Its best to ignore most posters here spewing their "all is well" "all will be rosy" (when they are not deliberately
lieing in first place about US tariffs in first place regd them vs India) and read the analysis for yourself from people actually in the industry:
As I write this now, there is a very real and serious threat that those 43 years will be wiped out in just three short months. That is the scale of the challenge we are facing. It is without precedent in all our lifetimes.
Against the backdrop of the Covid-19 outbreak, orders are being placed on hold by buyers and retailers at a rate that we have never before witnessed. Business for the Bangladesh apparel industry has fallen off a cliff. Without orders, factories cannot pay their workers' wages. Factories cannot remain operational. Factories will go bust.
Mostafiz Uddin is the Managing Director of Denim Expert Limited. He is also the Founder and CEO of Bangladesh Denim Expo and Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE). He can be reached at
Many morons here think it can just be switched on and off and on again (that too with some interim measly support of 600 mil from their govt).....when the whole thing relies on 15% tariff freebie from west (imposed on China, India and other non-LDC developing countries compared to 0 on them) in first place.
The 40 billion dollars BD govt wiped out from their market cap last year by total inaction and incompetence (that is never reported by BD media because it would expose too many in the BAL dynasty and biz connections) is really going to cost them dearly.
Then others think "forex reserves" (which have stagnated too for disturbing reasons) are to be used for this kind of thing...again they understand zilch about the mechanics of that.
Which is frankly stupid of them, given their anemic tax collection (another indication of their largely
inflated GDP)...given their own logic would (one would think) be why not use forex reserves to help with that years ago?
Just let this year play out reality wise. Lessons need to be learned by all, some way more than others.