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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Poor South Indians, being forced to fight by their northern brahmin overlords and being butchered in the process. Seems like North Indian brahmins love using Sikhs, Gurkas, and South Indians as cannon fodders...

He is not from Tamil Nadu or South

I don't think Modi's political career can survive a slaughter of more than 50 IA to China in a single day if number goes up

Indians can't blame Pakistan this time so Modi will take a lot more heat for this than Pulwama
You're wrong!!! Modi will now get even more votes!! For the loss of Modi means the loss of the Hindus and the victory of the Muslims...

Here, it's always been a "zero-sum" game...
When the Indian TV has to bring a friggin Tibetan loser on the show their narrative aint holding up
And especially this Arnab Gowswami has no respect for any guests. He's Behaving very childish on TV by using inflammatory and degoratory remarks on National TV. Very unprofessional if I should say.
As expected, leaks now placing Indian casualties at 20 soldiers. And quickly govt's spin machine is giving out a Chinese casualty count of 43.

The cynical political calculation clearly is: If we can claim we killed 43 Chinese, killing of 20 Indian soldiers will matter far less
When the Indian TV has to bring a friggin Tibetan loser on the show their narrative aint holding up

Old strategy by their media. They brought disgruntled Balochs the same way in talk shows with Pakistan.

Everything is possible if you throw enough money at it.
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