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$14 Billion Dollar Aid for war on terror and Its Consequences


Apr 27, 2009
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$14 Billion Dollar Aid for war on terror and Its Consequences.

War and violence is not a solution to anything at all. War is imposed on Pakistan from outside as is the reaction to that war carefully engineered by the same forces. Pakistan's internal turmoil and conflict continues and Pakistan army and people pay a big price due to wrong and ill-fated polices of an unelected dictator Mussraf and his Cronies. The war on terror created more than 22 powerful jehbas [groups] just in Pakistan which is really threatening the integrity of Pakistan.

The Pakistani Taliban wants to destabilize the Islamabad government, while the Afghan Taliban wants to force Western troops out of Afghanistan. Demoralize the Enemy, take their Money, their Values. Their Country. Leave them in Ruin, give them Anarchy, offer them Civil War and leave them worse off today than they were Yesterday that’s situation is created by USA and NATO for Pakistan in coming months.

On September 13, 2001, General Pervez Musharraf was given an ulti*matum: either discontinue Pakistan’s decade-long support of the Tal*iban and join the United States in its war against terrorism or face serious diplomatic, economic, and military consequences. Musharraf opted for the former course—pledging to terminate Pakistan’s support to the Taliban, granting unrestricted over-flight and landing rights for US military and intelligence flights, sharing critical intelligence with the United States on known or suspected al Qaeda terrorists, and step*ping up domestic counter-terrorism activities.

Pakistani security forces have captured or killed more than 700 foreign jihadis (including members of al Qaeda) and Tal*iban-linked fighters in these areas, very few senior Taliban leader have been arrested or killed in Pakistan since 2001.

We are really appreciating and thank full to our chief of army staff General Kiyani and General Tariq Majid, Pak CJCSC Statements and stands in June 2008 totally changed the Obama Administration attitude toward Pakistan in 2009 war on terror.

General Kiyani Has told US military and NATO officials that the Pakistan Army will not “retrain or re-equip” its troops to fight the counter-insurgency war on the Afghan frontier as demanded by the Americans. Pakistan will deploy the bulk of its troops on Pakistan’s borders with India and prepare for possible conflicts with traditional enemy India.

General Tariq Majid, Pak CJCSC address to the 7th Shangrila Dialogue in Singapore The cumulative effect of happenings in the West Asia, sledge-hammer approach of the coalition forces in contiguous Pashtun areas of Afghanistan, cross border missile strikes causing civilian deaths in FATA and tendency of some of the Western countries to micro-manage our counter-terrorism policies have created a perception that the global war on terrorism is directed at Muslims.” General Majid further elucidated that this approach was stoking tribal revenge and drawing-in Islamic fighters from elsewhere to join the anti-American struggle.

Senator Kerry notes that Alexander the Great, the British and the Soviets all found enormous difficulty in trying to tame that part of the world.‘Now, we are sort of at this crucible … how do we keep our interests from being extended beyond what they really are or what is achievable?’ he asks.

Ambassador Holbrooke, while discussing sensitivities attached to this issue, notes that the Durand Line is one of those world borders that ‘leave a perpetual dissatisfaction.‘This arrangement … while very romantic for readers of Flashman novels … is not a good way to run that area,

According to these statistics, the opium poppy cultivation in hectares was 74,000, 80,000, 1,31,000, 1,04,000, 1,65,000 and 1,93,000 respectively in the years, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 as the international coalition took over Afghanistan in end-2001.

Likewise, the production of drugs was recorded as 3,400, 3,600, 4,200, 3,800, 6,100 and 8,200 tons in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 respectively, reflecting a consistency in upward trend. The area under cultivation also dropped by 20 percent from 2007 to 388,000 acres (157,000 hectares).

Pakistan’s FATA, which hugs the border with Afghanistan, has an estimated population of about 3.5 million people, who are overwhelmingly Pashtun. It encompasses over 27,000 square kilometers—mostly difficult-to-access, rugged, mountainous terrain. The FATA is home to about 60 Pashtun tribes, including a dozen major ones, which spill over into Afghanistan. Ever since Pakistan was founded, the FATA has been a semi-autonomous zone into which the central government’s authority does not extend in any meaningful way.

The first suicide attack was occurred in the country's capital Islamabad in 1995 when the bomber rammed his explosives-laden truck into the embassy of Egypt which killed 14 people. The bomber was Egyptian.

Suicide bombers have struck at least 160 times in different parts of Pakistan since September 11, 2001 when Pakistan chose to be a frontline state in the US-led war on terror. Latest suicide attacks in 29th May 2009 in NWFP killed 12 people and injured more than 350 peoples.27TH MAY suicide attacks in Lahore killed more than 30 people and injured 400 people alone. In 2009 19 suicide bombing incident happen in Pakistan alone killing 250 people and injuring more than 1,000 people.

The first suicide attack occurred after 9/11in Pakistan near the Sheraton Hotel in Karachi in May 2002, killing 16 people, including a dozen French citizens. On 14 June, 2002, another suicide bomber detonated his explosives-laden truck outside of American embassy in Karachi which killed 12 persons.

In 2003, two suicide bombers blew themselves up, killing a number of people. One suicide bomber which targeted President Gen. Pervez Musharraf in Rawalpindi, near capital Islamabad. Five people were killed in this attack.

The number of this kind of attacks stood at seven in 2004 one in Attock on the country's Prime Minister. Four suicide attacks were recorded in 2005 while another seven in 2006. The number of suicide attacks in 2006 again rose to seven, including two sectarian, which killed around 140 people. American embassy and Pakistani security forces were targeted in the four suicide attacks on this year.

In 2007, statistics show, some 56 suicide attacks occurred throughout the country. Former prime minister and PPP chairperson Benazir Bhutto was also killed in such an attack outside Liaquat Bagh in Rawalpindi..In 2007, around 58 suicides attacks killed 65 bombers along with 177 SF 729 killed 552 civilian and 1677 injured. In 2007, while 27 of the 56 suicide attacks occurred in the NWFP, there were 13 in FATA and five attacks in the national capital, Islamabad

In 2008 show, some 59 suicide attacks occurred throughout the country At least 852 persons, including 712 civilians and 140 Security Force (SF) personnel, were killed and over 1,867 persons injured by 65 suicide bombers involved in these attacks. 729 persons, including 552 civilians and 177 SF personnel, were killed and 1,677 persons injured by 58 suicide bombers. While 32 of the 59 suicide attacks in 2008 occurred in the NWFP, 13 were reported from FATA, 12 from Punjab and one each from Balochistan and Sindh Provinces

According to the Small Arms Survey, 2002, there were approximately 18 million illegally held weapons in Pakistan compared to some two million legally licensed weapons – nine illegal arms for every licensed weapon currently held by individuals in the country. The report stated that, despite the official ban on sale and purchase of non-licensed weapons, unauthorized arms and ammunition remain in open circulation and the illegal arms trade and gunrunning continue to flourish. The tribal town of Darra Adamkhel near Peshawar, bordering Afghanistan, is reported to be the largest manufacturer and supplier of low-cost arms in the region. In 2009 the legal Licensed weapons are more than 4 million and illegal weapons exceeds 40 million in Pakistan.

Col David Kilcullen, formerly a senior adviser to Gen David Petraeus, the US commander in the region, told a Congressional hearing: "We need to call off the drones." "I realise that they do damage to the al-Qaeda leadership, but... the drone strikes are highly unpopular. "The current path that we are on is leading us to loss of Pakistani government control over its own population."

The agency has carried out at least 20 Predator strikes in Pakistan in the first five months of this year, compared with 36 strikes in 2008, killing about 161 people since Mr Obama was inaugurated on Jan 20. June 18, 2004: 5 including Nek Muhammad Wazir killed in a strike near Wana (Pakistan). May 14, 2005: Haitham al-Yemeni killed in a strike by drones in Pakistan. November 30, 2005: Al-Qaeda number 3 Abu Hamza Rabia killed in an attack by CIA drones.

67 cross-border predator strikes carried out by the Afghanistan-based American drones in Pakistan between January 14, 2006 and May 24, 2009, only 10 were able to hit their actual targets, killing 14 wanted al-Qaeda leaders, besides perishing 757 innocent Pakistani civilians. The success percentage of the US predator strikes thus comes to not more than five per cent.

Two strikes carried out in 2006 had killed 98 civilians while three attacks conducted in 2007 had slain 66 Pakistanis, yet none of the wanted al-Qaeda or Taliban leaders could be hit by the Americans right on target. However, of the 50 drone attacks carried out between January 29, 2008 and April 8, 2009, 10 hit their targets and killed 14 wanted al-Qaeda operatives

Pakistani security forces entered into FATA in the year 2003 to prevent spillover of operations from Afghanistan into Pakistan and stop miscreants, deny use of territory for terrorist activities, open up hitherto no go areas and integrate FATA national mainstream. Taking advantage of the proximity of border, rugged terrain, semi autonomous nature of FATA, old Afghan war ties and common religious beliefs on both side some foreign elements and Taliban have found sanctuaries in FATA . Since the conflict began, Pakistan has lost more than three times the number of its soldiers compared to the number of US troops killed in Afghanistan. However, as of 2009, the confirmed body count of militants killed by the Pakistan Army reached the 7,000 mark

Since entering into FATA security forces have carried out 161 major and minor operations against terrorists and achieved unprecedented success. Over 3000 terrorists .have been killed and almost 4000 apprehended. Over 1400 officers and men of Pakistan Army and Frontier Corps have embraced shahadat in this war on terror. Presently over 1200000 security forces ( Army and FC) are guarding the 1100 check posts on the western border.

Pakistan Army after its peace deals with Taliban leaders has virtually withdrawn from the seven districts of FATA .Posts vacated by Pakistan Army now stand occupied by Taliban cadres. The peace deal with the Taliban has only one proviso that they will not attack Pakistan Army troops. There is no proviso that they will not attack US/NATO troops in Afghanistan and therefore the Taliban has now a free run against them.

During the chaos that reigned in the FATA between 2004 and 2006, the Taliban and associated groups assassinated more than 200 tribal leaders, allegedly for cooperating with Pakistani officials or spying for the United States and its allies,2006-2009 510 Tribals leaders ,people spying or Cooperating with Pakistan Government is Excecuted by these Thugs.

See this money bring hell for Pakistan after 9/11.in Pakistan there were not too many militants group operating especially in Fata, FANA, and Malikand areas. Although banned by the central government, several violent Islamic terrorist groups continue to operate in Pakistan, including: Harakat ul-Mujahedin (HUM), Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM), Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LT), and Laskar-i-Jhangvi (LJ).

The Taliban, which started attacking NATO supplies for the first timein 2008, are trying to sever supply lines to landlocked Afghanistan. NATO truck terminal along Peshawar's Ring Road, where more than 16 terminals operate Some 70 to 80 percent of NATO’s supplies pass through Peshawar, with the remainder entering through Pakistan’s Balochistan province to Kandahar across the borderTaliban fighters in recent months have been increasing the number and intensity of their attacks on NATO convoys that pass through Pakistan. Up to 75 percent of supplies for Western forces in landlocked Afghanistan pass through Pakistan and 40% oil supply of USA and it’s creates thousands jobs and bring revenue about 2 billions rupees every month to Pakistani people.

PESHAWAR TO TORKHAM:This is the final and shortest stretch of the northern supply route where all attacks against the supply chain have occurred.The route runs through the Khyber Agency of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) – home to at least three different Taliban groups.Approximately three-fourths of the total supplies destined for Afghanistan pass through the Torkham border crossing.

Several bold attacks in recent weeks have targeted not just trucks, but also a key terminal near Peshawar where trucks and cargos are kept before making the final part of their journey into AfghanistanThe attacks were all the more remarkable since they occurred in the center of a city that houses the 11th Corps of the Pakistani Army.

In 2009 there were 9 attacks on NATO supply line which destroyed 81 containers along with 6 oil tanker and 75 Vechiles and killing more than 20 SF (Security forces).

In 2008 the seven attacks between December 1 and December 31 had destroyed containers that contained trans-shipping ammunition, fuel, foodstuff and other goods for the US-led NATO forces, fighting against Taliban in Afghanistan.The loss was estimated to be in billions of rupees. In December 2008 alone around 300 Lorries, trailers and containers were torched. About 70 Humvees, armoured personnel carriers, were among the destroyed supplies. since last 6 years(2002-2008) 400 lorries and 70 people killed due to these attacks in Pakistan by these Taliban thugs..

Annual Fatalities in Terrorist Violence in Pakistan, 2003- 2008

-Civilians - SF Personnel- Terrorists- Total

2003 140 24 25 189

2004 435 184 244 863

2005 430 81 137 648

2006 608 325 538 1471

2007 1523 597 1479 3599

2008 2155 654 3906 6715

As a result, the number of terror related incidents in Pakistan decreased from 430 in January to 374 in February 2009. However, the number of people killed rose sharply from 634 in January, to 813 in February. more ‘militants’ were killed than civilians and security personnel in February. The operations during the month resulted in 479 militants being killed as against 209 killed in the previous month. In addition, 597 miscreants were arrested in February as against 371 in January. There were 62 security personnel killed and 86 injured in February as against 79 dead and 116 wounded in January.

During the month, there were 312 violent incidents, including terrorist attacks, operations by security forces and ethnic clashes, as against 374 in February. Consequently, the number of people killed in these incidents reduced from 813 to 546. militants’ killed reduced significantly to 165 as against 479 in February. 503 ‘militants’ were arrested as against 597 in February. The casualties of security forces also remained at virtually the same level as 65 security personnel were killed and 28 injured in March as against 62 killed and 75 injured in February. During the month 59 civilians were kidnapped as against 101 in February. 13.83% decrease

In April 2009 In April 2009, a total of 229 terrorist, insurgent and sectarian attacks were reported across the country. These attacks killed 468 people and injured 237. The highest number of attacks was reported from North Western Frontier Province, NWFP (99), followed by Balochistan (88) and Federally Administered Tribal Areas, FATA (42). 21.81% increase.

In May 2008 is bloodiest month in Pakistan more than 500 attacks happen and at least 2000 people killed and at least 3,000 injuries till 30th may.

IDPs Armed conflict between government forces and Taleban insurgents began in Pakistan's tribal areas located between the country's North West Frontier Province (NWFP) and the border with Afghanistan in 2002. Military operations against armed opposition groups in Pakistan have displaced hundreds of thousands of people in recent months,

By 2006, fighting had led to civilian casualties and the displacement of tens of thousands of people in Waziristan. Army operations in March 2004 around the South Waziristan capital of Wana and in June 2004 in the Shakai area north-west of Wana led to civilian deaths and the demolition of hundreds of houses, and forced thousands from their homes. Thousands others fled fighting around the town of Miranshah in North Waziristan during March 2006 as a result of military operations. Many more people were allegedly displaced due to army operations by 2006

Fighting between the government and militant groups in FATA in summer 2008 led to approximately 20 per cent of the total population (an estimated 850,000 people) to flee from Bajaur Agency to the North West Frontier Province (NWFP). A number of people displaced within Bajaur returned to their homes following the announcement of a ceasefire at the end of August 2008, but thousands remained displaced. In NWFP, armed conflict between government troops and pro-Taleban militants has also led to displacement since 2007.

In North Waziristan, conflict between armed opposition groups and the army resumed in October 2007 after the collapse of a ceasefire agreement. At least 80,000 people are believed to have fled their homes to avoid being caught in the bombing and crossfire. There was intense fighting between government forces and the armed opposition groups, where helicopter gunships, fighter planes and heavy artillery were reportedly used. There were also clashes between the army and opposition forces in South Waziristan in early 2008, with both sides using heavy weapons, and the conflict forced thousands of civilians to flee the area.

According to UN estimates, over 232,000 persons displaced by the conflicts in FATA and NWFP had been registered in nine districts of NWFP, including over 50,000 people living in 12 camps established in the safer districts of NWFP, and over 178,000 individuals living outside the camps. The actual IDP figures were estimated to be higher due to registration of displaced people outside camps having taken place in only 70 per cent of the affected district in 2008

The largest displacement in Pakistan in 2007 occurred in Swat Valley in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP). The valley, with a population of 1.5 mil-lion people, was seized by pro-Taleban fighters in July 2007. 0.5 million people to 0.7 Million people displaced but come back after cease fire and peace agreement between TSNM and NWFP government in 2008 .but truce collapsed in 2009.

The largest displacement in Pakistan in 2009 occurred in Malakand Division (Swat,Buner,Sangla,DIR) in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP).Till 30th may 2009 the register IDP.S reached 3.3 million which are living in 20 different camps in Mardan peshawar,Swabi,and Monsera.Un register IDPs which are living with their friends and families around Pakistan are un know. The price of $14 billion dollars USA help for war on terror already brink Pakistan on collapsed.

Part 2nd will be published soon about Militants groups in Pakistan and their strength.

Usman karim based in Lahore Pakistan lmno25@hotmail.com
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