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11 CRPF men killed in Naxal attack in Sukma district

Why govt don't start military operation or use helicopters,armed drones..!Disgusting..
Epic fail.
India , Pakistan has seen 44 security forces fatalities and 153 civilian fatalities due to insurgencies this year whereas India has seen 40 security forces fatalities and 41 civilian fatalities so far this year (incl today's).
we are neighbors od afghanistan with taliban,ISIS and civil war. none of your neighbor is unstable to that extend.
It is really bad to see so much freedom movements in the worlds biggest democracy. I think these events show the true face of Indian democracy it would be a better approach to divide India into smaller countries and try a new model of democracy.
Brahmin class is what split India in 1947, and it is now back again in the form of the BJP and the Indian Union is looking a lot shakier than it did a few years ago, certainly is the case since BJP came to power. India's ethnic, religious and social fault lines will be severely tested over the next few years.
Only Maoists are active here & there but on the verge of extinction..They only attack soldiers & also Indian side fatalities are the lowest since last two-three years since independence..They are doing mass surrender,losing man force & funding..
Not more than a month 400 Maoists surrendered including two top leaders.Yesterday also two Maoists were killed.

It is really bad to see so much freedom movements in the worlds biggest democracy. I think these events show the true face of Indian democracy it would be a better approach to divide India into smaller countries and try a new model of democracy.

How come Naxalities are running freedom movement?Do you know what was the cause of Maoism in that area?
Vijaita Singh
RAIPUR: MARCH 11, 2017 12:22 IST

The attack against the central forces is one of the biggest in the past two years.
Twelve Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel were killed when they "walked into an ambush," laid by Maoists in Chattisgarh’s Sukma district on Saturday morning. Home Minister Rajnath Singh is expected to reach State capital Raipur on Saturday evening to take stock of the situation. The attack against the central forces is one of the biggest in the past two years. The National Democratic Alliance government has claimed credit for reducing Maoist related violence by about 40-50 percent.

Acting CRPF Directore General Sudeep Lakhtakia told The Hindu that the troops first came under heavy fire and when they moved to take defensive positions they tripped on IEDs, which led to serial explosions. "The entire area was rigged with mines and IEDs and when the troops took cover to retaliate against the firing done by Maoists, it started exploding.""

The incident took place around 9.15 am on Saturday when more than hundred CRPF personnel were on way to provide security to a road construction party. The encounter continued for more than an hour and no rescue operation could take place as it took time for the dust to settle down, said the official. Eleven weapons and two wireless sets were also looted by the Maoists.

“A two-kilometre road from Bheji and Kokacherru was under construction and the CRPF team had gone to provide protection to it. The area falls under Sukma district, which is the last bastion of the Maoists in south Bastar,” said Mr. Lakhtakia.

Four personnel injured
Four personnel were also injured in the attack and two of them were stated to be critical.

The Bhejji area in south Bastar region is notorious for Maoist attack and many security personnel have been killed here in the past.

The DG said that the Maoists had become desperate since last year as the CRPF had increased its presence here since last year and helped locals reopen a 'haat' (market), which had been forcibly shut by Maoists.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi took stock of the situation and spoke to the Home Minister.

The Home Minister tweeted: "Deeply pained to learn of the killing of CRPF personnel in Sukma. My heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased. The Centre is in direct communication with the State government. Those who perpetrated this incident in Sukma will be brought to justice.”

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh strongly condemned the Maoist attack and described it as a "cowardly act.""

The deceased CRPF personnel have been identified as Inspector Jagjit Singh, Assistant Sub-inspectors H B Bhatt and Narender Kumar Singh, Head Constables Jagdish Prasad Vishnoi and P.R. Minde and Constables Mangesh Pal Pandey, Rampal Singh Yadav, Goraknath, Nand Kumar Patra, Satish Kumar Verma, K. Shankar and Suresh Kumar. Constables Jaidev Parmanik and Salim are critically injured.

The CRPF is working without a regular chief for over a week now as the government has not appointed a new Director General after K. Durga Prasad retired on February 28.

In a presentation made by Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi earlier this year to Mr. Modi, it was said that the number of Maoist cadres killed in 2016 had been the highest ever in six years. Eighty four Maoist cadres were killed in 2015 and in 2016, the number swelled to 218, which was an increase of 160 %. There had also been an increase in the number of police encounters, which was 316 in 2016, compared to 237 in the same period in 2015 and the operational efficiency of central forces had increased by 45%.

Whatever. It is not our concern who they are and what they died for. Pakistanis should just say RIP and move on.
Yes you stand correct. RIP

Whatever. It is not our concern who they are and what they died for. Pakistanis should just say RIP and move on.
But again why not? Human lives matter.
They do. But since they don't matter much for their own compatriots who are we to waste our time discussing them.
Those are 12 dead humans because of Modi's atrocities on minorities.
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