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19th French agent arrested in Syria

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
Voltaire Network has learned from reliable source that a French officer was taken prisoner by the Syrian National Army on Monday, 27 February 2012, at Azouz (Idlib district, near the Turkish border).

The arrest brings to 19 (nineteen) the number of French prisoners held by Damascus.

Negotiations for their release are underway via the Russian Federation, the United Arab Emirates and the Sultanate of Oman.

During this period, the UAE distanced itself from from the common position of the Gulf Cooperation Council, and decided to adopt a neutral stance. Hence, they have banned all demonstrations, pro- or anti-Syrian, on their territory.

19th French agent arrested in Syria [Voltaire Network]

On 13 February 2012, Thierry Meyssan revealed on the first Russian television channel that Syria had captured a dozen French soldiers. Voltaire Network is now in a position to confirm that as of 26 February the number of French prisoners is 18 (eighteen).

If Paris admits that they were on a mission, they will be entitled to prisoner-of-war status and protected by the relative Geneva Convention; but if Paris denies having sent them, they will be considered as foreign civilians and judged in Syria for their crimes, which are punishable by the death penalty.

France has opened three negotiation channels via the Russian Federation, the United Arab Emirates and the Sultanate of Oman.
The ambassador of France, Eric Chevallier, returned urgently to Damascus on 23 February.
Kofi Annan has been appointed as the joint United Nations-Arab League envoy on the Syrian crisis.

Aware of the potential use it can make of the captives in the midst of the French electoral campaign, Damascus called on Syrian state media not to raise the matter at this time. It thus reserves the possibility of dealing with it under the radar if this option proves to be more advantageous. While acknowledging the uniqueness of this situation, the Syrian journalists, who were quick to adapted to the freedom of expression guaranteed by the new media law, growled that limits are again being imposed for reasons of national security.

If negotiations are kept secret, France will have to quietly pay very heavy war indemnities, either in cash or by way of economic privileges. If they are made public, France can hope to reduce the bill, but Nicolas Sarkozy and Alain Juppe will have some explaining to do to their fellow citizens. Their political camp would compromise its chances of winning the presidential election, with the president even risking to be brought before the High Court (Articles 35 and 68 of the Constitution).

In the Rainbow Warrior affair (1985), where there was a sunken ship and one person killed, France had formally apologized and had paid a compensation of $ 7 million to New Zealand and $ 8.16 million to Greenpeace. Above all, Paris had to consent to the importation of sheep of New Zealand partially destroying its own sheep industry. In exchange, the two detained French agents were released. Ironically, Laurent Fabius, the Prime Minister whose government had ordered the attack on the Rainbow Warrior, is tipped to become foreign minister if the Socialist candidate, François Hollande, becomes the next president of France. The latter happens to be former brother-in-law of Lt. Col. Gerard Royal, who commanded the operation.

In the secret war against Syria, France and its allies are responsible for a conflict that caused the death of at least 3,000 Syrian soldiers and 1,500 civilians, plus economic losses and the sabotage of infrastructure estimated at least $ 3 billion.
France opens negotiations with Syria to recover its 18 agents [Voltaire Network]
It's ok, let the people open their eyes, I didn't know France and Germany also has Pro Alasad Propaganda

Truth be told, there is hardly any "pro-asad propaganda" anywhere. I couldn't even see any real pro-asad pieces on Sina.com.

But there is a ton, a definite "flurry" of anti-intervention "propaganda" - in Germany, too, I am sure, though I can't vouch for it.

Of course all "players" say one thing and do another ...
It's ok, let the people open their eyes, I didn't know France and Germany also has Pro Alasad Propaganda
Voltaire is very much criticized for fake journalism here in France.
Voltaire and Meyssan working for them : they are doing many conspiracy theories: from 9/11 organized by cia to this fake information about French agents, that of course there is no proof about it. It just blabla.

In Libya they said that Gaddafi was taking a full unit of UK soldiers or SAS as i remember.
Meyssan said this from an hotel in Tripoli paid by Gaddafi. Fact is we all know now it was fake.

There are thousand fake stories by Meyssan and co in this website.
Voltaire is very much criticized for fake journalism here in France.
Voltaire and Meyssan working for them : they are doing many conspiracy theories: from 9/11 organized by cia to this fake information about French agents, that of course there is no proof about it. It just blabla.

In Libya they said that Gaddafi was taking a full unit of UK soldiers or SAS as i remember.
Meyssan said this from an hotel in Tripoli paid by Gaddafi. Fact is we all know now it was fake.

There are thousand fake stories by Meyssan and co in this website.


Crack SAS troops hunt Gaddafi weapons inside Libya - Mirror Online

Libya: SAS 'smash' squads on the ground to mark targets for coalition jets | Mail Online
Journalists .. the new Jason Bornes.
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do you speak English or you have a big problem of understanding?

i didn't say Gaddafi said this i said Meyssan the guy from voltaire website (that the thread is an article from them) said it.
get i?

You were told to source your claim, else hold your peace.
You were told to source your claim, else hold your peace.

before asking me sources, try to understand a minimum of what i say
or don't give me other words that i said, if you know what honnesty means

here is one source (Meyssan very courageous deleted it from his website! ):
/!\ Libye - Des barbouzes du SAS interceptés comme des bleus !
here says that this is linked to Meyssan words:
TOUT LE MONDE IL EST GENTIL: Entretien exclusif avec Thierry Meyssan - ERTV - Beyrouth - 3 Mars 2011

thank you and bye
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