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2,750 people have more wealth than half the planet, the poorest 50% of Americans possess less wealth than the poorest half of China's citizens

The British-American take over of the globe is under way and continuing to gradually absorb the wealth of the world.

British Celt Cecil Rhodes was not shy about his ambitions, and his intentions to form such a group were known to many. Throughout his short life, Rhodes discussed his intentions openly with many of his associates, who, unsurprisingly, happened to be among the most influential figures in British society at that time.

More remarkably, this secret society—which was to wield its power behind the throne—was not a secret at all. The New York Times even published an article discussing the founding of the group in the April 9, 1902, edition of the paper, shortly after Rhodes’ death.

The New York Times article, headlined “Mr. Rhodes’s Ideal of Anglo-Saxon Greatness” and carrying the remarkable sub-head of the New York Times Article “He Believed a Wealthy Secret Society Should Work to Secure the World’s Peace and a British-American Federation,” summarized this sensational plan by noting that Rhodes’ “idea for the development of the English-speaking race was the foundation of ‘a society copied, as to organization, from the Jesuits.’” Noting that his vision involved uniting “the United States Assembly and our House of Commons to achieve ‘the peace of the world,'” the article quotes Rhodes as saying: “The only thing feasible to carry out this idea is a secret society gradually absorbing the wealth of the world.”

This idea is laid down in black and white in a series of wills that Rhodes wrote throughout his life, wills that not only laid out his plan to create such a society and provided the funds to do so, but, even more remarkably, were collected in a volume published after his death by co-conspirator William T. Stead.

The British Celts hide behind the title of Anglo-Saxons (Two Germanic tribes of North Central Europe) when the British Celts hate the Germans. Brexit was an MI5/MI6 operation, supported by the 'crown'.

Wait until bitcoin replaces the dollar, the cia could buy 100 Chinas and anything in it and still have more bitcoin to do it again. The dollar collapse is going to be staged to benefit the Oligarchs.
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