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2015 SCS Islands/Reefs Compare Map controlled by four nations, Amazing ~!


Dec 23, 2012
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Let me to show some awesome here, 2015.5 South China Sea islands/reefs controlled by China/ Vietnam/ Philippines /Malaysia.

In 2015 SCS, N.o1 & N.o2 & N.o3 biggest-size islands belong to China artificial islands.:pop:
( 4456 x 2718 pic, click to see satellite photos ... PSed & translated by cnleio :partay: )
The Philippines needs to seriously develop the islands that they have. I hope the AFP invites the JSDF to help develop their assets. :)
The Philippines needs to seriously develop the islands that they have. I hope the AFP invites the JSDF to help develop their assets. :)
that is an act of war. I hope you are not serious.

THese congress man can just talk but the plan will never approved. Mass of Pinoy still hate US on philippine soil, only the rich powerful congressmen loves them.
You mean Bayad muna? hell they just 0.5 of the brainwash maoist in the country they only good for is causing traffic we filipinos welcome our Allies here again you people piss a lot of people. You should start thinking about that
LOL.. Most ordinary can still feel the massive threat of US rather than China. THe rape or murder of local women is more real than territories dispute with China. Or the foolish US dumb advise against Moro rebel killed more Filipinos. I know you do not care about ordinary Filipinos. You are just a selfish egolistic elite who wouldn't even blink at local raped by US soldier that can go scott free.
LOL.. Most ordinary can still feel the massive threat of US rather than China. THe rape or murder of local women is more real than territories dispute with China. Or the foolish US dumb advise against Moro rebel killed more Filipinos. I know you do not care about ordinary Filipinos. You are just a selfish egolistic elite who wouldn't even blink at local raped by US soldier that can go scott free.

Oh please stop beating a dead horse already its in the courts so shut it! fool! your childlish rants have no bases like your claims your just finding hard to admit that you people just piss off a lot of countries with your constant imperialism as for me being member of the elite as if you know me personally! stop embarrassing yourself your brainless rants show us evidence of your arguments real original authentic logical evidence or insults and rants are all you chinese good at?
Just two years ago, someone told me China will build the city in SCS ... i ever thought that's a crazy idea & kidding me, now im the joker ! :partay: When China using PLAN A to build those artificial islands, also prepare PLAN B to protect our interests in SCS. :coffee:

This's a new "38th parallel north" of SCS, China's baseline.
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Calm down,their is a bigger picture you might failed to see

Games between big boys ,Philippines is rather irrelevant,I am sorry but its true

Really now well thats good underestimating us well let see how irrelenvant us filipinos are i mean its not like we defeat you before oh wait
The Philippines needs to seriously develop the islands that they have. I hope the AFP invites the JSDF to help develop their assets. :)

Nah,the Pinoys may invite you guys but the Japanese won‘t accept it unless they got a death wish

The Philippine could ask for help to build/expand on disupted areas but Japan won't accept it. First, for all the hostilities between China and Japan, their relationship is many magnitudes more important than both theirs with than Pinoys. Second, Japan would not want to start more aggressions against China directly by itself and it is only willing to egg Philippine on agitate China.

In any case, Japan would need permission from the USA to do anything in this regard.
Man you people are too arrogant blind to see anything you honestly believe that you people are too agressive in your imperialism heck pacifist Japan is now push for active defense role and that is saying something heck the South Koreans too are pushing for more protection from illegal chinese fishing activies in their EZZ and south korea has good relations with china that is saying something and of course Vietnam the Philippines and India now Myanmar which other country with good relations with china is seeing you guys as threat now and even neutral Indonesia is now also seeing you guys as threating force to their interest man if you guys continue in few decades your screwd does not matter how big and powerful you are with this track record you guys are just asking for it.
Nihonjin1051 let's check Sino-Japan economy trades ... sometimes wave the economy stick is much more effective, to avoid conflicts in SCS.:coffee:

2014 Japan's trade deficit narrows on slower imports
The U.S. was Japan's biggest export market in April, followed by China. But while Japan ran a 547.5 billion yen ($5.4 billion) trade surplus with the U.S., down 2.8 percent from a year earlier, its deficit with China rose 3.5 percent to 461.1 billion yen ($4.5 billion).

Exports to China, mostly of machinery, chemicals and vehicles, rose nearly 10 percent, while imports, mostly of manufactured items, climbed about 8 percent.

Japan's exports are recovering as the economy emerges from a protracted slump, but Japanese manufacturers have shifted a large share of their production capacity offshore to cut costs, avoid trade barriers and be closer to fast growing emerging markets.

Japan's imports of oil and gas surged as thermal plants increased operations to offset lost generating capacity after nuclear reactors were shut down for safety checks following the March 2011 accident at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant. That further eroded the trade balance, which could improve if some nuclear plants are allowed to go back online once they meet tightened requirements.

Man you people are too arrogant blind to see anything you honestly believe that you people are too agressive in your imperialism heck pacifist Japan is now push for active defense role and that is saying something heck the South Koreans too are pushing for more protection from illegal chinese fishing activies in their EZZ and south korea has good relations with china that is saying something and of course Vietnam the Philippines and India now Myanmar which other country with good relations with china is seeing you guys as threat now and even neutral Indonesia is now also seeing you guys as threating force to their interest man if you guys continue in few decades your screwd does not matter how big and powerful you are with this track record you guys are just asking for it.

Do you want to borrow some commas or periods for your tirade?

here they are: , , , , , . . . . . . . , , , . take however many you think you need.
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The Philippines needs to seriously develop the islands that they have. I hope the AFP invites the JSDF to help develop their assets. :)

Assuming China keeps growing at 6% for the next 15 years. How are planning to deal with China?

If it had been me, I would have made a deal quickly, so as to have a favorable deal. Time only worsens the situation of Japan and US in the western pacific.
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