For me Also the 18 amendment is a curse for Pakistan because it divide us into ethnicity.
Just read my whole comment , i hope you can have better understanding.
After 18 amendment 16 departments were transferred from federal government to provincial governments under the 18th Amendment with No further checking authority of federation on the performance of provincial govt. The abolition weakened the federation without necessarily strengthening the provinces.
Few Departments For example
1. Education
Education was one subject devolved at the provincial level. This was done without thinking through that a) whether the provinces are equipped in terms of teachers, infrastructure, educationalists, etc, to develop courses and other related necessary base needed to take advantage and implement this devolution and b) whether all provinces equally have the aforementioned basic variables in place failing which this inclusion would inevitably lead to unequal standard of education in different provinces leading to disadvantage of those provinces lagging behind in many fields CSS being only one of them.
Article 25A was inserted into the constitution: “Right to education: The state shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to 16 years in such manner as may be determined by law.” The question stands vindicated by a report that states, “ provincial governments has yet to introduce mechanisms for the implementation of the Article.” The direction to be given by a cohesive national, united ideology may/can be/has been compromised.
2. Health
The 18th Amendment created havoc in Pakistan by regulating health to provinces with no checking authority. The provinces are/were ill equipped to handle this critical area of social wellbeing and service to people. “The Drug Act of 1976, the law regulating pharmaceutical sector in the country, and the regulatory structures formed under it for registration, manufacturing, quality assurance of medicines and adjudication of contraventions, etc, also does not exist anymore under the 18th Amendment.”
Pakistan’s markets sell fake pills, capsules, tablets, and syrups of all types, for every type of ailment, according to a report by CNN.
When Yousuf Raza Gilani was the prime minister, the World Health Organisation (WHO) expressed concerns over the devolution of the ministry of health to the provinces via a letter.
The implementation of the18th amendment required substantial changes in the existing legal, regulatory and policy frameworks on devolved and shared subjects. About 48 federal laws were identified which needed amendments to reflect the intent of the 18th amendment. Rules of Business at federal and provincial levels have been amended and a number of critical issues have been resolved. However, some crucial issues still remain unsettled because of the lack of political will, policy disconnects and the absence of evidence-based strategies hampering the pace and process of transition management.
When responsibilities were signed away by the federation without the infrastructure and mechanisms in place, the 18th amendment compromised the national interests on many levels.
Provincial autonomy and inclusiveness in governance should be the corner stone of a successful political dispensation. One can argue in favour of provincial autonomy however sans the mechanisms needed to make it work, minus the clarity in policies, route of operational funding, minus the skills in different fields needed to deliver, minus the will to bring it together at both provincial and federal levels, it is always bound to fail.
It would have been better had the learned minds instead of getting rid of 16 departments in one go had transferred this in phases, smoothing out the teething problems systematically as these brilliant minds went along instead of creating a mess.
PTI should put the house in order on this front, but the fact is it will face with a strong opposition, even if a revisit is sought, one doubts anything much will come of it. Which pretty much leaves us with a constitution based on Act of India 1935, the Articles included and changed by Gen Zia and the 18th Amendment all joining together to create a recipe for disastrous governance.
Let me do this:
Pseudo intellectual PPP and haramkhor zalildari ruined the very basic system even health and education and it will further ruin.