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2008 Malegaon blasts case: Did Hemant Karkare ‘fix’ Lt Col Purohit?


Mar 6, 2011
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2008 Malegaon blasts case: Did Hemant Karkare ‘fix’ Lt Col Purohit?
The political tug of war over national security has left 26/11 terror attack martyr Hemant Karkare’s honour at stake


Police and civilians escort a vehicle carrying the body of Hemant Karkare, the chief of the anti-terrorist squad, Mumbai, November 29, 2008(Kunal Patil /HT)
Now, almost a decade later, I am troubled: Could it be that the officer who was cremated with full national honours has suddenly become a “suspect” in the eyes of the investigating agencies? The National Investigation Agency (NIA) chargesheet in the Malegaon case claims that at least two important witnesses were forced to give false incriminating statements against the accused, including Purohit. It is the divergence in the chargesheets filed by the NIA and the Maharashtra ATS that has been cited as an important reason for granting bail to Purohit.

Where once we had a Congress home minister who spoke loosely of “Hindu” terror, now the BJP home minister is the very individual who had openly defended Sadhvi Pragya, the key Malegaon blast accused. When the political superiors of the prosecuting agencies have such widely publicly differing positions on a serious terror charge, can one reasonably expect the investigation to be truly non-partisan and independent?

The truth is, a sharply-polarising political narrative has shadowed almost every major terror investigation in India. Where once we were told that Right-wing groups like Abhinav Bharat had emerged to counter Islamicist terror, now it seems that such terror modules were simply “manufactured” by the UPA government to embarrass the BJP and Sangh parivar. Where once we were provided detailed transcripts of “terror tapes” involving individuals like Purohit and Pragya (the audio conversations run into several hours), now we are being told to completely disregard them as “planted” information. Witnesses suddenly turn hostile even as a public prosecutor resigns saying she was asked to “go slow” by the NIA post 2014. The Gujarat police officers who were arrested as “fake” encounter specialists are now being released and lionised as heroes.

Look at the mess then that a country whose leadership promises “zero tolerance” to terror finds itself in. We now have completely contrarian versions being offered to the Samjhauta Express blasts of 2007: Was it the LeT-ISI-SIMI nexus or were Sangh supporters like Swami Aseemanand involved? Then, be it the 7/11 Mumbai train blasts, Ajmer blasts, or the Mecca Masjid blasts in Hyderabad where the original case was built up against local Muslims only to be later pinned on Right-wing Hindu groups, the country’s track record in successfully prosecuting terror cases is highly dodgy.

Sadly, by projecting terror through a partisan Hindu-Muslim prism, India’s political class has dangerously compromised national security. It is increasingly apparent now: Either the previous Congress-led government was lying or the present government is “protecting” the accused. There is now an equally disturbing “nationalist” narrative that has crept in: Challenging the official version is now an “anti-national” act, making it virtually impossible to separate hard facts from the ceaseless propaganda.

Where does this leave Karkare? Dead men can’t defend themselves so one can only hope that the State comes clean: Either “expose” Karkare’s investigation as a hit-job or stand firmly by him. The political tug of war over national security has left a professional policeman’s honour at stake.

Post-script: Just a few days before Purohit was granted bail, 10 anonymous Muslim men walked free after spending more than a decade in jail after the prosecution failed to prove their involvement in the 2005 Hyderabad suicide bomb case. Only this time, there were no noisy prime time debates, no “nationalist” outrage. The acquitted, quite simply it seems, belonged to the wrong religion.

Lt Col Purohit walks out of jail: Status check of 7 ‘Hindutva terror’ cases
Lt Col Shrikant Prasad Purohit has walked out of jail after getting bail in the 2008 Malegaon blast case. The NIA is investigating seven terror cases in which Hindu right-wing groups are suspects. Here’s a status check:


File photo of the 2008 Malegaon blast site.(Soumitra Ghosh/HT File Photo)
The National Investigation Agency investigated seven terror cases in which Hindu right-wing groups are suspects. These cases – involving attacks where Muslims were targeted -- were handed to the federal agency by the previous UPA government. This is also when the NIA made most of the arrests, including that of Swami Aseemanand and Lt Col Shrikant Prasad Purohit.

After remaining in jail for nine years, Purohit -- one of the prime accused in the 2008 Malegaon blast -- walked out of the Taloja prison on Wednesday.

There have been allegations that over the past three years, the pace of investigations in these cases has slackened and witnesses have turned hostile where the accused belonged to organisations close to the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.


Lt Col Shrikant Prasad Purohit, who was granted bail by the Supreme Court on Monday in the 2008 Malegaon blast case, being taken to the Sessions Court from Taloja Jail in Navi Mumbai on Tuesday. (PTI Photo)
Here’s a status check of the cases by Hindustan Times:

Malegaon blasts (2006)

CASE: Four explosions took place outside a mosque on September 8, 2006, killing 38 people.

PROBE: The Maharashtra ATS and CBI chargesheeted nine Muslims. The NIA, which took over the case in 2011, filed another chargesheet naming four alleged Hindu extremists. The special court hearing the case discharged all the Muslim accused arrested by state ATS.

STATUS: Trial yet to begin.


Powerful bombs ripped through two compartments of the Samjhauta Express train, the rail link between India and Pakistan, during the intervening night of February 18 and 19, killing 68 people. (HT File Photo)
Samjhauta Express blasts (2007)

CASE: Explosions occurred near Dewana railway station in Haryana’s Panipat district, killing 68 people, mostly from Pakistan, on the night of February 18. The train was on its way to Lahore from Delhi.

PROBE: The NIA has filed chargesheet against eight people, of whom one is dead and two are at large.

STATUS: Trial is on.

Hyderabad Mecca Masjid blast (2007)

CASE: A powerful IED blast in Hyderabad’s Mecca Masjid area of Hyderabad on May 18, killed 14 people.

PROBE: The Hyderabad police rounded up dozens of Muslims but could not get any breakthrough.The case was then handed over to the CBI, which arrested Aseemanad, an accused in the Samjhauta train blasts case also. The first chargesheet was filed by the CBI, then the case was handed over to the NIA.

STATUS: Trial is on.

Ajmer dargah blast (2007)

CASE: A tiffin bomb exploded on October 11 during Ramzan at the Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Dargah in Ajmer, killing three people and injuring 12. Later, three more bombs were recovered from the premises.

PROBE: Of 13 accused, three are absconding and one -- Sunil Joshi -- is dead.

STATUS: A Jaipur court on March 8 had convicted three persons -- Joshi, Devendra Gupta and Bhavesh Patel -- but let off former RSS member Aseemanand and six others. On March 22, the court sentenced Gupta and Patel to life imprisonment. The magistrate also imposed a fine of Rs 10,000 on Patel and Rs 5,000 on Gupta.

Sunil Joshi murder (2007)

CASE: Sunil Joshi, the leader of an alleged Hindu extremist group believed to be behind most of the right-wing Hindu terror cases, was shot dead on December 29, 2007 when he was walking back to his hideout at Chuna Khadan locality in Dewas, Madhya Pradesh. The group included Pragya Singh Thakur, Lokesh Sharma, Sandeep Dange, Ramji Kalsangra, Rajendra Pehelwan, Dhan Singh, Amit Chauhan and Aseemanand.

PROBE: After completing the investigation, the NIA handed over the case to the Madhya Pradesh police saying it had not found any evidence to suggest that his murder was linked to the larger Hindu terror conspiracy. The agency alleged that Joshi was killed by his own men as they were unhappy over his ‘misbehaviour’ with Pragya Singh Thakur.

STATUS: Trial ended on February 1, 2017. All eight accused, including Pragya Singh Thakur, acquitted.

Malegaon and Modasa blasts (2008)

CASE: Twin explosions took place in Malegaon (Maharashtra) and Modasa (Gujarat) on September 29. Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) mounted on motorcycles were planted at both locations, killing a total of eight persons.

PROBE: The Maharashtra ATS claimed to crack the Malegaon case. Pragya Singh Thakur, along with a serving army official, Prasad Srikant Purohit were arrested and chargesheeted in the case.

STATUS: The NIA dropped charges against Pragya Singh Thakur and the special court is yet to take a call on it. The Modasa blast case was closed by the NIA citing lack of evidence. After remaining in jail for nine years, Lt Col Purohit -- one of the prime accused in the 2008 Malegaon blast -- walked out of the Taloja prison on Wednesday.

Source: http://www.hindustantimes.com/india...error-cases/story-jHvmVOS3yLYtFP8R89iRYL.html

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