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104 to get elected uncontested !


Mar 20, 2006
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104 to get elected uncontested

total of 104 candidates are on way to get elected unopposed as they have no contenders in their respective constituencies in the January 5 parliamentary election.
They are going to get elected unopposed after withdrawal of some aspirants and cancellation of some applications on different grounds, according to the Election Commission’s information.

“The returning officers of the constituencies concerned will declare them elected uncontested tomorrow,” a senior EC official told The Daily Star, on condition of anonymity.

He said the returning officers can do so even after expiry of the deadline for withdrawal of nomination papers which expired this afternoon.

The EC Secretariat will publish their results in official gazette notification after completion of the polls on January 5.

Almost all the uncontested candidates are from ruling Awami League, according to the list prepared by the EC Secretariat.

Those who are going to get elected uncontested include Syeda Sajeda Chowdhury, AMA Muhith, Amir Hossain Amu, Tofail Ahmed, Syed Ashraful Islam, Obaidul Quader and Muhiuddin Khan Alamgir.

104 to get elected uncontested

how can somebody win an election uncontested !
It took me few minutes to figure out this thread is about Bangladeshi Election. It would have made sense to put that important piece of information in the Title.
Looks to be a joke of an elections. Here in Pakistani parliamentary elections not even a single national assembly seat out of the 272 seats goes uncontested. BD is going towards more chaos.
Indian proxy war over Bangladesh sovereign right is failing left and right.
151 now. :lol:

গণতন্ত্রের ট্র্যাজিডি : ভোট ছাড়াই ১৫১ এমপি : এক দল এক মার্কার নির্বাচনে গণতন্ত্রের অন্তিম যাত্রা : তামাশার ‘রকীব মার্কা’ নির্বাচনে দেশের অর্ধেক এলাকায় ভোট হবে না : নির্বাচনী বিধিবিধান পদদলিত করে ম্যাজিকের মতো বাড়ছে একক প্রার্থী : আ.লীগ ১২৭, জাপা ১৮, জাসদ ৩, ওয়ার্কার্স পার্টি ২ ও জেপি ১ : পাতানো খেলায় অংশ নেয়ার মতো খেলোয়াড়ও পাওয়া যাচ্ছে না

AL closer to majority before voting

BTW this is what hasina has to say abt this free, fair and credible selection process:

দশম জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচনে একশ’র বেশি আসনে বিভিন্ন দলের একক প্রার্থীর বিষয়ে শেখ হাসিনা বলেন, সর্বদলীয় সরকারে অংশ নেয়া বিভিন্ন দলগুলোর সঙ্গে সমঝোতার ভিত্তিতেই এটা হয়েছে। বিএনপি সর্বদলীয় সরকারে এলে তাদের সঙ্গেও এমন সমঝোতা করতাম। বিএনপি নেত্রীকে আমি ডেকেছিলাম সমঝোতার জন্য। তিনি সাড়া দেননি
আর সহ্য করব না আরও কঠোর হব : খুন খারাবির জবাব কীভাবে দিতে হয় জানা আছে - শেখ হাসিনা

The Indian policymakers who are backing & advising this women should commit suicide . :suicide:
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I feel that if Jammat gets stopped someday, BNP wont be able to manage any force/protest on BAL, and common people wont dare to express their vox, media will be fabricating stories and level the oppositions as terrorists and obsess the society in the spirit of 71 and then BAL will be enjoying its reign forever/

Really some mistakes cost extremely, the mistake that people voted BAL being trapped in their harmful sentiment.
I really thought you guys are my friend s:(
I could have easily obtain a nomination from any jack shit party.
By now I would have been elected/selected as a MP.:p:
You guys missed you chance.
I would have made a law to give,food grain,rice,relief money,tender, toll,LGED contract,world bank donation, etc,etc,etc,to all my PDF brothers8-)
104 to get elected uncontested !

Such things happen in BD only, because it was liberated by BAL.
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হুদার কার্টুন
India is more than ready to welcome the great lady Ms. Sheikh Hasina Wajid to power again........

She is the only DECISIVE leader in Eastern part of South Asia
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