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15000 kilogram Massive cache of explosives recovered in Peshawar

wtf...man thats huge!! Great Job by your Police....seems terrorists had planned something big but failed!! Good job!!
The explosives were in sacks (average size)...and the suspects were caught while transporting the sacks in small batches.

So probably they didn't move it one load, they would have been working on it for months, 50 odd sacks at a time and they gradually went up to 15000 kg.

The most surprising thing IMO is that the sacks clearly had a marking on them 'Potassium Chlorate-explosive material'...'Made in China'. Were the terrorists really that naive that they transported explosives in clearly marked sacks?

Let me see if I have this right - 15,000kgs not Lbs? If one Kg = 2.2 Lbs, the number is 33,000 lbs?? -- And so the explosives were manufactured in China and imported - So, which factory in China manufactured them?? Of course there is a paper trail in both Pakistan and China, The Chinese govt permission to manufacture and export the order exists,-- Who transported the explosives from China? Who cleared the explosives at Pakistani ports?? Where s the Customs record??? Who then transported this material inside Pakistan? And permission to warehouse explosive material???

Just watch, this news will not get play that Drone and deaths of Talib and their fellow travelers will get -- Coincidence???
Let me see if I have this right - 15,000kgs not Lbs? If one Kg = 2.2 Lbs, the number is 33,000 lbs?? -- And so the explosives were manufactured in China and imported - So, which factory in China manufactured them?? Of course there is a paper trail in both Pakistan and China, The Chinese govt permission to manufacture and export the order exists,-- Who transported the explosives from China? Who cleared the explosives at Pakistani ports?? Where s the Customs record??? Who then transported this material inside Pakistan? And permission to warehouse explosive material???

Just watch, this news will not get play that Drone and deaths of Talib and their fellow travelers will get -- Coincidence???

All very valid questions, but also note, that Potassium Chlorate has other uses as well, it is used as a fertilizer ingredient, fireworks, matches and other such items which are routinely used.

So I don't think their import is very surprising.
All very valid questions, but also note, that Potassium Chlorate has other uses as well, it is used as a fertilizer ingredient, fireworks, matches and other such items which are routinely used.

So I don't think their import is very surprising.

Fair enough, Who imported it?? How did such an amount go from the warehouse of fertilizer manufacturers into the hands of terrorists? Did the fertilizer manufactures report the explosives stolen??

I realize that many things in Pakistan are chaotic, but there is a paper trail and beyond that there is the chain of custody (actual persons) -
15 Tons is 30,000 lbs of explosives ---- How do you get 30,000 lbs of explosives in to the country without anyone noticing????, How do you transport it from where ever it entered the country or from whee it was manufactured inside the country to such warehouses without anybody noticing?? How many such warehouses exist in and around all towns and cities??

Notice boys and girls, how many responses this thread elicited and compare it to how many responses any Drone thread will elicit, what does it say about our priorities????

The real story could perhaps involve one underground businessman ruining the plans of his underground competitor by arranging matters such that a raid confiscates market stockpiles at the right time. Everybody on the team benefits.
15 Tonnes is 1500 KG or 15000 KG ??

But whatever , Its a Good Catch but it should be followed up to catch the Kingpin .
It is encouraging to see that Peshawar police was able to nab terrorists and recover over 15,000 tons of explosive and thus avoids a big catastrophe. Just think the amount of damage this huge cache of explosive would have done to the city. Congratulations Peshawar police! This haul proves that the enemy is always planning to carry out their mission of death and destruction. It is important to be vigilant and work together to defeat this common enemy who is out to inflect all kind of damages on both sides of the border. Stability in the region can only be achieved if we are able to proactively make sure that the enemy’s plans are defeated.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

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