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20 NATO trucks burn in Pakistan


Apr 24, 2007
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20 NATO trucks burn in Pakistan

Sun, 15 Mar 2009

About 20 vehicles have been destroyed when unknown militants fired several rockets at a NATO supply terminal in northwestern Pakistan.

Local police officials told Press TV correspondent that unknown militants launched several rockets at a terminal in Peshawar in the North-West Frontier Province. They said that the attack started at midnight on Saturday and continued through Sunday.

Fire broke out after the attack and burnt twenty vehicles, which were expected to deliver supplies to NATO forces in Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, Pakistan suspended truck shipments of US military supplies through the famed Khyber Pass after lawyers and political parties launched their anti-government campaign dubbed "Long March" for the restoration of deposed judges.

The suspension of the key supply route came amid tensions between ruling PPP party and the two-time former premier Nawaz Sharif's PML-N over a number of issues which include a court ruling that bars Nawaz and his brother from holding public office,

Press TV's Nasir Kazmi reported on Saturday.
Good to hear this..soon we will hear that nato terminals hs closed in Pakistan..
This is what happens when you try to fight a war on the cheap.

The US should pay for building an 8-Lane secure expressway from Karachi to Torkham and another spur from Karachi to Chaman. The $ 15-20 b price tag is small change in the context of war of terror.

The US wants PA to protect its supply routes on poor pot holed roads through difficult terrain, that too free of charge. This is just not sustainable.
This is what happens when you try to fight a war on the cheap.

The US should pay for building an 8-Lane secure expressway from Karachi to Torkham and another spur from Karachi to Chaman. The $ 15-20 b price tag is small change in the context of war of terror.

The US wants PA to protect its supply routes on poor pot holed roads through difficult terrain, that too free of charge. This is just not sustainable.

Yeah, the US made a BIG mistake when it thought that Pakistan was actually sovereign over its territory. It should have made a deal with the Government of Pakhtunistan.
Good to hear this..soon we will hear that nato terminals hs closed in Pakistan..

I like thinking like yours.........Make Pakistan less of a asset to powers who would happily dismantle the country.:disagree: go back to kicking your bag and leave the thinking to others...
Yeah, the US made a BIG mistake when it thought that Pakistan was actually sovereign over its territory. It should have made a deal with the Government of Pakhtunistan.

Naah your big mistake was to meddle in the region the bugger off when you could not be bothered anymore. Then after those chickens came home to roost in New York you suddenly realised your mistake and ask other to destabilize their country to suit your interests...:disagree:
What I enjoy so much with this place is the constant behaviour of going to the past and blaming everyone else for what ever happened.

Well forget it. It is now not then live with it.

As for the trucks being set on fire and destroyed, OK who owned the trucks? Not NATO or the US.
So it is all Ok with you lot that some of your people trying to earn a living as cartage contractors have their lively hood blown out from under their feet so to speak? The way some sound here that is OK. I suppose it would be it is not you or your truck.

As for doing things on the cheap:
1. The contractors are being paid. Well were I doubt they will get too much now they can not move the intended cargo.
2. There is an agreement between the US and your Govt. You get paid for this use. So its not that cheap.

Build an 8 lane secured express way; what for when it all finishes what will you do with 7 of the lanes? Wasted space!
Besides if such a road was built I doubt under current circumstances the PA or the FC will do any of the security. It’s not a matter that they are not able to but seriously so far security has been a little bit slack on the Pakistan side of things. Though I am sure you have an excuse.

As for leaving, fine, I bet many would be happy as there is a certain subculture belief that once NATO and the US leave Afghanistan all things will return to so called normal.
It is time to really wake up.
Things are not going to return to what was before. That is already indicated by the happenings in SWAT and The Waristans.
lol.....last time this happened (in December I think) 15 trucks I invoiced from here to Afghanistan were burned.

I hate the taleban. But they have been very good for my business here. Afghan ministry ordered 15 new ones. LoL.
lol.....last time this happened (in December I think) 15 trucks I invoiced from here to Afghanistan were burned.

I hate the taleban. But they have been very good for my business here. Afghan ministry ordered 15 new ones. LoL.

:rofl: :enjoy:
So what you are saying really is this is a good way to get rid of your old trucks to get new ones.. :enjoy:
Did you tell the Taliban this or is it a state secret? ;)

Good one..:cheers:

:rofl: :enjoy:
So what you are saying really is this is a good way to get rid of your old trucks to get new ones.. :enjoy:
Did you tell the Taliban this or is it a state secret? ;)

Good one..:cheers:

nah its true!!! no i didnt tell them --but they can go ahead and try to hunt me down if they like. I dont think they would have much success.

since the last post, i sent 3 water-tanker to TACOM --yankee army company giving trucks to interior ministry
Good to hear this..soon we will hear that nato terminals hs closed in Pakistan..

you are happy to hear about a terrorist attack in pakistan or you happy to hear that 20 truckers lost there jobs and or there buisness or you happy to hear this is another black spot on pakistan do tell me which part makes you happy.
One wonders what made the trucks burn so quickly what if it actually is chemicals to grow opiumas someone on another thread suggested and to get 20 trucks it has to be a chemical inside.
you are happy to hear about a terrorist attack in pakistan or you happy to hear that 20 truckers lost there jobs and or there buisness or you happy to hear this is another black spot on pakistan do tell me which part makes you happy.

i think Pakistan must take other muslim countries in conidance and even include china to pressurise america to stop BS in this region, there is no threat for here to US, infact there are valid evidances that 9/11 was planned somewhere else and used as tool to achieve evil objectives of looting world resources. if that was not the case why america attacked iraq??? no muslims around the world like america and jewish lobby becasue of their brutalities on innocent muslims.
Pakistan should stop transit to Afghanistan as long as:

-Afghanistan force terror over Pakistan
-India is active in Afghanistan
-US continues with drone attacks
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