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137 killed, 345 injured in Yemen bombing attacks


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Al Arabiya via Houthi sources, 137 Yemenis killed in apparently suicide attacks on two mosques. Possibly 4 bombers. Death toll is rising fast. A tragic day in Yemen, and possibly death toll still to rise. RIP.

Also news of 3 explosions at 'Kokab Zahraa' by ISIS, I don't know where this is or what it is.

3 suicide bombings target Shiite rebel mosques in Yemen - Yahoo News

Scores dead in blasts at Shiite mosques in Yemen

At least 137 people were killed in Yemen's capital Sanaa on Friday as suicide bombers targeted two mosques crowded with worshippers, the Associated Press reported, citing local medical offices and a rebel-owned TV channel.

Another 345 were wounded in the attacks, carried out by four suicide bombers at two mosques, the AP reported. Some outlets put the death toll lower.

Apparently ISIS is following all states occupied by Iran.
Recently, there was a boeing of Iranian air landed in Yemen, i wonder how many passengers it off loaded!!!!
Good bye Yemen, as you existed.
Time for Hezbollah and Mahdi Army to be deployed to Sanaa, no?

Mahdi army doesn't exist anymore. And is weak militia when it did anyways. Hezbollah isn't needed, for what would they be? These are bombings that are hard to avoid. Security measures need to be put into place. What is needed for Yemen is dialogue. Not assaisinations of families and murders.
Mahdi army doesn't exist anymore. And is weak militia when it did anyways. Hezbollah isn't needed, for what would they be? These are bombings that are hard to avoid. Security measures need to be put into place. What is needed for Yemen is dialogue. Not assaisinations of families and murders.

Oh no?

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Western media with their disgusting attitude again.

'Shiite rebels mosque'. more than 95% of the killed were ordinary civilians who were there only for Friday prayers and had nothing to do with politics, Houthis and the violence.

Those cockroaches who launch these attacks, they can't confront Houthis directly, they will kill ordinary civilians like cockroaches they are, they have always been like this during history.
Apparently ISIS is following all states occupied by Iran.
Recently, there was a boeing of Iranian air landed in Yemen, i wonder how many passengers it off loaded!!!!
Good bye Yemen, as you existed.

I don't buy ISIS responsibility. It probably was AQ. But what you stated has some truth to it. If ISIS affilated groups launch attacks, it allows Iran to intervene and project more influence on government/ruling entity of nation.

These are random volunteers posing for pictures.
Western media with their disgusting attitude again.

'Shiite rebels mosque'. more than 95% of the killed were ordinary civilians who were there only for Friday prayers and had nothing to do with politics, Houthis and the violence.

Those cockroaches who launch these attacks, they can't confront Houthis directly, they will kill ordinary civilians like cockroaches they are, they have always been like this during history.

I think they don't whether to call them Houthi's or Shite Rebels. People recognize Houthi's as being a militia group. At least people in West. When in reality it is tribe and part of Zayidiyah sect. Westerners don't know that.So if they call them Houthi, still people would be upset as they assume they're referring to miltia.
Everyone is so desensitised that it's just a statistic to them (including me). RIP to all innocents and terrorists may you burn for eternity.
Time for Hezbollah and Mahdi Army to be deployed to Sanaa, no?

Actually, that's the goal of such attack, find an excuse for Iranian/Shia intervention.

Yemen, was a peaceful country UNTIL Iran decided to turn it to sectarian war.

A decade ago, many years before Arab Spring, Iran was arming Houthis to target Yemeni Army.
Yemeni army comprise Zaidis (moderate Shias) and Sunnis
, those who were in Power were Zaidis (despite Sunnis are 60% of Yemenis) and there wasn't any sectarian conflict.

So, Iran was arming Houthis (Yemeni version of Iranian Shia mullahs) To Target/Kill Yemenis Soldiers (Zaidis/Sunnis).

Sunnis/Zaidis were living in Harmony, and despite Yazidis held power, Sunnis (60%) did not revolted, because Zaidis were not sectarian, there was only very simple political disputes as any country in the world.

NOW, Yemen will enter the civil sectarian war aka Iranian Influence.
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Actually, that's the goal of such attack, find an excuse for Iranian/Shia intervention.

Yemen, was a peaceful country UNTIL Iran decided to turn it to sectarian war.

A decade ago, many years before Arab Spring, Iran was arming Houthis to target Yemeni Army.
Yemeni army comprise Yazidis (moderate Shias) and Sunnis
, those who were in Power were Yazidis (despite Sunnis are 60% of Yemenis) and there wasn't any sectarian conflict.

So, Iran was arming Houthis (Yemeni version of Iranian Shia mullahs) To Target/Kill Yemenis Soldiers (Yazidis/Sunnis).

Sunnis/Yazidis were living in Harmony, and despite Yazidis held power, Sunnis (60%) did not revolted, because Yazidis were not sectarian, there was only very simple political disputes as any country in the world.

NOW, Yemen will enter the civil sectarian war aka Iranian Influence.

Do you believe it will become civil war? What would that mean for Iran and Saudi Arabia?
Actually, that's the goal of such attack, find an excuse for Iranian/Shia intervention.

Yemen, was a peaceful country UNTIL Iran decided to turn it to sectarian war.

A decade ago, many years before Arab Spring, Iran was arming Houthis to target Yemeni Army.
Yemeni army comprise Yazidis (moderate Shias) and Sunnis
, those who were in Power were Yazidis (despite Sunnis are 60% of Yemenis) and there wasn't any sectarian conflict.

So, Iran was arming Houthis (Yemeni version of Iranian Shia mullahs) To Target/Kill Yemenis Soldiers (Yazidis/Sunnis).

Sunnis/Yazidis were living in Harmony, and despite Yazidis held power, Sunnis (60%) did not revolted, because Yazidis were not sectarian, there was only very simple political disputes as any country in the world.

NOW, Yemen will enter the civil sectarian war aka Iranian Influence.

Zaidis are closer to Sunnis then any other shia group on the planet. Go look at their beliefs. Yazidis are a non Muslim group of Kurds and do not exist in Yemen lol, the moderate shias you speak of are probably zaidis as well.
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