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1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

We have no idea to claims that we have evidence for "三沙市 City". But all of you have to know: "we have bigest Army at The EastSea, that mean we are the Winner".
I'm just say about what Chine People can say now. LOL

Okay. British ambassador was in China. But don't you know telegram was widely used in 1898? Distance was not a problem anymore. If British wanted to talk with France gov, they would do it in the same day. But they did not. Instead, British chose a worse counterpart-----Qing, who was not familiar with International Laws. For all western countries, dealing with Qing gov on diplomatic issues was always a headache.

hahaha. Have you read that Telegram before?
I think you have a baby brain.
China Gov lie their public!
you know what's wrong with your logic ?
it doesnt matter you have got 1 map or 100 maps
you just need 1 "convictive" map

you want to prove china didnt own the islands you just follow 2 steps

step 1: find out 1 map which has been affirmed to be official documents of "the whole outline of country territory"
(including sea territory)

step 2: in this official countrywide map, you find out the map didnt mark those islands claimed by china

if you succeed in doing this, it will qualify you for challenging the claim of China in a small dose,
because map mistake often happens even in some developed country nowadays

but you do nothing now but offering a "misguided proof"
and you chatter so noisily about that "chinese dare not talk about History"
with the complete unawareness of your own knowledge defection and self ignorance.

So provide me a map before 1904 that had those islands. The problem is you Chinese can't provide something like that

Some of our maps:



1838 maps


Western map, Brion de la Tour, 1774



1776 book that described about our "Paracel Teams". Their misson was settling the sovereignty over Paracel, patrolling and exploiting in Paracel.

A little gift from the French

Traité élémentaire de géographie: contenant un abrégé méthodique de Précis ... - Conrad Malte-Brun - Google Books

The French book "Traité élémentaire de géographie: contenant un abrégé méthodique du Précis de la géographie universelle en huit volumes" (volume 2) was published in Paris, 1831. Page 221 said that: "equal-spaced between Hainan and Cochinchina, Paracels archipelago was depended on Annam Empire". "A une egale distance de la cote de Cochinchine et de l'ile d'Hai-nan, l'archipel de Paracels est une dependance de l'empire d'Annam"

Greeting from the United States


“Modern geography: A description of the empires, kingdoms, states, and colonies with the oceans, seas, and isles” is pulished in Philadenphia, 1804. The author is John Pinkerton. In the Volume 2, at page 178, Paracels was described as a feature of the Cochin-China kingdom.

From our Dutch friends


This is a historial book printed in Amsterdam and Leiden, 1772. In chapter XV at pages 647 to 674, the book treats of Cochin-China and islands of this country such as Pullo Sicca, Pullo Secca de Mare, Pullo Cambir, Pullo Canto. Especially, Paracels has been considered as initial part of Pullo Secca de Mare island chain. In the ancient maps, Paracels was used to draw like tail of scorpion extanding as far as Poulo Cerci de Mer forming Pullo Secca de Mare.

Say hello to our Italian friends

Nuovo dizionario geografico universale statistico-storico-commerciale ... - Google Books

The Italian geographic dictionary "Nuovo dizionario geografico universale statistico-storico-commerciale" was published in Venezia, 1831, based on documents of famous geographers: Balbi, Cannabich, Malte-Brun, Pinkerton ... In the volume 4, part 1, at the page 680, they describes that the Paracels was equal-spaced between Hainan and Cochinchina, and the sovereignty over it belongs to Annam kingdom.

Some German's taste

Neues Konversations-Lexikon: ein Wörterbuch des allgemeinen Wissens ... - Herrmann Julius Meyer - Google Books

The German book "Neues Konversations-Lexikon: ein Wörterbuch des allgemeinen Wissens" was written by Herrmann Julius Meyer, published in Germany, 1866. At the page 575, they said that Paracels belongs to Cochinchina, Annam.

Or you want to meet some Spanish?


Spanish books printed in Barcelona in 1832 for Compania Mayoly Juaquin, including: "Principios generales de geografía matematíca ó Cosmografía", "Nociones de geografía Fisíca y de geografía Política", "La geografia moderna", "Espana en la mano, en la que se la trata", "La geografia antígua comparada con la moderna". The Paracels belong to Cochin China was confirmed in page 57 of the book "La geografia moderna"

Remember that Vietnam already pitched the flag in Paracel before Qing dynasty claim Paracel.


The Italian book "Del vario grado d'importanza degli stati odierni" was published in Milano, 1841. Page 421 mentions about the event Gia Long emperor pitch the flag to own Paracels in 1816 (Western standard), but Paracels belongs to Cocochina many years ago, according to Western documents.

I have more than 100 old Western books which affirm Vietnamese sovereign over Paracels, pm me if you need some more evidences. It means that when the Westerners came, they saw that Vietnamese govs and people are administrating Paracels archipelago, not Chinese. Then they wrote what they saw.

So, wanna discuss about "history" side, Chinese?
We have no idea to claims that we have evidence for "三沙市 City". But all of you have to know: "we have bigest Army at The EastSea, that mean we are the Winner".
I'm just say about what Chine People can say now. LOL

So you admit that China's claims over the two archipelagoes of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, as well as the East Sea (SCS), is unfounded, unreasonable, illegal, no so-called "historial sovereignty" of the lies...
Instead, the chinese have only a basis for the claims in the East Sea (SCS), which is the biggest army?
So you admit that China's claims over the two archipelagoes of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, as well as the East Sea (SCS), is unfounded, unreasonable, illegal, no so-called "historial sovereignty" of the lies...
Instead, the chinese have only a basis for the claims in the East Sea (SCS), which is the biggest army?
I didn't say that!
Vietnamese always show the envidence that prove those Island belong to Vietnam meanwhile Chinese never show any picture except the words "we have many envidence" or "just search this(Chinese) on google and you can see". Sometime I think if they are too "not smart". Because every Chinese I've met say the same thing "we have...." and never can give me a real proof.
We have no idea to claims that we have evidence for "三沙市 City". But all of you have to know: "we have bigest Army at The EastSea, that mean we are the Winner".
I'm just say about what Chine People can say now. LOL

oh yep.... "The big bullying the small" is always Chinese tradition and culture :yahoo:
Vietnamese always show the envidence that prove those Island belong to Vietnam meanwhile Chinese never show any picture except the words "we have many envidence" or "just search this(Chinese) on google and you can see". Sometime I think if they are too "not smart". Because every Chinese I've met say the same thing "we have...." and never can give me a real proof.

Chinese have nothing any evidence because the Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands belong to Vietnam for hundreds of years ago.

The first ROC appeared on the two archipelagos only started in 1946 when it received the task from the Allies to disarm the Japanese troops in Vietnam. And PRC appeared on the two archipelagos only after it used of force to rob the islands from Vietnam in 1974 and 1988.

Any person with a clear conscience can recognize easily the claims greed, irrationality and unlawful of China in the East Sea (SCS).
Forget about Paracels, Vietnam belongs to China.... not as a province, but as a mere vassal state. We enslaved you for 1000 years because our wise ancestors saw your inferiority and exploited it :rofl:
Forget about Paracels, Vietnam belongs to China.... not as a province, but as a mere vassal state. We enslaved you for 1000 years because our wise ancestors saw your inferiority and exploited it :rofl:

'we enslaved you for 1000 years' claim seems to have a cross border appeal among the scum of trolls on this forum.
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