegian authorities. He was born and raised in Norway, in the 20s and come from Guildford.

- Been extremely racist

VG has been in contact with a childhood friend of the accused 27-year-old.

- He has been extremely racist lately. He has published many threats and the like on Facebook, and threaten one another with killing foreigners, says the friend.

Childhood friend says 27-year-old yesterday wrote that he had been Lambertseter, and that a helicopter had followed him.

- At the same time he let out a picture of himself, probably at home, where he was holding a gun as he aimed the camera. In the text below stated that he would defend himself against "blacks and immigrants," said childhood friend.

Another friend of 27-year-old says he is very open criticism of Islam and belonging to the NDL.

- He never said anything to blow something as long as I've known him. I do not believe he would do this for real, he's a smart and talented guy. He is far too clever to think up something like that, says his friend.

Come with threats earlier

The accused man is not questioned and has not requested counsel. He will be questioned in Wednesday.

- He has made threats earlier and there are people who know his conduct, without necessarily having been a criminal offense related to it, says chief of staff Johan Fredriksen told VG Nett.

Police are familiar with information about the man's politics.

- We did not want to comment anything on this. The man is not questioned yet, says Fuller.

AP updates the case

Islam-kritiker arrestert etter bombetrussel - VG Nett

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