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122 ‘missing persons’ traced in Balochistan in three years

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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122 ‘missing persons’ traced in Balochistan in three years
By Syed Ali Shah
Updated 22 minutes ago

QUETTA: A total of 122 ‘missing persons’ were traced and recovered in Balochistan during the last three years, an official of Home and Tribal Affairs Department said Saturday.

Requesting anonymity as he was not authorised to speak to media, the official said that the ‘missing persons’ belonged to Baloch nationalist groups. He, however, informed that according to official records, 143 cases of missing persons were still pending before the ‘missing persons’ commission and the Supreme Court.

The commission, constituted on the directives of the apex court four years ago, has so far disposed of more than 600 cases, according to an announcement made in May.

According to the official, 52 cases of missing persons were disposed off by the commission and the apex court owing to lack of evidence and necessary documents. The official claimed that nine bodies of missing persons were found in different parts of Balochistan during the last three years.

Meanwhile, the Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP) contradicted the statement of the home department, saying the number was higher than what was being claimed.

“Thousands of Baloch political workers have been missing in Balochistan,” said Nasrullah Baloch, chairman VBMP. “Some were traced on the directives of the Supreme Court,” he said.

On the other hand, the provincial government led by Chief Minister Malik Baloch has repeatedly assured the Baloch nationalists that it will bring an end to bring an end to the dumping of mutilated bodies and the issue of enforced disappearances.

The ‘missing persons’ issue has been the most talked-about since the courts had taken the matter up and had asked the law enforcers to ensure their safe recovery.
Guess what 3 CID inspectors arrested/suspended, a missing person since 1 year+ was found in their custody in torture cell, FC operation rescued him...Looks like many in Baluchistan Gov and departments are working for aghanistan/hindustan. Previously blamed on Army/FC at the most is a fat lie by Judiciary.
The fact of missing person is, most of them have joined rented terrorists groups or are kidnapped by these rented terrorists. We saw FC Balochistan saving these abducted people & showing them in press conferences in the past.

Gen. Hameed Gul in one of his interview on 'missing person' said he knew one person who was in FC Custody, had killed more than 100 people including military personals. So this Missing person scam is mostly exaggerated by rented groups & people like mama qadeer who are following & acting according to the given scripts. These situations are created in the province by the enemies of Pakistan & countless proves till date have been given to the previous & current corrupt Govt. & they have done nothing to protect Pakistan.
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