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26/11 & Headly, A Different Take


Nov 13, 2009
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Daood Gilani aka David Headley is an American agent who did NOT go rogue. He worked for the notorious counter intelligence wing of the DEA (US). He successfully penetrated the Lashkar e Toiba and even alerted his US masters about the pending 26/11 which was actually set to take place in September.

FBI managed to warn its Indian counterparts of a planned attack in Mumbai in September 2008. The’s FBI accurate intel about that operation has been corroborated by Azam Amir Kasab, the only surviving terrorist from Mumbai, who admitted under interrogations that the attack was originally set for September but had to be aborted. The Indians thought the FBI alert for September was so specific—even mentioning target hotels, including the eventual main target, the Taj Mahal Palace—that the Bureau might have an informant inside a Pakistani terror group. Indian intelligence believes that it was Headley who passed along that info to the FBI. But then, his information to his American handlers suddenly dried. By the time the terrorists eventually pulled off the successful November attack, U.S. intelligence agencies were caught flat-footed.

An asset who was in the loop till September 2008 does not go rogue suddenly before November 2008.

A few anomalies and truths:


1. US has a habit of getting its terror suspects caught in other countries so that they get the 3rd degree torture to get the truth out. And Pakistan fits the bill given the close co-operation between US & Pakistan. The ideal thing would have been for Headley to reach Pakistan and have him arrested there and get tortured there – away from the prying eyes of US justice system. Did this happen – No !

2. If Headley was an asset that went rogue – why deny Indian intelligence agency access to this rogue agent? If he is rogue – then he is rogue ! Why then have Indian intelligence agencies not been given access? And extradition of Headley, even though a treaty exists between US and India – is just not going to happen

A truth:

1. Indian intelligence agencies were on the “tail” of an American connected with 26/11. This they followed up along with the Bangldeshi trail and were on the verge of getting to Headley which is when the US picked him up. And put him in custody so that he is kept safe from Indian intelligence agencies. KOSHER !!!

2. Omar Sheikh Saeed who called up the Pakistan President posing as India's Home Minister then - Pranab Mukherjee ostensibly threateningly was aimed to rachet up tension to start a war. Now Omar Sheikh Saeed is a known British intelligence asset who travelled to London twice after being freed from Kandahar hijacking - yet never even picked up. And he is wrongly serving sentence in Pakistan for killing Daniel Pearl (Khalid Sh Md killed him) - again keeping him safe from interrogators of other countries. KOSHER AGAIN !!

Headly - US intelligence asset. Omar Sheikh - British intelligence asset. Working in close co-ordination. Throw in Ilyas Kashmiri the ex-SSG Commando who was trained by Michael Vickers and you have the recipe for interesting times.

A side note I am not tired of mentioning. Most terrorism in Central Asia has been tracked back to members of Hizbut Tahrir. It is a banned organization in several of these Islamic nations. Yet, it is head quartered in UK - it is nurtured by the UK. Take your guess as to why this is so.

What may happen?

Headley will be undergoing coaching and Indian agencies will be given limited access and will be under strict orders of what can be asked and what cannot. The red lines will be Headley’s connections to US agencies and work he undertook as part of that. He will only say about LeT’s role in 26/11 – nothing beyond that and that too filtered versions.

What about T Rana – his accomplice?

Terror suspect Tahawwur Hussain Rana complimented members of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), saying they did a "good job" during the terror attacks in Mumbai last year, US prosecutors have alleged.

According to a 10-page memo filed by US prosecutors in a court on Monday, Rana asked co-conspirator David Coleman Headley to "pass along a message for me" to LeT Member A, whom Rana had given the name 'Khalid bin waleed'.
"In the world, if there had been...a medal for command, top class," the documents quote as Rana saying.

It further adds that Headley then interrupts Rana and informs him that he already had passed that message and "I (Headley) took your (Rana's) name when I said it". Rana responded "there is no doubt, it is a very befitting name for him. Very good. Good job".

Headley then explained that while LeT Member A briefed the attackers on the targets, Headley identified a different LeT member by name as the trainer of the attackers."Training was by Abu Qahafa....this Jamaat (group) prepares people really well," he said.

Rana responded that "whatever mixture you guys have made, whichever person did it...yeah, there they stood their ground". Prosecutors added that "far from advocating non-violence, Rana's own statements reveal his support for the brutal killing of 170 people...It is quite clear that Rana is no Gandhi".

Hence – if FBI alerted India in September 2008 did it fail to alert deliberately in November 2008 or did it not know?

There are enough and more good reasons why someone in the US may have decided not to alert India in November, assuming they were again in top of the game and knew all its actors and actions. Assuming they did, what would US gain from a LeT attack on India? Logically this would seem opposite of what they are doing and what is strategic – the Indo-US relationship acting as a solid hedge against Islamists to its east and west and a growing China up in the north.

And an attack in India might prompt India to retaliate which would serve Pakistan – it does not want its soldiers to fight its Pushtun brethren and now estranged Pakistan Taliban in its north west. They will relocate their soldiers to their eastern border – thus quelling any chances of ethnic strife within Paksitan and Pakistan Taliban too joining Pakistan Army to fight the infidel Indians. It was not too long ago that when Pakistan attacked India right after partition, the first hordes that went into Kashmir were from the Mehsud tribe of Pakistan Taliban. It was also no idle remark when Shuja Pasha – ISI Head – said Baitullah Mehsud (now dead) was a strategic asset of Pakistan as he vowed to fight India should India attack Pakistan.

Given that an Indian attack on Pakistan will end up uniting all jehadi network behind Pakistan against the bigger enemy – India – why would US willingly allow 26/11 to happen?

US calculated two things – if India attacked, US wins. If India did not attack US wins. HOW ?

IF INDIA ATTACKED : US deduced given the military hardware and stocks that India possessed India was in no position for a prolonged war with Pakistan. At best it could blow up the empty camps of Lashkar e Taiba in Muridke. That would have cooled Indian popular anger and Pakistan would be made to bear this little humiliation without any counter attack. If that happened – US gains the upper hand by playing the mediator and more role in this strategic region than it is getting now. But US would not be very happy with this alone.

If India attacked well – multi fronts and in the cold start strategy suddenly – Pakistan might well have caved in. The US would have used its assets in Taliban to attack in Pakistan’s north west and multiple suicide bombings in city centres creating the ultimate chaos. The result – creation of Pushtunistan and Balochistan. In the Great Game for Central Asian oil and gas and mineral reserves, US plays its best move in the chess.
But sadly India did not do either – so what was the fall back option?

IF INDIA DID NOT ATTACK: The US needed supply lines through Pakistan to feed its troops as well as NATO troops in Afghanistan. And elements hostile to US designs in the region were bombing the supply route enough to make lives of the soldiers miserable and precarious. Other than a fistful of dollars and a take in the lucrative opium trade, the US & ISI could do no more. Some of the tribals were up for sale to the highest bidders but some were Islamists – clearly aligned to Sharia – and could not be bought. They might be pressured by ISI but beyond a point even ISI did not have the right toy for every elder.

How did Headley episode help US in this case?

Actually brilliantly so. Headley must have been played up by his contacts to attack the infidel India and like any Pakistani it did not take much of a prodding. In doing so he effectively infiltrated LeT – willingly and got in touch with serving Pakistani officers who were helping the Islamist cause. Headley himself was a product of elite Pakistani military school, being the son of a former diplomat and a cousin of the current Paksitan PM Gilani.

By getting full information of the extent of collusion between terrorists and terrorist organization with Pakistan Army – Pakistan could under any law be declared as a terrorist country. US may have well spoon fed and helped the contract to nurture only to one day take the knife and plunge into the heart of Pakistan for its own benefit. With US threatening to expose the detailed Paksitani Army links with terrorism and declaring Pakistan as a terrorist nation – it holds the ultimate stick. Now Pakistan Army is under the control of US – it will do its bidding – and if not – the US can brand Pakistan a terrorist nation.

But Pakistan Army after selling its soul to US and fighting in Swat and S Waziristan is now feeling the daily heat of bombings in its cities. It is not getting any better. Pak Army is having second thoughts in moving into N Waziristan or indeed moving on its assets – the Haqqanis etc. But US wants Pakistan to attack Haqqanis too. This is the breaking point we are looking at now.

With US wielding a big stick and Pakistan Army knowing that its links to terrorist organizations exposed – it is staring at an existential threat. If it fights, it will be branded as Pakistan acting as US agents. If it does not, it faces US ire and China is not ready yet to take up Pakistan’s side at the expense of US.

Expected a far better analysis from Stratfor - but there you have it - the US view which does not talk about Headley's alleged ties with DEA or even the work he did for them !

It is time for India to step in and play its historic role. It is time to think that a divided India too suits US. And yes, Col Purohit, the one connected with Abhinav Bharat said that CIA wanted a break up India too.

Break up of states does not mean a break up of India. The pink scarves of Telengana activists resembled the orange revolution that was paid for by CIA. Not making any connections here – just a thought.

Remember Ken Haywood

Ken Haywood's computer was used to send a "terrorist" e-mail minutes before bomb blasts in Ahmedabad, in July 2008. Reportedly, Haywood has links to Abdur Subhan Qureshi, alias Taufique Bilal and Tauqir, reportedly the top terrorist in India. Haywood returned to India in September 2008. (Ahmedabad blasts: Ken Haywood arrives in India 11 Sep 2008, 0215 hrs IST, C Unnikrishnan,TNN) In India, Haywood works for a firm called Campbell White, suspected of being a front for the CIA.

The Indian Express reported on 14 August 2008 that the company's Mumbai office 'is located in two small adjoining rented rooms on the ground floor of Sanpada railway station complex', and that 'the two rooms also serve as prayer rooms for Potter's House... part of the Christian Fellowship Ministries based in Arizona.'

A Post at 'Consortium of Indian Defence Websites' (Cached), 20 Aug 2008: "Haywood's fleeing immediately after the cracking of the Gujarat blasts and capture of the perpetrators is most suspicious. "His escape resembles that of our ex-R&AW traitor,who also escaped with alleged US help. It also indicates that we may have in our intelligence services moles/informants working for foreign agencies tipping off agents within the country.However,the fact the Haywood was working for a bogus 'missionary' outfit is doubly alarming. The role of US so-called missionaries/evangelical groups in India is very controversial,for they are playing a dual role in agressive conversions as well as being part of the CIA destabilisation plan for India.

"Tehelka a few years ago revealed the fact that over 100 US so-called "Christian" evangelical groups/organisations were in fact bogus and part of CIA network."

The author here has brought some really hereto unexamined questionnaire...whose answers may always remain a secret...please give a thought and give your opinions.........
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Some interesting points, but these things can only be discussed, we hardly get anything proven. But interesting read, I am sure people will find some errors.
I don't give credence to these supposed connections and speculations at all; they are not in alignment with other evidence. Still, for the sake of argument, suppose that Headley was tied to US DEA. He may have turned at the point of execution of the original attack, found a way to disclose that the US had advised Indian security officials of the plan, and advised or caused the delay. (Note that there is no credible evidence, only circumstantial inferences, supporting the idea that the US provided Indian security with such information, or that a September date was deferred to November.)

There is no reason to think that, if he were in danger, Headley would not turn at the point of a supposed breach of the September target date, and continue terrorist action until he was safely back in the US, at least.

A far more likely scenario, but just as speculative, is that - if he ever had DEA connections - he was using them to aid in his committed terrorist activities, and betraying his DEA contacts. He is, by all evidence, a well trained, in a Pakistan military school, agent of Pakistani organizations, possibly including the ISI branches managing Pakistan's "assymetrical warfare" assets.

The existence of the assymetrical assets, and of Pakistan's overt commitment to their use in both J-K and Afghanistan is no secret and no surprise. The only element absent before the Mumbai attack was a significant enough demonstration of the danger this policy and these assets posed to the rest of the world to support and motivate direct action to alter the policy and reduce the assets.

That element is now present. The question before us, Pakistan, the US, and the rest of the world, is the extent to which the Pakistani elites, people, and government are capable of assisting in this divestiture, and what action, and when, must be taken if institutional inertia and self destructive self delusion prevents that assistance.
Before I make an argument, I would like to mention that I am a complete novice and hardly have an iota of knowledge on how the secret agencies work...
Also that, whatever I write is just a personal opinion...
I don't give credence to these supposed connections and speculations at all; they are not in alignment with other evidence. Still, for the sake of argument, suppose that Headley was tied to US DEA. He may have turned at the point of execution of the original attack, found a way to disclose that the US had advised Indian security officials of the plan, and advised or caused the delay. (Note that there is no credible evidence, only circumstantial inferences, supporting the idea that the US provided Indian security with such information, or that a September date was deferred to November.)
I would like to mention here that kasab who is only captive terrorist alive, in his interrogation with the police had mentioned the change of dates...which has been in widespread media reports within a couple of days he was captured....There were some media briefings from US personal just after the attacks that India was well informed by CIA, Mossad and also RAW & IB about the attacks in advance....there was a big debate over this issue to the extent that the home minsiter of india, and other two ministers had to resign for lack of action....Also the owner of Taj Mahal had accepted the fact...So there is every reason to believe that the mentioned change is valid.....

There is no reason to think that, if he were in danger, Headley would not turn at the point of a supposed breach of the September target date, and continue terrorist action until he was safely back in the US, at least.
As I have mentioned earlier I have some limitations in analysis..so can't say about this...

A far more likely scenario, but just as speculative, is that - if he ever had DEA connections - he was using them to aid in his committed terrorist activities, and betraying his DEA contacts. He is, by all evidence, a well trained, in a Pakistan military school, agent of Pakistani organizations, possibly including the ISI branches managing Pakistan's "assymetrical warfare" assets.
I would like to add here that although Headly was supposedly linked to Let and ISI,there is a higher possibility he came in contact with them only when he entered Pakistan as an agent .....with regards to American standards well documented for its agents, by no means he must have been an easy prey for them to cause defection...

The existence of the assymetrical assets, and of Pakistan's overt commitment to their use in both J-K and Afghanistan is no secret and no surprise. The only element absent before the Mumbai attack was a significant enough demonstration of the danger this policy and these assets posed to the rest of the world to support and motivate direct action to alter the policy and reduce the assets.
Yes these are well known facts, but when you look at the authors point of view, he supposedly thinks that Pakistan didn't have slightest of hints about Headley's contacts with US agencies or for that matter their intentions and also the fact that India was informed..

That element is now present. The question before us, Pakistan, the US, and the rest of the world, is the extent to which the Pakistani elites, people, and government are capable of assisting in this divestiture, and what action, and when, must be taken if institutional inertia and self destructive self delusion prevents that assistance.
After seeing Pakistan's fragile economics I believe that they have a very limited capacity on the whole...wherein they can always cause a few audacious attacks in an year or two, they don't have the support base/capacity to sustain them for continuous sequence in foreign countries... that to when most of the global powers are scrutinizing them...

Some few points that you have missed...
1. Its well known fact that CIA has been interested in India right since the cold war and more so after pokharan testings...A few articles I went through(published on American interference in India) have mentioned that a small political brass of India was aiding them... So its hard to believe all those agents must have stopped their covert operations after decades of work...

2. The author also has mentioned that disintegration of India wouldn't be a bad news for US..since it hasn't been able to undermine its power, at least in south asia region right from its formation.......

3. I would like to know your views on "Ken Haywood" incident..the author I guess has carefully drawn the attention....
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