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2 cops sacked for plucking guavas from Sharif’s garden


Apr 28, 2011
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Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif
LAHORE: Two constables deployed at the palatial residence of Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif here have been sacked for allegedly plucking guava from his garden. Abid and Saifullah lost their jobs for committing the "crime".

They were dismissed from service after they were found guilty of their crime, Lahore police sources said. The security in-charge caught both the constables plucking the guava from the "forbidden tree" at the Jati Umra residence of Sharif in Raiwind, located on the outskirts of Lahore.

The security in-charge reprimanded the two constables and submitted a complaint against them to the higher police authorities who dismissed them from service.

Lahore police spokesman, however, denied firing of the constables on the ground of plucking guavas.

Earlier this year, 27 policemen deployed at Sharif's residence were suspended from service after a few peacocks were killed by a cat. "The policemen were punished for failing to stop the cat from killing the peacocks. The cops deployed to guard the birds were found asleep when the cat killed the peacocks," the inquiry finding official said.

Sharif's farmhouse residence sprawls over 400 acres with over 2,000 policemen deployed at the Raiwind Road leading to his residence and inside the premises. The opposition has criticized the government for spending millions of rupees for securing PM's residence in Lahore.
2 cops sacked for plucking guavas from Sharif’s garden - The Times of India
@Aeronaut @Oscar @Tameem @Fulcrum15 @Leader @Jazzbot @mr42O @hasnain0099 @tarrar @mafiya @Chak Bamu @Slav Defence :hitwall::hitwall::pakistan:

Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif
LAHORE: Two constables deployed at the palatial residence of Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif here have been sacked for allegedly plucking guava from his garden. Abid and Saifullah lost their jobs for committing the "crime".

They were dismissed from service after they were found guilty of their crime, Lahore police sources said. The security in-charge caught both the constables plucking the guava from the "forbidden tree" at the Jati Umra residence of Sharif in Raiwind, located on the outskirts of Lahore.

The security in-charge reprimanded the two constables and submitted a complaint against them to the higher police authorities who dismissed them from service.

Lahore police spokesman, however, denied firing of the constables on the ground of plucking guavas.

Earlier this year, 27 policemen deployed at Sharif's residence were suspended from service after a few peacocks were killed by a cat. "The policemen were punished for failing to stop the cat from killing the peacocks. The cops deployed to guard the birds were found asleep when the cat killed the peacocks," the inquiry finding official said.

Sharif's farmhouse residence sprawls over 400 acres with over 2,000 policemen deployed at the Raiwind Road leading to his residence and inside the premises. The opposition has criticized the government for spending millions of rupees for securing PM's residence in Lahore.
2 cops sacked for plucking guavas from Sharif’s garden - The Times of India
@Aeronaut @Oscar @Tameem @Fulcrum15 @Leader @Jazzbot @mr42O @hasnain0099 @tarrar @mafiya @Chak Bamu @Slav Defence :hitwall::hitwall::pakistan:

We must agree that the politicians and their chamche in our and our country behaves alike.
Poor Policeman !! I feel pity for them.
This is only military and ISI Personals right to do so, how police had done it, Leaders need to show companion They pucking our pockets did we object, they must be suspended for it, Isn't it.
We must agree that the politicians and their chamche in our and our country behaves alike.
Poor Policeman !! I feel pity for them.

Crows are black Everywhere.
Is there any history attached to that tree?
We must agree that the politicians and their chamche in our and our country behaves alike.
Poor Policeman !! I feel pity for them.

They may behave alike, but Pakistan seems to be further ahead down that path in terms of show.

I mean living in 400 acre farms? Peacocks? You kidding me? Even Laloo or Sharad Pawar or Mulayam- masters of venality- do not dare to live like that. From what I read, some of these these Pakistani politicians seem to be like Rajas or Nawabs. Literally.
How dare they steal from PM's diet plan?
good thing they didnt steal the rice for his biryani he would have gone amok and killed some talibans maybe :unsure:

They may behave alike, but Pakistan seems to be further ahead down that path in terms of show.

I mean living in 400 acre farms? Peacocks? You kidding me? Even Laloo or Sharad Pawar or Mulayam- masters of venality- do not dare to live like that. From what I read, some of these these Pakistani politicians seem to be like Rajas or Nawabs. Literally.
Nawaz Shariff is a modified version of Sharif Nawaab :angel:
They may behave alike, but Pakistan seems to be further ahead down that path in terms of show.

I mean living in 400 acre farms? Peacocks? You kidding me? Even Laloo or Sharad Pawar or Mulayam- masters of venality- do not dare to live like that. From what I read, some of these these Pakistani politicians seem to be like Rajas or Nawabs. Literally.

Peacocks? They even had a white tiger.

BBC News - Nawaz Sharif party tiger 'alive and well'
They may behave alike, but Pakistan seems to be further ahead down that path in terms of show.

I mean living in 400 acre farms? Peacocks? You kidding me? Even Laloo or Sharad Pawar or Mulayam- masters of venality- do not dare to live like that. From what I read, some of these these Pakistani politicians seem to be like Rajas or Nawabs. Literally.

Even Imran Khan, the ''alternative'' has a 37 acre house in Islamabad :)
if those responsible for the security of peacocks were suspended then what should be done with those responsible for the security of Pakistani citizens ??
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